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What is a Job Fair?
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What is a Job Fair?

You’ve heard this term so many times yet, it never occurred to you to know more about it or to speak to people either. Well yours is a story, one that I’ve heard countless times.  Ever wondered what it is or have you just taken things at the face value and decided to disregard any of it? Don’t fret; it’s a relief to know that you’re not the only one.

So if you’re looking for more information about Job Fairs then you are on the right track. Besides it’s about time you found out more about Job Fairs. Hence, the question what is a Job Fair? arises in peoples mind. In the light of this new development, I have addressed the question that is often overlooked by countless others like you, the reader.

What is a Job Fair?

As the term suggests, it is mainly to do with recruiting, careers and job hunters.  It is also known by other names such as Career Fairs, Career Expositions (Expo), Career Campaigns etc. are a few popular names that are used by commoners. These are conducted mainly for employers, recruiters and schools in order to meet with prospective job seekers. Such opportunities are caught and used by job seekers and even employers, recruiters, students and schools alike.  The Job Fairs are of two types, mainly Traditional and Online Job Fairs. By now you’re probably wondering how these individuals benefit from such events. So we’ll be addressing each individually, to get a clear idea.

Types of Job Fairs

Traditional Job Fairs

The traditional job fairs are ones that you have probably heard of and are conducted on a personal level.

Online Job Fairs

While Online Job fairs as the name suggest s are conducted online. When we say online we mean that the entire procedure will be conducted virtually.

Benefits of Job Fairs

Students Benefit

Students go in for such fairs as it gives them information about

  • The companies that are hiring
  • Job opportunities that they are likely to get as a fresher
  • They get to meet with the current employees to find out what is the work culture like
  • To find out what’s it like to work with this company
  • Get information about a sector or opportunity that seem interesting or are interested in

Companies Benefit

These events are perfect for companies because they give them 

  • An opportunity to build the brand of the company
  • Rectify misconceptions and negative reviews floating around about the company
  • Meet the perspective candidates and identify the quality available in the market
  • Develop valuable connections to meet recruitment as well as business needs
  • Create a name and form a reputation so that people will be likely to work for them

Recruiters Benefit

Apart from the company benefits that have been mentioned some other benefits that can be added are

  • They get to interact with potential recruits on a large scale
  • They get first – hand information on the quality of the candidates in the market
  • Helps them build connections that they can fall back on to serve their recruitment needs
  • Meet influential people whose views matter

School & Educational Institutes Benefit

Theses platforms help them to –

  • Build their brand
  • By hosting job fairs it also helps students get employed immediately after the final year of their course
  • Build strong connections with hiring companies to hold such events regularly and get their students selected
  • Hold guest lectures by these individuals and build awareness about the current market scenario
  • Hold conferences that help in the all-round development of students

Well doesn’t this clear out all the doubts that we may have had originally and we can say that we have a little more knowledge about what a Job Fair is its types and who benefits from such events. So there you have it, if you have any pointers to add and you can then list them out in the comments section.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap?
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WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap?

Hiring professionals usually encounter a common problem when sifting through inch sized stacked up resumes which is the employment gap present in a potential recruits CV. Most recruiters use this as a decision making factor when selecting desired talent. Also many of them are of the opinion that may be this may not be a suitable candidate for the organization similar to a candidate having a two paged resume. These particular aspects are not overlooked and can be deal breaker from the candidate’s perspective. Additionally, Talent Acquisitionist stand to lose exceptional talent as such individuals usually possess the skills that your organisation is in dire need of. Writing them of as unsuitable for the organisation merely based on the employment gaps and two paged resumes seems faulty. Don’t you think?

If you’re wondering the same thing as us then you’ve come to the right place as we at Sourcing ADDA, strive to gain clarity on causes that affect the recruitment fraternity as a whole. If you aren’t convinced about it then let’s fix it immediately with a valid reason that will enlighten you. Here @SourcingAdda, we conduct the on demand discussions on Wednesdays to get a sense of the evolving trends and to better understand the industry we are so passionate about. We do that to prepare our members by providing updated information that is true at the ground level. And our loyal members like Yogesh one of our Pune group members was the one who suggested we shed some light on, How should Recruiters or HR Heads deal with candidates having an employment gap and mentioned below is what we derived

WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap
WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap
WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap
WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap
WhatsApp Group Chat How should Recruiters deal with candidates having an employment gap?

