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WhatsApp Group Chat – Best Industry Monitory or Non Monitory Reward Practices to Retain Millennials

SAGiven that the Millennials form the largest generation of the work force retaining them is that much more difficult especially since multiple reports show that they are switching jobs more often than the previous generations. According to Gallup, 60% of Millennials are open to new job opportunities right now. On an average these individuals will have 4 different jobs before the age of 32 and as many as 20 within a lifetime. Therefore, formulating a retention strategy is essential to any organisations growth.

Where Millennials retention is considered it is important to find out the reasons behind why they are job hopping and what is it they want. Many surveys have cited reasons like lack of engagement at work, the recession or simply that switching jobs is a faster way to climb the ranks and get a pay raise. Other reasons for job hopping is that according to a FlexJobs Survey 84% of Millennials cited work-life balance as the primary factor and 82% of them cited work flexibility as a secondary factor when they consider a job. Additionally, 50% of Millennials say they are willing to take a pay cut to find work that matches their values while 94% want to use their skills for good and seven-in-ten say this is very important to them and 31% percent say it is essential The aspects mentioned above brings us one step closer to finding out what they actually want.

Luckily, we @SourcingAdda have anticipated this development and thus addressed the concern of Talent Acquisitionist. And thanks to Ramya one of our Bangalore group member’s suggestion to discuss on, Best industry practices in the types of rewards (monetary, non – monetary) that an organisation should have to retain Millennial we are able to be of some assistance by providing a more practical approach with the discussion responses below for your review….



Based on the statistical data and the practical solutions mentioned it is safe to say that you are dealing with individuals that value working for a cause or appreciation. Some other alternative or proven rewards are the monitory incentive schemes, or vouchers or gadgets like speakers, mobile accessories, storage devices, etc. while the non monitory rewards like work-life balance or flexible work hours have proven to be very effective and are supported by the stats mentioned earlier. Well there you have at least some ideas as to how you can prevent Millennials from Job Hopping thus having a better chance at retaining them.

Moreover knowing how to formulate Strategies in Recruitment Marketing can help speed up the process of Talent Sourcing as well and if you are interested in contributing to these discussions. Then there are 2 simple things that you can do right now, i.e.

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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Positions in demand within the IT sector & the challenges with finding skilled Talent

The Talent Acquisition profession like any other also has its ups and downs especially when sourcing for specific types of Talent. Particularly sourcing for talent pertaining to the IT Sector it’s, of course, a challenge for most Talent Acquisitionist’s difficult probably because the demand for such talent outweighs the supply to a great extent hence it poses a challenge and one that cannot be resolved easily.

Having said that, thanks to one of our Bangalore group member’s Champa who suggested we discuss on, Positions in demand in the IT sector and the challenges with finding skilled IT Talent @sourcingadda were able to through some light on so let’s find out more about it below

As per the discussion above there seems to be a high demand in roles related to full-stack developers, UI UX designers, Data Anononmization (Data Lake), big data resources with Kafka, python devs, dev ops, agile coach, AI, Information Security and Risk Compliance and finding talent skilled in these areas seems to be scarce hence it may still remain a challenge.

Nevertheless, we are certain that the insights shared have clarified any queries related to the IT spectrum right from the positions in demand coming down to the challenges that one might encounter when recruiting IT nerds or similar requirements. Although there is a vast database of such talent available online capturing the ones that meet the requirement may still be difficult due to reasons like limited talent availability, offer dropouts, cultural fitment factors, meeting compensations and beating competitors. If you’ve found the information shared relevant than you might like Remote Working Policies or Assignments in Organisations interesting. We’re certain that you’d like to know how else you can contribute then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Positions in demand within the IT sector & the challenges with finding skilled Talent

The Talent Acquisition profession like any other also has its ups and downs especially when sourcing for specific types of Talent. Particularly sourcing for talent pertaining to the IT Sector it’s of course a challenge for most Talent Acquisitionist’s. It’s difficult probably because the demand for such talent outweighs the supply to a great extent hence it poses a challenge and one that cannot be resolved easily.

