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WhatsApp Group Chat – Recession and its effects on Employees and India on a Global Level

We’ve heard a lot of talk about the Recession and some of us may have been in the center of one in the past or are in one and have to deal with the layoffs.  Then you are certainly looking for ways to minimize the layoffs else are looking for solutions. Nevertheless with that being said, here’s something to think about. So have you focused on the recession and its effects on Employees and India on a global level?  If you haven’t then you’re in time thanks to our Delhi Group member Raveena. She suggested that we have a discussion on, “Views about the recession and its effects on Employees and India on a Global level”.

How amazing is that we @SourcingADDA decided to cover exactly that. If you’re curious to find out what we’ve discussed then you’re in the right place as we’ll be disclosing the conversation shortly. Thereafter we’ll be highlighting the key take away pointers, showcasing possible solutions or ways to minimize the layoffs, so be sure to review them. So here goes…


So if you’re in the center of one or have to deal with one then you’ve come to the right place as we’ll be providing possible solutions and ways to minimize the layoffs. So here goes…

What is a Recession?

  • The National Bureau of Economic Research cites a recession as “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months” as the hallmark of a recession.
  • Recession, the term itself is quite scary even though it started it is still unacceptable globally

The Scenario

  • At present in context with the IT sector, we can’t term that recession is prevalent in India
  • There is a shift in operational activities and offshore – economic activities have not declined
  • The HR employed in the IT sector in India will be laid off but this was expected & predicted
  • The problem with companies nowadays is that they face the recession boldly but bouncing back becomes a challenge.
  • The media creates hype besides this is not the first time that layoffs have been taking place
  • It happens every year and IT companies are most affected as they just hire people without proper forecasting.
  • They keep them on the bench but when the companies don’t get projects then they start laying-off which creates a bad impression in the market.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) will take over completely hence we have to be prepared and acquire new skills to compete in the market.
  • There is a high chance for the market to improve so the chances for one being jobless is less
  • It’s a wave that we need to get used to minimize the effects it has on employees which is very horrifying creating panic and insecurity.
  • Situational Meaning: The country’s Talent has followed and learned technology but with a herd mentality.
  • In a saturated skill-set market, just placing a lower bid for getting a competitor’s morsel, itself was an indication of this scenario.
  • WORST: lack of sense of responsibility towards upgrading the existing resources (employees) to forecasted / future needs; thus, experts/analysts termed a few of the services of the organization as body-shops.
  • It’s a nasty race to impress the investors with big profit percentages and YOY earning figures which lack the focus on investment…
    • In continuous skill-set up gradation
    • Innovation
    • Adaptations
  • The no. of Jobless individuals is increasing even though the industry is growing upwards due to automation and technology and we’re experiencing a downfall in Human Resources.
  • It started majorly with Trump’s eye on visa program and changes required in it leading to Australia following it as well.

Possible Solutions

  • The focus will now be back on operational efficiency, automation & skill enhancement
  • The discussion will also lead us to a rethink on salary & compensation-related HR policies
  • There are enormous opportunities in developing countries but for that, we need to create a demand for IT applicants and make people tech-savvy.
  • People from any stream should not stick to their current skill-sets instead they should develop new skills-sets and focus on profile enhancement.
  • People should adapt…
    • Cross-training
    • Be relevant
    • Constant up-skilling
    • Have a disciplined life
    • Maintain a buffer for any eventualities
    • Engage in such activities to survive any recession
    • If fired move on without burning any bridges
    • Follow the thumb rule., “what goes up has to come down” unless there is a connected shift to stay up throughout which is irrelevant.
  • Being a service-based and outsourcing-dependant sectorial economy, the cut-off points around certain skillsets should be forecasted and implemented while responsibly upgrading towards newer standards and technologies
  • Sense of being a chooser and not a beggar is to be inculcated at the top level

Degree of the Effects of a Recession on all types of Businesses

  • Some businesses may be affected only moderately or not at all; if the recession is mild and brief
  • Small businesses are hit the hardest while some industries are affected more than the others
  • Luxury services suffer first as both business and private customers cut back on spending
  • Small businesses show remarkable flexibility and find creative ways to survive a downturn
  • It has vastly impacted Indian employees both directly and indirectly as Indians are present in huge nos. everywhere by choice or chance.

