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WhatsApp Group Chat – Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI

WhatsApp Group Chat - Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI

In today’s data drive world analytics is soon becoming the trend in most organisations; in particular HR Analytics, as it helps achieve company goals and ambitions. Additionally more and more firms are also inculcating People Analytics to predict the company’s future goals and success. Apart from this many organisations are using these analytics to influence their decisions about recruiting, retaining and compensating employees. Firms are also realising that HR and People Analytics both can improve functions and business processes as a whole.

All the aspects mentioned above can contribute to running a successful business which is not an easy task. Also, to assist in the organisations future growth conducting certain organisational developments such as organisation trainings that can elevate the current employee skills will improve their overall performance is the key to achieving a company’s goals. Nevertheless is it absolutely necessary for employees to have such trainings and will it help them avoid any challenges? Is a thought provoking query; for the impact it may have on aspects like driving business values, employee performance, ROI and the future?

In order to understand this we @Sourcingadda conducted a discussion on, Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI upon the request of one of our Mumbai group members Rajaram and we received a good amount of responses to the same. I bet you are wondering what they are so then let’s remove the suspense and get straight to it by sharing them below:

The conversation above has sure cleared a few things for us and as our fellow Talent Acquisitionists have so rightly pointed out that such analytics can transform an organisation, drive business values, simultaneously enhance employee performance and improve its overall growth. They have also mentioned that you also require a training need analysis to make that transition a success. Also, the Training and Business team needs to work in sync with each other to address the employees requirement in order to achieve growth driven success.

More importantly, the trainings implementation needs to be smooth to achieve the objective seamlessly. Hence formulating an effective plan is of utmost importance to meet the objectives laid out. Thus far the answer to the question of whether the training can assist employees to avoid challenges is completely an incorrect but rather focusses on equipping them to face challenges head on and thus drive firm success.

The thoughts shared are definitely insightful as we are shown how it will play out giving us a clear and reliable perspective to follow through with and thus help us improve the quality of the profiles we hire. For those of us who have been constantly searching for answers to these problematic questions are all answered through such discussion. And the discussions sure make things absolutely clear to us as it gives us something concrete to work with and see its impact. So we can then analysis and form more effective plans that help us get closer to our organisational goals using the ways to tap passive candidates to accomplish more than we’d hope to achieve as a unit that thrives to grow.

If you’ve found these perspectives informative and handy to implement in your particular organisation and has helped you grow and improve your ROI then we would like you to leave your views in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately.

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