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Whats App Group Chat Art of Persuasion in Sourcing & Recruitment
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Whats App Group Chat – Art of Persuasion in Sourcing & Recruitment

It’s common knowledge to anyone into recruitment for a long time to know that recruitment is like sales. There have been discussions around the same that lead to similar conclusions. Having said that, have you wondered why so much emphasis is given to the Art of Persuasion? If so, did you get a satisfactory answer from your findings? Failing that, you can look to us as an alternative to get an answer that is more acceptable and down to earth.

As we at Sourcing ADDA a recruitment community took the liberty to full fill this curiosity ourselves thanks to Archana one of our Mumbai group member’s suggestions for our on demand discussion Wednesday activity. We conduct such discussions to explore with happens at the ground level and avoid any misconceptions from spiralling out of control on topics most talked about. Our discussion evaluated the Art of Persuasion based on the article on The Art of Persuasion in Sourcing & Recruitment which you can view here: to get a better perspective and decide for yourself. Also, mentioned below is what we discovered

Whats App Group Chat – Art of Persuasion in Sourcing & Recruitment

Based on the thoughts expressed above we can safely conclude that just like everything has its pros and cons the same applies even to the concept of persuasion. And since recruitment is like sales it is essential for you to develop the soft skills required to bag that perfect hire for your organisation. Hence, persuasion is not just a skill to hone but also an art as it needs one to be extremely creative. If one is to ensure that the desired hire is on boarded; your organisation needs to provide such talent with offers that are more appealing to them, to resist declining your offer. Such a type of offer requires out of the box thinking not commonly found amongst the recruitment fraternity and is dominated by creativity. Coming up with an irresistible offer; especially one that makes it extremely difficult for talented folks to reject, is just as difficult but doable nevertheless. Therefore go ahead and bounce of ideas with your fellow colleagues to finalise on an irresistible offer. Make sure it is one that is essential to your potential hires requirements to make the on boarding process sail smoothly. And thus boost your organisations overall growth.

Also, as a close knit community we can be of assistance once you’ve joined us as the information shared within the groups can help scale your hiring needs and build pipelines of referral talent. To effectively leverage this amazing opportunity as a part of our community you need to be an active participant rather than a by stander. To reap the benefits you need to be more involved in our regular activities. Also be sure to follow us @Sourcingadda to get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. As a loyal follower you would know that we always look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so make sure you leave us yours. To become a part of our growing online community and remain tuned in, to the latest happenings in the recruitment fraternity be proactive and register yourselves immediately!

Recruiting ADDA
How to Recruit with Facebook Groups?
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How to Recruit with Facebook Groups

A Recruiter’s tasks are cumbersome especially when trying to fill vacancies that keep cropping up at the firm you work for. You’ve probably realised by now how effective is social media for filling vacant positions at your firm. You’re even using Social Medias like Facebook to fulfil your hiring needs. But how much do you know about Facebook Groups? And has this question crossed your mind as yet, How to Recruit with Facebook Groups?

Well if it hasn’t than that’s great too as you can then improve the knowledge that you have about Facebook and its features. If your one of those few people thinking out of the box and haven’t yet got any answers then you are heading in the right direction. That means that you are one step ahead of some. So here’s how you can use Facebook Groups to meet your recruiting needs.

Form or Join Groups

There is a reason why I’ve brought this point up first, because the effectiveness lies in such groups. It’s common knowledge to form groups we do it when we complete our profile. So there are a few things that you should bear in mind where joining and creating groups is in question

  • Join Groups that are of interest to you
  • Such groups usually have individuals with similar interests
  • Form Groups based on your interests
  • Join or form groups based on what your firm is involved in
  • Company groups usually attract other firms hence you are likely to get influential people

This will help you to build you’re brand and form important connections and build your connections as well.