Reasons for Layoffs

  • The current layoffs and job cuts in the IT sector can affect Individuals, given the pink slips or even profiles that act as support functions related to the industry and across all levels of the value chain.
  • People may lose jobs due to…
  • Automation
  • Business Alignment
  • Acquisition

Possible effects:

  1. Reduce cash flow
  2. Demand loss
  3. Staffing reductions
  4. Marketing Constrains

Contributing Factors

  1. Budget constraints
  2. Reduced spending power
  3. Inadequate preparedness for a recession making it impossible for a small business to survive
  4. Without adequate support, business is unable to continue operating

Well, this brings us to an end of another worthwhile discussion that certainly showcased plenty of keys take away pointers to bear in mind especially if we’re trying to cope effectively in a recession. So if you’re looking for answers on how to curb a recession then you’ve got what you’re looking for.

So you like what was discussed then why not be a part of these WhatsApp groups? Now you can join these groups for more insights about, “Interview Calls Unanswered by Candidates after Multiple Follow-Ups” In 2 simple steps, namely;

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events like #TASCON17 Pune
  2. a) Leave your views or your requests to join these groups in our comments section below


  1. b) DM us to @SourcingAdda with your contact no., name and location and one of our representatives will get back to you.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp. Group Chat – Best Employee Engagement Practices

We’ve spoken a lot about Employee Engagement, its benefits and the common practices that are followed by various companies. Having been into the Recruitment Industry long enough you’d have come across HR’s confusing Employee Engagement with Cultural Activities conducted at organizations.

We @SourcingAdda have foreseen this confusion and would like to resolve the confusion. Thanks to the efforts of our Mumbai Group member Amit who suggested we discuss, “Employee Engagement and its practices in various companies.” To help you retain what was learned we’ll be disclosing the popular WhatsApp. Wednesday conversation and also highlight the key takeaway pointers right after that. So here goes…

This brings an end to another discussion with lots of inputs to take back and implement in our Employee Engagement strategies to improve Employer Branding. If you’ve read this far then we’re sure you’d like to reinforce what was learned. Taking this into consideration the key take away pointers are as under…

General Perspectives about Employee Engagement & Involvement

  • To clear the confusion one first needs to understand the difference between Employee Engagement & Employee involvement.
  • There are a number of studies that track the impact of active staff involvement on business profitability and performance which support either scenario.
  • There’s a clear and strong correlation between the two i.e. Employee Engagement & Employee Involvement
  • The success of a supervisor is in getting the employees involved not just keeping them engaged


  • ‘Engagement’ is the result of a passive acceptance of company values and objectives
  • Engagement helps to increase productivity


  • ‘Involvement’ is the active pursuit of these objectives
  • Involvement isn’t just a trendy buzz – word, it’s a principle that has a clear, measurable impact on the bottom line.

Difference between Employee Engagement & Involvement

  • Cultural activities are also known as Zero Hour, etc. and other similar activities conducted are a part of the entire Employee Engagement function but not limited to these activities alone.
  • Employee Engagement & Employee Involvement includes the aspects mention below –

It is Employee Engagement when…

  • One on one’s with the HR on a regular basis are conducted
  • You keep the employees engaged e. interested in the organization
  • An ‘engaged’ employee understands and agrees with the aims and objectives of the business
  • Engaged Employees come back to work feeling motivated and energized
  • All intervention attempts made by the HR to understand and improve the engagement/job satisfaction levels of an employee are conducted.
    • The intervention could range from 1:1 by the HR to surveys, people participation in setting up of the organization processes.
    • There are around fifty HR interventions that are under the Employee Engagement function
  • The engagement gets you in the game
  • The engagement functions have an objective and purpose of conducting them

