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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Creating a Centralised Database of Job Seekers

Organisations are constantly Sourcing for exceptional Talent that is a perfect fit for the role. With pools of Talent now scattered on Social Media trying to capture the right talent has become difficult and hence the need arises for creating a centralised database of Job Seekers.

With that being said we @SourcingAdda try our best to keep you updated with the current trends and practices in Recruitment adopted by various organisations. We are able to achieve this due to the active participation of our members and one such member is Santosh from the Hyderabad group. He suggested having a discussion on, Can there be a centralised data of Job Seekers with all the details required along with their code of conduct i.e. similar to Cibil which can be accessed by HRs? Is this doable, does my point makes sense? Therefore we’ll be disclosing the insights shared so let’s begin….


The discussion above clearly indicates that the insights shared we’re quite informative and sheds light on the possible challenges one can face if implemented. And if you’re wondering whether having a centralised location with candidate credentials is a possible solution to the candidate hunt then you already have a fair idea after going through the chat.

Nevertheless, to maintain a database of candidate’s personal details at a centralised location while a great idea in theory may not be suitable practically especially since it requires additional monitoring efforts. Add to that you need to get their approval to proceed and is however not a popular idea among candidates. Moreover candidates may not approve of their details being circulating across companies without their knowledge especially if it’s an organisation they wouldn’t want to join.

Now that you are aware of the scenario we’re sure you’d like to know more about Creating Awareness in Employees about Referral Programs in the organisation and if you’ve found the information shared useful and would like to know how to become a proactive learner, then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Combining Social Media Marketing & Recruitment in a Recruiting Strategy

The Talent Acquisition field is constantly evolving thus requiring one to adapt to the changes in the Recruitment field. As Talent Acquisitionist’s we’ve come to realize the importance of Social Media especially since the desired Talent is online just waiting to move into better opportunities. It’s a known fact that if one needs to find those purple squirrels then tapping into Social Media is now the new ideal way to get desired talent. And why not, it’s a cost-effective way and easily available too.

You only need to tap into this pool of Talent for those purple squirrels, therefore, we @SourcingAdda have foreseen this. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group members’ Aishwarya who suggested we discuss, Social Media Marketing & Recruitment, how to combine the two in Recruiting? And we’re sure you’d like to find out what we uncovered so let’s begin…

The discussion above was certainly helpful as it gave insights on how to go about when one is trying to combine Social Media Marketing & Recruitment in a Recruiting Strategy to get effective results. So if you’re looking to do the same and searching for some guidelines then the chat is sufficient enough to get you started. It’s a fact that each strategy used to capture talent differs according to the role requirement hence revising the strategy and customizing it as per the need is essential to get the desired results.

If you’ve found these insights interesting then you’d like to know more about the Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR which is quite handy. And now that you’ve read this far and have added to your learning then we’re sure you’d like to know how you can be an active contributor and learner then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Combining Social Media Marketing & Recruitment in a Recruiting Strategy

The Talent Acquisition field is constantly evolving thus requiring one to adapt to the changes in the Recruitment field. As Talent Acquisitionist’s we’ve come to realise the importance of Social Media especially since the desired Talent is online just waiting to move in to better opportunities. It’s a known fact that if one needs to find those purple squirrels  then tapping into Social Media is now the new ideal way to get desired talent. And why not, it’s a cost effective way and easily available too.

You only need to tap into this pool of Talent for those purple squirrels therefore we @SourcingAdda have foreseen this. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group member’s Aishwarya who suggested we discuss on, Social Media Marketing & Recruitment, how to combine the two in Recruiting? And we’re sure you’d like to find out what we uncovered so let’s begin….



The discussion above was certainly helpful as it gave insights on how to go about when one is trying to combine Social Media Marketing & Recruitment in a Recruiting Strategy to get effective results. So if you’re looking to do the same and searching for some guidelines then the chat is sufficient enough to get you started. It’s a fact that each strategy used to capture talent differs according to the role requirement hence revising the strategy and customising it as per the need is essential to get the desired results.

If you’ve found these insights interesting then you’d like to know more about the Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR which is quite handy. And now that you’ve read this far and have added to your learning then we’re sure you’d like to know how you can be an active contributor and learner then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat What new Technology or Course to learn to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs?

The Recruitment landscape is shifting to the digital platform where Talent Sourcing is done from Social Channels. Talent is Sourced with reference to big data and analytics obtained via Machine learning. With this development, a lot of recruitment tasks can be automated thus creating new job opportunities requiring one to upgrade themselves. Therefore it is essential to learn about new technology and courses to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs.

If you’ve been looking for this then you’ve come to the right place, we @SourcingAdda conducted a discussion on, What new technology and courses to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs? as suggested by the Bangalore group member Senthil. For your reference we’ll be disclosing the chat below so let’s begin

Well, this brings an interesting chat to an end and as always we’ve received a lot of inputs that we can benefit from thus preparing us for the future. So if you’re wondering what skills you need to master to advance in your career as Talent Acquisitions then the above chat has answered your question. So if you’ve liked the inputs then you’d also be interested in How to safeguard current & future business prospects as Consultants?

If you’d like to be an active learner rather than a passive one at that then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events such as the Talent Acquisition Summit
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat What new Technology or Course to learn to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs?

The Recruitment landscape is shifting to the digital platform where Talent Sourcing is done from Social Channels. Talent is Sourced with reference to big data and analytics obtained via Machine learning. With this development a lot of recruitment tasks can be automated thus creating new job opportunities requiring one to upgrade themselves. Therefore it is essential to learn about new technology and courses to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs.

If you’ve been looking for this then you’ve come to the right place, we @SourcingAdda conducted a discussion on, What new technology and courses to compete effectively for Recruitment Jobs? as suggested by the Bangalore group member Senthil. For your reference we’ll be disclosing the chat below so let’s begin






Well this brings an interesting chat to an end and as always we’ve received a lot of inputs that we can benefit from thus preparing us for the future. So if you’re wondering what skills you need to master to advance in your career as Talent Acquisitionist then the above chat has answered your question. So if you’ve liked the inputs then you’d also be interested in How to safe guard current & future business prospects as Consultants?

If you’d like to be an active learner rather than a passive one at that then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps namely

  1. Follow us @Sourcingadda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events such as the Talent Acquisition Summit
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.