The conversation above clearly states that talent with career gaps should not be a constraint when making a candidate selection decision. Many fellow recruiters are of the opinion that gaps or career breaks or going on sabbatical can have a rewarding impact on the talent and can be rejuvenating to them. Employment Gaps help new but similar candidates to develop a fresh thinking that facilitates fresh ideas. And which organisation doesn’t want such fresh expression of talent in the work delivered by these individuals. More importantly such talent are usually eager to get back to work and thus nurturing this fresh talent becomes our responsibility as employment providers. Additions, of Talent such as these can do wonders not only to their overall personal development influencing their work but also impacts the growth of the company. Now don’t you think these talent pools are worth a re-look rather than a cause of concern?

Only, good recruiters have the fortitude to see a different side that average ones miss out on. They are the ones who realise that making assumptions without first asking questions and gathering information could lead to bad hiring decisions. They are of the opinion that passing on potentially qualified candidates without giving them a chance to explain could be a mistake for not only recruiters but the company at large affecting the progress of the firm.

Additionally, it would be a good decision on your part to join the ever growing recruitment community as you can leverage it to scale your hiring needs and build pipelines of talent where our Whats App groups will come in handy. In order to reap the benefits of our community you need to get more involved by participating in our regular activities and by following us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. And if you’ve been following us closely you’d know that we always look forward to your comments on the topic discussed therefore be sure to leave your views in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately today.

Recruiting ADDA
Twitter Channel for Communication – The Answer to Branding Needs
Twitter Channel for Communication - The Answer to Branding Needs

All you Twitter fans out there with interesting Tweets will be delighted to know that you’re all – time favourite SMS channel comes with additions which you most definitely will enjoy. Your frequently visited site is new and improved, to optimise your experience.

These advanced features will help you to share and edit your videos, personalise your timeline highlights, with improved Direct Messages (DMs) instant timelines and a repositioned posting. This will be easier for new users to navigate within Twitter and build contacts.

Share Tweets

With the update to DMs one can share Tweets privately with any of their followers, and that person will immediately receive a push notification. And then this tweet will display directly in the DM conversation. Now instead of Tweeting every little thing, it can be done by messaging.

Share Links

This feature was initially abandoned to avoid spam, but has been re-installed to bring life to the relatively unused private messaging feature. So now you can even send links to boost branding needs. This feature is also available for Tweet Deck which can prove handy for community managers present on the platform.

Messaging advantages

Who will benefit?

Both Community and Recruiters alike can benefit as they can connect with a vast number of people easily and faster. Here’s how

Community Managers

Through direct messaging community managers can deal with negative reviews or issues faced by consumers.  All they need to do is send private messages to consumers to let them know that their views will be taken into consideration and if possible their issues will be resolved, that too on a personal base.  Aside from this they can also connect with influencers as and when required, on a personal base.


With the help of direct messaging, recruiters can communicate to a vast number of candidates by sending messages to candidates they wish to interview. They too can interact with influencers in order to gather more suitable candidates of the right calibre. Both these aspects can be achieved on a personal base in a professional manner.  To add to this, even messaging their Twitter friends, to let them know about any job openings.


Networking between friends and colleagues is now possible as they too can exploit this feature to their advantage. This in turn will boost the connections and improve the quality of hires as well.

Engaging qualities

This new feature will no doubt get more of your connections to Tweet and send messages of posts that they like and would like to share or comment and Tweet.

So there you have it, you can now make the optimum use of this messaging feature nonetheless. And in the process improve your connections so that you have ones that you can always fall back on, in the event that suitable candidates aren’t available. Besides, a simple message can have a lasting impact on the ones involved and also improve one’s branding needs.

Recruiting ADDA
Whats App Group Chat Need for Conducting HR Audits in the Organisations

Whats App Group Chat – Need for Conducting HR Audits in the Organisations

If you are running an organisation ensuring you have a good Human Resource Management Department is essential as you will have to address any issues related to the hired personnel eventually. And I need not mention that a company’s success or failure is highly dependent on the efficient functioning of the Human Resource Management Department. Therefore you can see the magnitude and how important the Human Management Department is.

No wonder conducting HR Audits at regular intervals is important. They help identify whether the practices or processes put in place are adequate and effective enough. The results that are obtained from the review of the generated Audit report can help us identify any loopholes that are there in the processes. It then enables us to take the necessary steps to minimise any lawsuits or regulatory violations that may occur due to these problem areas. Once it is implemented it can improve the success rate of the firm as a whole because it is an efficient system that works for the benefit of all.  