It is Employee Involvement when…

  • Employees are involved in the decision-making activities of the organization (for e.g. preparing the yearly holiday calendar, sharing their inputs on certain policies)
  • You form employee groups to figure out how to improve the organization’s image
  • You involve employees in the day to day functioning of the organization at various levels
  • You empower Employees rather than to have them follow rules & regulations
  • You are able to instill a sense of belongingness to the organization in the Employee
  • Successfully implemented it transfers the ownership of their initiatives from the board room and executive offices to the cubicles and shop floors.
  • The Involvement gets employees to the top of your game and a game-changer

Characteristics to look for in Employees to identify the sections they fall into.

An Engaged Employee will…

  • Take an active role in the business
  • Implement new initiatives
  • Take ownership of the initiative
  • Actively participate in driving change

An Involved Employee will…

  • Help drive the organization forward
  • Add value to the business

The above-mentioned pointers summarise the entire discussion well. If you’ve enjoyed this and have added to your learning then we’re sure you’d be interested in Perspectives on Layoffs in the IT Market as well. If you’d like to be an active learner rather than a passive one then here’s what you can do in two easy steps…

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming events and activities
  2. a) Leave your views or your requests to join these WhatsApp. Groups in our comments section


  1. b) DM us to @SourcingAdda with your name, location and Contact no.

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp. Group Chat – Best Employee Engagement Practices

We’ve spoken a lot about Employee Engagement, its benefits and the common practices that are followed by various companies. Having been in to the Recruitment Industry long enough you’d have come across HR’s confusing Employee Engagement with Cultural Activities conducted at organisations.

We @SourcingAdda have foreseen this confusion and would like to resolve the confusion. Thanks to the efforts of our Mumbai Group member Amit who suggested we discuss about, “Employee Engagement and its practices in various companies.” To help you retain what was learnt we’ll be disclosing the popular WhatsApp. Wednesday conversation and also highlight the key takeaway pointers right after that. So here goes…

This brings an end to another discussion with lots of inputs to take back and implement in our Employee Engagement strategies to improve Employer Branding. If you’ve read this far then we’re sure you’d like to reinforce what was learnt. Taking this into consideration the key take away pointers are as under…

General Perspectives about Employee Engagement & Involvement

  • To clear the confusion one first needs to understand the difference between Employee Engagement & Employee involvement.
  • There are a number of studies that track the impact of active staff involvement on business profitability and performance which support either scenario.
  • There’s a clear and strong correlation between the two i.e. Employee Engagement & Employee Involvement
  • Success of a supervisor is in getting the employees involved not just keeping them engaged


  • ‘Engagement’ is the result of a passive acceptance of company values and objectives
  • Engagement helps to increase productivity


  • ‘Involvement’ is the active pursuit of these objectives
  • Involvement isn’t just a trendy buzz – word, it’s a principle that has a clear, measurable impact on the bottom line.

Difference between Employee Engagement & Involvement

  • Cultural activities also known as Zero Hour, etc. and other similar activities conducted are a part of the entire Employee Engagement function but not limited to these activities alone.
  • Employee Engagement & Employee Involvement includes the aspects mention below –

It is Employee Engagement when…

  • One on one’s with the HR on a regular basis are conducted
  • You keep the employees engaged e. interested in the organization
  • An ‘engaged’ employee understands and agrees with the aims and objectives of the business
  • Engaged Employees come back to work feeling motivated and energised
  • All interventions, attempts made by the HR to understand and improve the engagement / job satisfaction levels of employee are conducted.
    • The intervention could range from 1:1 by the HR to surveys, people participation in setting up of the organisation processes.
    • There are around fifty HR interventions that are under the Employee Engagement function
  • The engagement gets you in the game
  • The engagement functions have an objective and purpose to conducting them

