WhatsApp Group Chat Various Talent Ac...
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WhatsApp Group Chat Various Talent Acquisition Sourcing Models used in India

The Talent Acquisition field is continuously evolving and Talent Acquisitionist’s like yourselves are expected to remain updated with the changing trends. Staying updated is not an easy task but a vital one. To be updated there are several platforms like social channels, online forums or everyone’s favourite WhatApp.

With that being said, we @SourcingAdda are constantly striving to bring you updates on the profession we’re all passionate about. And thanks to our members especially one of our Pune group member’s Meetu who suggested we discuss on, What are the various Recruitment or Talent Acquisition Sourcing Models that are prevalent or widely used in India? And we’re sure you’d like to find out what we uncovered. Therefore we’re disclosing the chat for your reference so let’s begin


Having gone through the discussion you’d have found it informative especially since the topic was an interesting one. From the discussion we can conclude that Social Media has increased the chances to capture talented folk’s even passive ones. It has simultaneously opened new avenues while fostering creativity to Source Talent other than active ones and with a cost effective advantage.

If implemented well you’ll definitely find all types of candidate that can meet your requirements on Social channels easily. Else you can always go back to traditional methods to recruit talent that isn’t readily available online. And let’s not forget our all – time favourite referral programs. It’s common knowledge that the recruitment models used depend on case to case basis and as per an organisation’s requirements. And having found the inputs shared relevant you’d like to know more about the various types of Psychometric Tests used in HR.

Knowing all of this we’re sure you’d like to play a more active role when learning is involved. If so then you’re probably wondering what you can do to become an active learner therefore here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps i.e. namely

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