Having understood the importance we @SourcingAdda, usually conduct discussion on topics that matter to the recruitment fraternity as a whole and are able to do so thanks to the participation of our members who continuously suggest topics. And one such member from Mumbai is Rajaram who wanted to discuss on, Need for conducting HR Audits in the organisation and highlighted below is what we discovered

The thoughts expressed earlier in the conversation above mentions that just conducting an audit is not enough you also need to consider experiences. For that matter simply identifying the gaps and whether the processes are effective is also not enough. When conducting an audit other aspects like culture, engagement, values, retention, branding etc. also have a bearing on a business success and therefore should be considered in an audit.

Audits if implemented effectively can make a world of difference to the success of an organisation. Due to its importance in a firms success many organisations are now resorting to audit reports and relying on HR Analytics to better understand the company’s progress and its workforce. Thus the WhatsApp Group Chat on Current Industry Standards in Hiring Metrics or the WhatsApp Group Chat Metrics used in Recruiting: Cost per Hire are a great read. As it will definitely add more value to the already exhausted list of inputs shared. Giving you a 360 degree understanding of the aspects a firm needs to monitor if it wants to be a success.

Furthermore, by being a part of the recruitment community you can scale your hiring needs and build pipelines of talent wherein our Whats App groups can be of assistance in the area. To reap the various benefits of our community you need to get more involved by participating in our regular activities and by following us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events.

And as always we look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave your views in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately today. If you need some more convincing then you should know that the platform provides you with live insights that are from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere discussion about topics that matter.  These exceptional individuals are here to share their live experiences on several recruitment related topics share tips on different methods used for specific types of hiring. Additionally, they enable you to fine tune your strategy be it candidate experience or engagement which have a bearing on capturing hard to find talent at scale. As a member you can leverage the opportunity to build connections and grow your referral pipeline. You can even up-grade your skills and knowledge with real time information not easily available and capture exceptional and potential talent at scale.

Recruiting ADDA
Considering the Whys of Campus Recruiting?

Considering the Whys of Campus Recruiting?

As employers we claim to understand completely why we have chosen campus recruiting as an effective strategy to fill posts in our organisations. But have you ever stopped, to think and clearly state the why’s we so often use that are in fact the ones floating around. Well as students we too are ignorant of these why’s and would rather prefer to follow the crowd, else risk losing out on opportunities through curiosity.

These statements stand true as I understand it to be and based on the information I possess. In view of these statements here are some insights in to the popular campus recruiting strategy that is used so often by several companies. So here’s one on, Considering the Whys of Campus Recruiting that you might find quite informative and that can improve your knowledge and also clarify the doubts that you may have.

To Build Awareness

This is done mainly because of the limited applicants that employers receive. They are of the opinion that as they are a start up or a small firm that isn’t familiar to the masses, students aren’t applying. But for reputed and large firms the story is the opposite. They are over flowing with applicants but don’t have that many vacancies, yet find a considerable amount of individuals applying when their requirements are fairly clear and most don’t meet their criteria. Hence they try to clarify these requirements with such activities.

To Change the Image

Closely related to the above reason are the misconceptions floating around about the firm, due to its regular appearance. These firms have found candidates developing misconceptions about the business and what they deal with or the roles for which they are hiring. They too make use of this strategy to resolve and prevent such misconceptions from developing further.

To Present yourself as a Top Employer

Well this too poses as an interesting point because those small firms now want to build their brand and say, I’d like to work for that company and in that department. This is what most companies look to achieve, so that they get listed by candidates as a potential company they would not just want to, but like to work for. This would naturally boost the number of applicants they receive for a vacancy on regular bases.

To Connect with the Right Students

Sounds familiar; well if you haven’t already noticed it than, yes, this is another main objective for companies going in for On Campus Recruitment. They want to connect with the right candidates that they find suitable for the post they are offering. Conducting events like this helps them to get in touch with the candidates on first hand bases, which helps them determine the calibre of students presented at that particular institute. This gives them the assurance that they are bound to capture the candidates that are best suited for the post.

To Share Important Information

Some companies hold a session called share information prior to interviews. These are invite only interviews that only selected candidates are requested to attend before their interview is conducted.

Some common pointers on the goals that companies have are to increase the applicant numbers, improve the quality of their hires and to also boost their acceptance rate of the offers. So, I hope the doubts that you may have had prior to this have been cleared and if you still have any doubts you can always post them in our comment section and will be glad to address them to the best of our knowledge. Meanwhile, here’s something to think about, Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon. – Alexander Pope