It is Employee Involvement when…

  • Employees are involved in the decision making activities of the organization (for e.g. preparing the yearly holiday calendar, sharing their inputs on certain policies)
  • You form employee groups to figure out how to improve the organizations image
  • You involve employees in the day to day functioning of the organization at various levels
  • You empower Employees rather than to have them follow rules & regulations
  • You are able to instil a sense of belongingness to the organization in the Employee
  • Successfully implemented it transfers the ownership of their initiatives from the board room and executive offices to the cubicles and shop floors.
  • The Involvement gets employees to the top of your game and a game changer

Characteristics to look for in Employees to identify the sections they fall into.

An Engaged Employee will…

  • Take an active role in the business
  • Implement new initiatives
  • Take ownership of the initiative
  • Actively participate in driving change

An Involved Employee will…

  • Help drive the organisation forward
  • Add value to the business

The above mentioned pointers summarise the entire discussion well. If you’ve enjoyed this and have added to you learning then we’re sure you’d be interested in Perspectives on Layoffs in the IT Market as well. If you’d like to be an active learner rather than a passive one then here’s what you can do in two easy steps…

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real time updates to our upcoming events and activities
  2. a) Leave your views or your requests to join these WhatsApp. Groups in our comments section


  1. b) DM us to @SourcingAdda with your name, location and Contact no.

And one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations

There is constant talk about Relevant Professional Certifications in HR that can improve the chances of Recruiters being selected and on-boarded at an I.T. organization. It is one of the popular topics due to the changes the Talent Acquisition Industry is experiencing. It’s becoming more and more evident that a Recruiters’s role is changing requiring them to step out of their comfort zone and become innovative when it comes to Talent Sourcing.

With the changing times, it is essential that Recruiters adapt to the rapid changes to perform exceptionally well at Talent Acquisition hence enrolling for Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations is a start.  If you’d like to know more about them then you’ve come to the right place thanks to our Pune group member Niveditha as our WhatsApp discussion was on, “Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations” so we’ll be disclosing it shortly and right after we’ll even highlight the key take away pointers so be sure to review them and add to your learning. Therefore here we go…

If you’ve come here then you’re looking to upgrade your skills and improve your chances of getting selected to join an organization with the culture that suits you. If you’ve searched and are struggling to get details about top professional certifications then your hunt is over as we’ve got quite a few that give you that edge you’re looking for to stand out and get selected. So here’s your answer put into highlights of the key take away pointers hence let’s begin…


HR Certifications

  1. Udemy is one, but it has mainly one-month packages or tutorials, etc.
  2. LinkedIn Recruiter Certification is a good one and is usually sponsored by organizations and has a validity of 2 years.
  3. SAP HCM Certification
  4. Virtusa Polaris also has a Certification for Compensation and Benefits if interested
  5. SHRM Certification holds an edge since its syllabus is designed from time to time based on the latest market trends which keep you updated.
  6. Psychometric Testing Certification really helps in understanding the strengths of a team
  7. NLP which again is on a different tangent
  8. Net-net is not about the certification but the factors that influence or have an impact on business and of course being specific to HR is “people”.
  9. If your interest is into technology then learning ERP SAP, Oracle – PeopleSoft, Taleo Certification, etc. are great
  10. If interested in a specific area, for example, Performance Management, Policies, other country’s culture then doing an MBA or any university given certificate is recommended.
  11. Any ERP with global payroll is always wanted
  12. Brain Bench, Belbin Team Roles, and HRCI are also good Certifications
  13. source Training conducted by Yusuf and Mitch is another good Certification
  14. Even Middle Earth and Aon Hewitt both have advanced course content their coverage is the best however not sure of their market recognition but these HR Certifications are good ones
  15. Some other Certifications are six – sigma and train the trainer.
  16. Even in the case of a Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketing, it isn’t a cakewalk to pass the tests though more than 70% of the course content is a refresher.

