Good talent for all levels is hard to come by and recruiters are on the receiving end of this. In order to get those hard to find candidates, recruiters rely on campus recruiting when all other strategies have been tried to no avail. If you wish to expand your company’s employee base with qualified individuals, campus recruitment is a good strategy to fall back on.
So when it comes to Campus Recruitment there are certain things that you need to keep in mind, hence, here are 7 Tips for Campus Recruiting that you need to follow to obtain maximum results and in the process build important relations.
Start small to build wins
If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to begin small. Put simply, you can begin by hiring a few qualified individuals and then grow from there. If your initial hires have a good success ratio, there is no going back from there you are only going to move forward. You can even turn your initial interns in to full-fledged employees if they know that if any vacancy crops up, they can be selected provided they have the skillsets necessary for the job. Once your organisation has a name you can then recruit on a bigger scale and build your relationship with a college.
Get Executive Support
For your efforts to yield results, having an executive support is essential. If you have an executive on board participating, it has a positive effect on potential recruits. This also assists ones recruiting process as it multiplies the number of candidates showing up for interviews.
Introduction to the organisation
When introducing your company make it as brief as possible by focusing on the company’s reputation, culture and by addressing the important question, i.e. why should they work for you and how are you different from any other organisation that has come before you. Most importantly you need to state at the very beginning that only those individual who meet the criteria will be selected. More emphases should be given on the vacancies available by giving details about it; like the number of vacancies, the type, the duration and if possible mention if it is a paid or unpaid internship (optional) so neither party’s time is wasted. This is a put offer for both parties in question.
Brief the applicants
During the introduction session ensure that you tell the applicants about the mistakes they should avoid during the interview and what you look for in an interview. This eases the nervousness they are sure to experience as this is probably their first ever interview. This even builds their confidence level as they have some idea of what will take place in an interview session and gives them a chance to impress you efficiently.
Invest in to the relationship
When you select a candidate as you re intern it goes a long way if you improve the relationship. Besides the main goal of an internship program is to affect a student’s life by enriching their professional experience and help them develop their skillsets while keeping the business progress in mind.
Organisation branding
If you are successful you will land up with an exceptional candidate who can be turned into a full time employee. This particular recruit can be the face for your next campus recruiting session who just happens to be an ex-alumnus. Students will definitely respond to a familiar face if in fact he / she were a previous recruit and an ex-student.
Get more Applicants
It is common knowledge that to get more respondents, it is preferable to have a paid internship program as this serves as an incentive to the student to excel in whatever task is given to them. It motivates them to work thus you get a clear idea of whether they were the right person for the job and judge their potential to grow and improve.
If you do all of this effectively you are sure to recruit the best candidates from the pool of applicants that you interviewed. This individual therefore becomes an asset to you organisations for all the reasons mentioned earlier. So now that you know this, you can proceed with your campus recruiting session to recruit that hard to find candidate, that is often lost to us and that too with ease.