Having said that, thanks to one of our Bangalore group member’s Champa who suggested we discuss on, Positions in demand in the IT sector and the challenges with finding skilled IT Talent we @sourcingadda were able to through some light on so let’s find out more about it below…

As per the discussion above there seems to be a high demand in roles related to fullstack developers, UI UX designers, Data Anononmization (Data Lake), big data resources with kalfka, python devs, dev ops, agile coach, AI, Information Security and Risk compliance and finding talent skilled in these areas seems to be scarce hence it may still remain a challenge.

Nevertheless, we are certain that the insights shared have clarified any queries related to the IT spectrum right from the positions in demand coming down to the challenges that one might encounter when recruiting IT nerds or similar requirements. Although there is a vast database of such talent available online capturing the ones that meet the requirement may still be difficult due to reasons like limited talent availability, offer dropouts, cultural fitment factors, meeting compensations and beating competitors. If you’ve found the information shared relevant than you might like Remote Working Policies or Assignments in Organisations interesting. We’¢re certain that you’d like to know how else you can contribute then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Best Practices in Candidate Compensation

There has been a long-standing debate about the Best Practices in Candidate Compensation amongst Talent Acquisitionists and Employers alike. Whether to compensate them based on their experience or to adopt the market standards instead; has always been the dilemma. In an attempt to try to resolve this dilemma we @SourcingAdda conduct discussions to shed some light on such topics.

The WhatsApp forum is the perfect platform to resolve queries and to remain updated with the current practices followed by other organizations. The chats ensure the members stay abreast about the evolving trends as the inputs shared are from experienced Talent Magnets within the industry. We are able to do this thanks to our members especially Soumya from the Bangalore group who suggested we have a discussion on, What do you think is the best way to compensate a candidate, by their experience or to go by the market standards? We’re certain you’d like to sneak in any useful insights you can have access to hence for your review we’re disclosing the entire chat so you can ponder on with all the information shared. Therefore be sure to share your inputs in the comments section as we’d like to get more perspectives in the meantime to let’s begin…

There you go you’ve got the entire chat for your reference to review and swift through the information shared to retain what you’d need. Now that you’ve gone through the information shared you can then make an informed decision as to the basis of how a Candidate’s compensation can be done. Once you have all the information you can then form a compensation band that works for your organization.

If you’ve found this information insightful then we’re sure you’d be interested in Safe Guarding Current & Future Business Prospects as Consultants. Moreover, if you’d like to be an active learner and participate in the discussions then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps,

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events such as the Talent Acquisition Summit
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – How to Motivate the Interview Panel and Improve their Effectiveness

Interviewing potential candidates can end up being a nightmare interview experience for the Candidate and even more so in the Interview Panel round when the members are not motivated enough. As Talent Acquisitionists you are all too familiar with nightmare interview stories being on the receiving end at some point in time. And so you can relate to it having had the first-hand experience when the panel members are not motivated thus hampering their effectiveness. Therefore it really comes down to answering the question How to motivate the interview panel and improve their effectiveness in the hiring journey?

Given this scenario, it is essential that we @SourcingAdda try to shed some light on the topic. And thanks to one of our Mumbai group member’s Dinesh who suggested we discuss on, How to motivate the interview panel and improve their effectiveness in the hiring journey? we are able to get some answers which we have highlighted for your review below

The conversation above had some great insights to add like training the panel for effective interviewing and to make good hiring decisions, ensuring that you have experienced panel members is also important. In the event of not enough experienced members then conducting shadow recruiting programs, you can also ensure that the panel is made comfortable and interviews are conducted in their convenience while making sure the tools utilized for conducting interviews via phone screens are working effectively. These are some of the great ways to not only motivate panel members but also help them make good hiring decisions.

If you’ve found the insights shared informative and helpful then you also like to find out more about the New Strategies in Social Media Recruitment or you’d like to know how you too can contribute to these discussions then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

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