Recruitment bites about the relevance of Certifications

Positive Aspects

  • Doing certifications may not be needed as HR professionals are also engagement managers and require high influence factor to drive them in their role.
  • Any program that can help you improve the influence factor is beneficial
  • From the HR front, experience and knowledge counts
  • Most people in HR Specialisation are obtained from Top Management Schools
  • The concentration is more on Pedigree and hands-on experience in the domain, technological expertise and the companies they’ve worked for.
  • Content of most of the certifications is no doubt good
  • It helps to get through the door while looking for new opportunities it’s always been more as a part of qualifying than selection.
  • Although we still look for certified candidates it doesn’t mean they are Masters in it but in actuality, they already possess the knowledge about the process and they usually follow it

Negative Aspects

  • For most Recruitment professionals HR certifications are least focused on in an HR profile
  • Just doing a certification isn’t the objective but how can it benefit you is the focus
  • A Certification doesn’t matter in the recruitment field and is not mandatory; it only adds value to the profile making it a strong one.
  • Having any certification doesn’t make anyone Masters but brings value to the work.
  • While certified candidates are sourced but our main objective is to look for a candidate who worked in it which can fulfill the requirement.
  • Certification is a lazy way of validating someone’s knowledge and work experience
  • The only question you should be asking do you get lucrative returns
  • The returns may not be in monitory terms but will it at least open doors for better profiles is the question and the answer is usually no.


Market Reality

  • While HR Specialisations are obtained from Top Management Schools the top Management is usually not from Top B Schools rather they may not even have an MBA degree either, yet they learn.
  • If there are doubts then you can do your own research by collecting a list of Top 50 HR managers through random sampling and find out for yourself.
  • As far as possible skills and competencies with hands-on experience are important, not a certificate
  • The irony is Certifications help in getting an edge on other profiles when you look for opportunities in the market which is a sad reality of the market.
  • Besides the fact that each organization has a different process to follow hence each team is trained in a different way to get the best from them.
  • Any certification helps people learn about the field and get a chance to implement what they’ve learned.
  • How many of us get a chance to look into certifications but we have challenges every day at every point yet we still come out of all these challenges by learning from it.
  • A Certification is good to have but “hands-on experience” is what is preferred
  • Certifications always add value but earlier there was hardly any trace of an inbound concept – marketing or sales.
  • Today’s consumers are more informed and have more choices.
  • If a business implements the traditional way of dealing with its audience, they are sure to lose out on a great market share deal.
  • In general, there is a huge demand for `hands-on’ professionals in the market
  • The learning is very limited and is based on the exposure an individual gets
  • Certifications give method to the madness of your own learning.


If you’ve been following the discussion closely then some of our members have summarised it perfectly, so let’s find out more, so here goes…


Qualifications & Certifications will help us in landing the first job but once on board we learn and grow in our career; purely based on the relevant competencies and the skills we build in our respective functional & sub-functional areas on a continuous basis (including technical, functional, behavioral, etc.) besides there is a huge demand for `hands-on’ professionals in the market; hence, let us focus on keeping ourselves continuously employable by being extremely `hands-on’ in a few areas based on your focus and passion. Besides you grow and learn the tricks of the trade like most do in their own fields. Some tricks you pick by following your seniors, peers, subordinates while others you learn from the processes laid out at your workplace and relying on your own research and a/b testing which is what we call “Hands-on Experience” and this learning is very limited as it’s based on the exposure an individual gets. Although Certifications give method to the madness of your own learning they help especially when you are dealing with numbers/data, which most of us now have to deal with as we grow while climbing the career ladder and become decision-makers, no matter which field you are in. And if you are a certified professional then you know that “hands-on experience” in the best way.

So let’s end with a perfect example i.e., “One’s Perception makes all the difference as stated in the dialog mentioned below by one of our members…

“Interviewer: How long will you have to work to buy BMW?

