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Hike Group Chat – Is Weightage given to Education or Relevant Skill Sets when hiring?

There has been a long standing debate concerning the weightage given to education or relevant skill sets when hiring. In an attempt to come to some kind of conclusion Sourcing Adda decided to conduct the Wednesday’s discussion on, “Education OR Relevant Skill Sets, which one to be given more weight age while hiring a candidate & which one will benefit more?” at the Hike Group Chat member’s request Ankush from West.

And here’s what we discovered…blog

Looks like we had a lot of inputs this time and from this interaction we can conclude that while Education holds more weightage in comparison to Relevant Skill Sets yet to individuals displaying a passion and experience into the chosen profession the opportunities are unlimited. These Candidates too can gain entry into their field of choice.

It’s great to know that job opportunities aren’t as limited as one would hope without the required education. This only goes to show that one can move into any profession of choice and expect opportunities to help them move ahead in the Career Ladder. To attend more such discussions follow @SourcingAdda.