Create Activity

If you thought just joining or forming groups does the job think again, you also need to post and create an activity too. When we talk about creating activity we mean you need to post. You can either start by posting, if you’re new to this, else respond to other people’s posts instead.  There are a few things to remember concerning the activity you create

  • You can post images in any of the groups but add links and ask questions to get the audience engaged
  • Similarly you can also post job specs in these groups and ask questions based on the job specs like, Do you know anyone who is looking for such a position, having the desired skills?
  • Apart from asking questions based on the image or the blogs if posted you can even add a poll to get the members to respond
  • You can also post blogs if you’d like or written but here to ensure that you add links and questions
  • Participate in forums across all the groups to get noticed
  • Respond in a timely manner to comments posted by you or by others in the same or different groups

Posting job specs will get the ball rolling on your recruitment needs, as many individuals will have a better idea as to what kind of skills are expected as they too might have information about the job specs or might even have a friend or who knows someone looking for a job change.

Build Connections

Well forming and joining groups can be very effective in building new and fresh connections as you move forward in your career. Apart from connecting with long lost friends or far away relatives you can also build a solid connection base that you can always fall back on when you run out of candidates for a particular post. Here are some pointers to achieve success –

  • Invite like – minded individuals or ones with similar interests as you
  • Invite companies that have similar products as you so you know who your competitors in a company group are
  • Always respond to posts across all groups in a timely manner that will help build and receive more connections
  • When not recruiting remain active in all your groups as far as possible

So there you have it, you have all the information you’ve been looking for. I hope this information was as helpful to you as it was for me. If you have any inputs or questions do let us know so that we can add them in our next post in the comments section.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Impact of Job Rotation on Employees: Need, Versatility and Monopoly
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WhatsApp Group Chat – Impact of Job Rotation on Employees: Need, Versatility and Monopoly

Many organisations realise the various benefits of job rotation and are following this practice diligently as it helps workers develop multiple skills. It exposes them to have different experiences and learn multiple skills that facilitate job satisfaction thus improving retention. And all the while cross training them to perform multiple roles ensures you have substitutes to perform important tasks when ones availability is scarce. Furthermore it enables them to develop an overall positive outlook towards their jobs minimising the mundane nature of regular tasks. Studies conducted indicate that job rotation is perceived by employees in a positive sense. The resulting perception improves their productivity, fosters the perception of job security; affecting the firm’s growth. It even has the potential to retain top performers due to the variety of learning opportunities it provides them.

All of it is easier said than done and the reality may be completely different when viewed from the ground level. To get a sense of whether this is practically feasible we decided to get the perspectives from the recruitment fraternity family. One such community being @SourcingAdda, we looked to our members to get a more realistic picture and they sure did. And one of our Mumbai group members Rajaram suggested we discuss about the Impact of Job Rotation on Employees: Need, Versatility and Monopoly. Given below is what we discovered which is quite close to the benefits mentioned earlier on; so read on to verify it for yourselves

WhatsApp Group Chat – Impact of Job Rotation on Employees: Need, Versatility and Monopoly
WhatsApp Group Chat – Impact of Job Rotation on Employees: Need, Versatility and Monopoly

The insights shared in the discussion mentioned above are in line with the views highlighted earlier and like most scenarios it too has pros and cons. Nevertheless, the benefits are far more rewarding as compared to routine tasks, minimising overall learning and innovation. Moreover, it is essential for all of us to have an inclination towards change as that is certain even when everything else seems otherwise. Inculcating an accepting attitude towards change prepares us to evolve at an individual level and meet change head on. Furthermore, as a close knit community we can be of assistance one you’ve join us and help scale your hiring needs or build pipelines of talent. To be able to leverage this amazing opportunity of being a part of our community you need to be an active participant rather than a by stander. As it too has its own benefits that you will only be able to see once you get more involved in our regular activities. Also following us @Sourcingadda to get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. If you’ve been following us this whole time then you know we always look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave yours. If you want to be a part of our growing online community to remain tuned to the latest happenings in the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately today!

Recruiting ADDA
How to Double your Twitter Connections?
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How to Double your Twitter Connections?

Most individuals have an account with some or the other Social Media channel with Twitter being a popular one. Whether you are a Commoner or a Recruiter or a Sourcer you have to have connections. If not then you need to make connections. Especially if you have to select candidates with the desired calibre and skill sets for the vacancy.

So if you’re a Twitter user and you need to Source Candidates here are a few ways on How to double your Twitter Connections?