Doctor: I think I can buy one in 6-8 months of my practice.

MBA: I need about 11-12 months of hard work.

Engineer: At least 2-3 years of very hard work.

Mr. Ratan Tata: I think… for about 5 years.

Interviewer: Why so long, Mr. Tata?

Mr. Ratan Tata: Well, it’s a big company!”

Well, how insightful is that, need I say more? To convince you of the importance of being more of an active learner rather than a Passive one, if you’re not yet a part of these WhatsApp groups where we discuss Should Recruiters show eagerness to Candidates till the Offer Release Period to negotiate the CTC? Then you know what you’re missing out on. So if you don’t wish to miss out on anything further hereafter then simply follow these 2 simple steps and you’re there…

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to get updates to our upcoming activities like #TASCON17 #SourcingChat and events i.e. #TASCON17
  2. a) Leave us your views or requests to join these WhatsApp groups in the comments section below


  1. b) DM us @SourcingAdda with your name and contact details and our representative will get back to you.
Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations

There is a constant talk about Relevant Professional Certifications in HR that can improve the chances of Recruiters being selected and on – boarded at an I.T. organisation. It is one of the popular topics due to the changes the Talent Acquisition Industry is experiencing. It’s becoming more and more evident that a Recruiters role is changing requiring them to step out of their comfort zone and become innovative when it comes to Talent Sourcing.

With the changing times it is essential that Recruiters adapt to the rapid changes to perform exceptionally well at Talent Acquisition hence enrolling for Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations is a start.  If you’d like to know more about them then you’ve come to the right place thanks to our Pune group member Niveditha as our WhatsApp discussion was on, “Relevant Professional Certifications in HR for a Career in I.T. Organisations” so we’ll be disclosing it shortly and right after we’ll even highlight the key take away pointers so be sure to review them and add to your learning. Therefore here we go…

If you’ve come here then you’re looking to upgrade your skills and improve your chances of getting selected to join an organisation with the culture that suites you. If you’ve searched and are struggling to get details about top professional certifications then your hunt is over as we’ve got quite a few that give you that edge you’re looking for to stand out and get selected. So here’s your answer put in to highlights of the key take away pointers hence let’s begin…

HR Certifications

  1. Udemy is one, but it has mainly one month packages or tutorials etc.
  2. LinkedIn Recruiter Certification is a good one and is usually sponsored by organisations and has a validity of 2 years.
  3. SAP HCM Certification
  4. Virtusa Polaris also has a Certification for Compensation and Benefits if interested
  5. SHRM Certification holds an edge since its syllabus is designed from time to time based on the latest market trends which keeps you updated.
  6. Psychometric Testing Certification really helps in understanding the strengths of a team
  7. NLP which again is on a different tangent
  8. Net-net, is not about the certification but the factors that influence or have an impact on business and of course being specific to HR is “people”.
  9. If your interest is into technology then learning ERP SAP, Oracle – PeopleSoft, Taleo Certification etc. are great
  10. If interested in a specific area for example Performance Management, Policies, other countries culture then doing an MBA or any university given certificate is recommended.
  11. Any ERP with global payroll are always wanted
  12. Brain Bench, Belbin Team Roles and HRCI are also good Certifications
  13. SourcePRO Training conducted by Yusuf and Mitch is another good Certification
  14. Even Middle Earth and Aon Hewitt both have advanced course content their coverage is the best however not sure of their market recognition but these HR Certifications are good ones
  15. Some other Certifications are six – sigma and train the trainer.
  16. Even in the case of a Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketing it isn’t a cakewalk to pass the tests though more than 70% of the course content is a refresher.

