WhatsApp Group Chat Best Unique HR Pr...
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WhatsApp Group Chat Best Unique HR Practices for Employee Benefit or Engagement in IT Sector

We’ve spoken a lot about trending‚ HR practices for Employee benefit or Engagement in general and haven’t limited our thinking to any specific field. Therefore, in an attempt to get a better understanding as to the possible solutions for Employees we’ve conducted our popular WhatsApp discussions in relation to the IT sector.

Thus upon the request of our Gujarat group member Kirti the discussion was on, Best unique HR practices for employee benefit or engagement or working for start ups and especially for IT sector and well be highlighting the key take away pointers right after we disclose the discussion shortly hence be sure to review them so here’s what we’ve discusses

The above informative and insightful conversation ends with a lot of points to take back and review. So if youe wondering what these interesting titbits of information is then youre in the right place as well be highlighting them below. So lets check what weve taken back by cross-checking them with the ones mentioned below

Possible Solutions

Positive Aspects

  • Have Career Counsellors assigned to employees who are not from the same team / managerial level enables one to plan, track the progress and map the Career interests in the job.
  • Create a system that embraces all the complex process a candidate goes through when deciding whether to apply to the vacancy.
  • The system created should simultaneously map out the commonly used methods that Talents use to satisfy their curiosity which helps them make an informed decision about your company.
  • Consider the factors involved such as the workload of technical people within the IT sector and the start-up financial limitations when engaging Candidates.
  • The IT sector is a booming industry with many new companies cropping up; giving Employees more options to choose from and find out whether a start-up is a good option which decreases the number of takers hence engagement is very important.
  • As an HR working for a start-up IT company; a major part of the employees have out stationed Candidates i.e. region or states hence Recruiters can help them in areas like accommodation, food and some level of communication which benefit a potential Employee are good practices to follow.
  • You can set aside a day that mainly focusses on Employee engagement such as hold meetings on a Saturday and let Employees discuss how they find the company culture and work given can be another good practice to follow.
  • The above-mentioned practices that were decided on and implemented have been found to be successful in leading companies in India hence they are good practices to follow.
  • Rewarding them with 2 leaves in addition to their leave balance on completion of one year with the organization can be an incentive to retain Talent.
  • Organizing regular meetings or once in 3 months with Talent without the involvement of managers or management people helps to understand their grievance or issues which can be related to managers or HR,  IT, Finance, Admin, etc. can be a good incentive to retain Talent since it shows that you care.
  • Even sending e-mails to the respect of the function to resolve any issues Talent face well before the next meeting and keeping a close check on the completion of tasks can also help engage Talent and retain them.

Negative Aspects

  • Work culture can engage present employees but theres a harsh reality that it may rarely work on any interviewee.

Current Scenario Challenges

  • In the present competitive world, companies face a lot of skill shortage, talent crunch, and attrition that have reached historical heights which makes companies realize that the existing internal customer base is equally important as with external customers.
  • Given the competitive scenario, companies are required to devise innovative HR practices to attract the best talent.
  • It has been found that convergence of practices of different companies in different HR areas, where other companies have applied such practices that are beneficial to the company requires them to become more competitive in the global market.
  • Engaging employees whether Junior or Middle level is of utmost importance as they are usually the ones that work a lot.

    Well, this brings an end to another insightful session and wee sure that you have found something worth your while. And youre probably wondering how you can contribute to these discussions so here’s what you can do¦

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