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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Ways to Tap Passive Candidates

Taping desired talent with the credentials that you require to fill a vacancy at your organization can be difficult to do but possible even if they are passive candidates. The frequency with which Social channels are utilized to tap talent has increased considerably due to obvious reasons. When one is sourcing for candidates online it is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Nonetheless, the real question is how to capture passive candidates that are not actively seeking a job change, especially on Social Media.

If you exhausted all your resources to tap talented folk then utilizing Social channels is a good option. And if you wondering how you can tap such talent then we @SourcingAdda can be of assistance as our popular Wednesday discussion addressed the very question you had that lead you to this post. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group members Varun who suggested we discuss on, Ways to Tap Passive Candidates we are able to assist you adequately. Therefore let find out what was disclosed and add to our learning as well so let begin…

Tapping Passive talent online using digital channels isn’t an easy process as highlighted in the conversation above but with the patience and perseverance even capturing online talent can be mastered. Some of the things that you can do to be successful tap into your network on social channels, wait for an opportunity to present itself and then be sure to use it well. Don underestimate the simple communication processes we use on a daily basis and use age-old techniques to build a rapport and ease the task of onboarding passive talent. Utilize resources that are at your disposal to build pipelines of qualified talent such as LinkedIn; a professional platform. Interact and build relations on such platforms. Sometimes the simple resources or mediums can become a gold mine for Talent Acquisition only if you thought to use it and went about it in a creative manner.


The insights shared have lots of useful tactics that you can utilize to capture the talent you desire so be sure to use it now that you learned about it through the discussion. We certain that you like to know more about the techniques used to reduce no show of candidates since the discussion was very helpful. And if you like to know how you can contribute more, then here what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

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Recruiting ADDA
WhatApp Group Chat Ways to create Boolean Searches to improve the Quality of profiles

Talent Acquisitionist are constantly searching for the desired talent and are looking for ways to capture such talent. Recruiters when Sourcing for Top Talent need to make tweaks to the search strings created to improve the quality of profile results. But what tweaks need to be done to get the desired results; that the question?
The Discussion conducted by @Sourcingadda on the WhatsApp groups addressed this very query. And we sure you just as curious as one of our Bangalore group member Hillole who suggested we have a discussion on, Ways to create Boolean searches to improve the quality of profiles And here what we uncovered thanks to the insights shared by our members so let find out…

The discussion attached above shade some light on the different variations that one can use when creating search strings to get the desired results. Souring for talented candidates isn easy and to catch them you need to be very creative when using keywords in a search string. You have to keep modifying your search strings and the keywords used to get the desired results. We hope the inputs shared can help you further in modifying your searches to enable you to catch those purple squirrels you need for your organizations.

If you found these insights interesting then you like to know more about the Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR which is quite handy. And now that you read this far and have added to your learning then we sure you like to know how you can be an active contributor and learner then here what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatApp Group Chat Ways to create Boolean Searches to improve the Quality of profiles

Boolean Searche.jpgTalent Acquisitionist are constantly searching for the desired talent and are looking for ways to capture such talent. Recruiters when Sourcing for Top Talent need to make tweaks to the search strings created to improve the quality of profile results. But what tweaks need to be done to get the desired results; that the question?

The Discussion conducted by @Sourcingadda on the WhatsApp groups addressed this very query. And we sure you just as curious as one of our Bangalore group member Hillole who suggested we have a discussion on, Ways to create Boolean searches to improve the quality of profiles And here what we uncovered thanks to the insights shared by our members so let find out….



The discussion attached above shade some light on the different variations that one can use when creating search stings to get the desired results. Souring for talented candidates isn easy and to catch them you need to be very creative when using key words in a search string. You have to keep modifying your search strings and the key words used to get the desired results. We hope the inputs shared can help you further in modifying your searches to enable you to catch those purple squirrels you need for your organisations.