Recruitment bites about the relevance of Certifications

Positive Aspects

  • Doing certifications may not be need as HR professionals are also engagement managers and require high influence factor to drive them in their role.
  • Any program that can help you improve the influence factor is beneficial
  • From the HR front, experience and knowledge counts
  • Most people in HR Specialisation are obtained from Top Management Schools
  • The concentration is more on Pedigree and hands on experience in the domain, technological expertise and the companies they’ve worked for.
  • Content of most of the certifications is no doubt good
  • It helps to get through the door while looking for new opportunities it’s always been more as a part of qualifying than selection.
  • Although we still look for certified candidates it doesn’t mean they are Masters in it but in actuality they already possess the knowledge about the process and they usually follow it

Negative Aspects

  • For most Recruitment professionals HR certifications are least focused on in a HR profile
  • Just doing a certification isn’t the objective but how can it benefit you is the focus
  • A Certification doesn’t matter in the recruitment field and are not mandatory; it only adds value to the profile making it a strong one.
  • Having any certification doesn’t make anyone Masters but brings value to the work.
  • While certified candidates are sourced but our main objective is to look for a candidate who worked in it which can fulfil the requirement.
  • Certification is a lazy way of validating someone’s knowledge and work experience
  • The only question you should be asking is do you get lucrative returns
  • The returns may not be in monitory terms but will it at least open doors for better profiles is the question and the answer is usually no.

Market Reality

  • While HR Specialisations are obtained from Top Management Schools the top Management is usually not from Top B Schools rather they may not even have MBA degree either, yet they learn.
  • If there are doubts then you can do your own research by collecting a list of Top 50 HR managers through random sampling and find out for yourself.
  • As far as possible skills and competencies with hands on experience is important, not a certificate
  • The irony is Certifications helps in getting an edge on other profiles when you look for opportunities in the market which is a sad reality of the market.
  • Besides the fact that each organization has a different process to follow hence each team is trained in a different way to get the best from them.
  • Any certification helps people learn about the field and get a chance to implement what they’ve learnt.
  • How many of us get a chance to look into certifications but we have challenges every day at every point yet we still come out of all these challenges by learning from it.
  • A Certification is good to have but “hands-on experience” is what is preferred
  • Certifications always add value but earlier there was hardly any trace of an inbound concept – marketing or sales.
  • Today’s consumers are more informed and have more choices.
  • If a business implements the traditional way of dealing with its audience, they are sure to lose out on a great market share deal.
  • In general, there is a huge demand for `hands on’ professionals in the market
  • The learning is very limited and is based on the exposure an individual gets
  • Certifications give method to madness of your own learning.

If you’ve been following the discussion closely then some of our members have summarised it perfectly, so let’s find out more, so here goes…

Qualifications & Certifications will help us in landing the first job but once on board we learn and grow in our career; purely based on the relevant competencies and the skills we build in our respective functional & sub-functional areas on a continuous basis (including technical, functional, behavioural, etc.) besides there is a huge demand for `hands on’ professionals in the market; hence, let us focus on keeping ourselves continuously employable by being extremely `hands on’ in a few areas based on your focus and passion. Besides you grow and learn the tricks of the trade like most do in their own fields. Some tricks you pick by following your seniors, peers, subordinates while others you learn from the processes laid out at your workplace and relying on your own research and a/b testing which is what we call “Hands on Experience” and this learning is very limited as it’s based on the exposure an individual gets. Although Certifications give method to madness of your own learning they help especially when you are dealing with numbers / data, which most of us now have to deal with as we grow while climbing the career ladder and become decision makers, no matter which field you are in. And if you are a certified professional then you know that “hands on experience” in the best way.

So let’s end with a perfect example i.e., “Ones Perception makes all the difference as stated in the dialog mentioned below by one of our members…

“Interviewer: How long will you have to work to buy BMW?

Doctor: I think I can buy one in 6-8 months of my practice.

MBA: I need about 11-12 months of hard work.

Engineer: At least 2-3 years of very hard work.

Mr Ratan Tata: I think… about 5 years.

Interviewer: Why so long, Mr Tata?

Mr Ratan Tata: Well, it’s a big company!”

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