Complete your Profile

Ensure that you have a profile picture so that people can identify you, view other people’s profiles and take notes so that you can improve your profile. Choose your words wisely so that you can make a compelling bio data to attract more users because let’s face it we all want to get noticed.

Engage your Followers

Ensure that you tweet more, so that people can tweet you too. This will help you to build your connections. Keep posting so people follow you and when you have people following you make sure you follow them back. Pay attention to Twitter Analytics to find out what topics interests your audience. Once you know that then be sure to Tweet the same. Besides you can post content in any media form videos, blogs, images, quotes, poles etc. to keep your followers engaged. Sometimes even a simple thank you Tweet to new followers or favourites and retweets received can be engaging. For similar tasks you can use tools like Commun’it to schedule such Tweets on a weekly basis for instance.

Find new Followers

Use your present connections to search for Talent or in turn build your connections. Also look for and follow more people with similar interests. As they will most definitely be following people who are like minded who you can follow to grow your connections once they follow you back. Don’t restrict your- self to individuals within your profession especially since you have to be on the lookout for Sourcing Talent across different fields.

Get Involved

It is essential for you to join in on weekly Twitter Chats and tweet your connections regularly. Tweeting on a monthly basis too will help people to get to know you better and they will in return tweet and follow you as well. By implementing these simple tips you will improve your Twitter Connections twice fold and you are likely to be noticed not just by your connections but by Talent Acquisitionists as well. This will enable you to get a pool of qualified individuals that will boost your Recruiting and Sourcing process. If you found this interesting then you will also like the Social Media Recruiting strategy.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non Revenue Generating Department
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WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non Revenue Generating Department

The rapidly evolving business landscape and the fluctuating economy affect’s businesses and by default the Human Resource Management Department as well. Given such developments it’s expected that the Human Resource Department will continue to face evolving challenges in the years to come. And as a Non – Revenue Generating Department are expected to provide justification for it. Additionally, ROI and investment justifications which can be difficult to respond too as talent selections are quite volatile in nature due to the dependency of multiple variables present.

To get some clarity on the subject and to get implementable solutions that facilitate better explanations and justifications; we @SourcingAdda took the initiative to conduct our on demand discussions on, Challenges faced by HR Heads or Managers as a Non Revenue Generating Department upon the suggestion of one of our Mumbai group member’s Rajaram. And mentioned below for your perusal is what we uncovered…

WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non  Revenue Generating Department
WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non  Revenue Generating Department

From the perspectives shared above we can safely construe that there are always ways to try and get your point across by backing up your views and expressing them in a practical way. It helps one to view the entire process in a similar way rather than in a selective negative or positive view. It minimises any misinterpretations and helps one to think differently giving you a different outlook that is more realistic and acceptable. Therefore, for it to be effective it should be conveyed in a similar line of thought to the top management. As it fosters a different outlook enabling them to look at things as they stand in a realistic manner. It can thus persuade the management to be more receptive to your point of view in a practical and more acceptable manner.

If it still doesn’t provide the outcome you hope to achieve then applying the above mentioned alternatives particularly by giving specific details as much as possible that justifies your investment can do wonders to your career and the organisation as a whole. Also focus on the other aspects that are interrelated to the concept to back your justification e.g. Employee engagement, candidate experience, etc. alternatively, provide a different outlook that justifies your investments as mentioned earlier or you can utilise the information and solutions shared to help you derive alternatives and thus achieve the desired results from the Revenue Management Team. But when all is said and dusted you need to realise that they too are answerable to the top management. Therefore ensure you give them a perfectly valid reasons that help them covey the same to the top management. In so doing you are indirectly helping yourself and the organisation as a whole. As always we look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave your perspectives in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately today. Our platform provides you with real time insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere offering solutions that worked for them on topics discussed that address various key challenges faced. These exceptional individuals are here to share their live experiences on several recruitment related topics, share tips on different methods used for specific types of hiring. Additionally, they will enable you to fine tune your strategy and assist you in capturing hard to find talent at scale. As a member you have an option to leverage it to maximise your connections and thus grow your referral pipeline.