If you found these insights interesting then you like to know more about the Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR which is quite handy. And now that you read this far and have added to your learning then we sure you like to know how you can be an active contributor and learner then here what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Techniques used in the Retention of key performers

Most businesses are well aware of the fact that retaining key performers is no longer a matter of their least concern if anything its absolutely essential to the company growth especially since such talent is not easy to come by. Moreover, the success and longevity of a business in today competitive business environment depend on employee retention. It begins and ends with the retention of not just employees, but key performers as well. Given that high replacements; costs a company one-fifth of that worker salary.

We @SourcingAdda realize the implications of losing key performers and their impact on organizational growth and success. And have therefore created a discussion platform that addresses the common challenges today’s HR fraternity faces so as to arrive at possible solutions to overcome them. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group memberChampa who suggested we discuss on, Retention of key performers; an important metric for HR in each of the company today and the different techniques used in retaining high performers?  We have disclosed the insights shared for your review in an attempt to provide assistance in the area of concern here under…

The conversation above certainly has a lot of interesting insights to offer on the challenge of retaining high performers which if implemented appropriately can be very effective in overcoming this challenge. Such as having an open-door policy, 360-degree feedback, regular appraisal cycle or maintaining a list of key performers to whom you can present awards is a good tactic to facilitate key performer’s retention. Most of the time, such individuals usually leave due to the company culture so ensuring that your culture is in keeping with a key performer’s expectations is essential. Sometimes even if the culture is good but the growth opportunities are limited is another reason why your high performers leave your organization. In such a scenario, creating new growth opportunities that are different from the ones they are already apart of can enable the retention of high performers as it gives them something new to add to their learning.

The aspects mentioned above have proven instrumental in the retention of not only employees but also in the retention of key performers in some organizations. Therefore inculcating these techniques in your organizations’ employee retention plan can be very effective to you too. Moreover, you should know that key performers retention is just one of the many challenges we addressed in our regular discussions so you might also find Positions in demand within the IT sector & the challenges with finding skilled Talent an interesting read with tips you can be sure to incorporation in your organization recruiting plans. If your interest lies more towards first – hand information about the trending topics then here what you can do in 2 simple steps; namely,

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Techniques used in the Retention of key performers

Most businesses are well aware of the fact that retaining key performers is no longer a matter of their least concern if anything its absolutely essential to the company growth especially since such talent is not easy to come by. Moreover, the success and longevity of a business in today competitive business environment depends on employee retention. It begins and ends with the retention of not just employees, but key performers as well. Given that high replacements; costs a company one-fifth of that worker salary.

We @SourcingAdda realise the implications of losing key performers and their impact on organisational growth and success. And have therefore created a discussion platform that addresses the common challenges todays HR fraternity faces so as to arrive at possible solutions to overcome them. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group member Champa who suggested we discuss on,Retention of key performers; an important metric for HR in each of the company today and the different techniques used in retaining high performers? We have disclosed the insights shared for your review in an attempt to provide assistance in the area of concern here under…

The conversation above certainly has a lot of interesting insights to offer on the challenge of retaining high performers which if implemented appropriately can be very effective in overcoming this challenge. Such as having an open door policy, a 360 degree feedback, regular appraisal cycle or maintaining a list of key performers to whom you can present awards is a good tactic to facilitate key performers retention. Most of the time, such individuals usually leave due to the company culture so ensuring that your culture is in keeping with a key performers expectations is essential. Sometimes even if the culture is good but the growth opportunities are limited is another reason why your high performers leave your organisation. In such a scenario, creating new growth opportunities that are different from the ones they are already apart of can enable the retention of high performers as it gives them something new to add to their learning.

The aspects mentioned above have proven instrumental in the retention of not only employees but also in the retention of key performers in some organisations. Therefore inculcating these techniques in your organisations employee retention plan can be very effective to you too. Moreover, you should know that key performers retention is just one of the many challenges we addressed in our regular discussions so you might also find Positions in demand within the IT sector & the challenges with finding skilled Talent an interesting read  with tips you can be sure to incorporation in your organisation recruiting plans. If your interest lies more towards first – hand information about the trending topics then here what you can do in 2 simple steps; namely,

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.