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Recruiting ADDA
#TASCON17 WhatsApp Group Chat – The Changing Role of Recruiters

The Recruitment industry is constantly changing in order to keep up with the changing times. Having; said that it’s obvious that the role of Talent Acquisitionist’s requires one to adapt to the changing Industry to preserve. Care to guess what the discussion will be covering?

You’ve guessed it right; we @SourcingAdda constantly try to keep Recruitment professionals updated about the current trends that are practiced. In an attempt to assist fellow Recruiters like your selves we even conduct annual events like  #TASCON17 a Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave where you get the opportunity to interact and network with the best minds in the Recruitment Industry. With that being said, in relation to our upcoming annual event, the discussion was on, “The Changing Role of Recruiters”. And as popular these WhatsApp discussions go; here’s your chance to catch up with what was discussed if you’ve missed it but remember to review the key take away pointers right after and add to your knowledge. So here goes…

This brings an end to another informative discussion with lots of inputs to take back, review and add to your learning.  Having said, that we’re sure that you’d also like to reinforce what you’ve learned hence here are the key take away pointers to help you retain what you’ve learned easily…

Possible Roles Recruiters Play

There are several roles that Recruiters may be required to play now or in the near future so here’s what a Recruiter’s role might be, as…

  1. A Recruiter of the Future, you will be required to have strong interpersonal and project management skills while your task of sourcing and coordination/scheduling is automated.
  2. A Data-Driven Analyst, your experience within the recruitment field is not going to be of much help due to the revolution in predictive analysis, machine learning, hiring algorithms and they must possess awesome skills in analysis.
  3. An Automation Domain Specialist, the traditional ways of maintaining data will have changed drastically. So it is more about the ‘Design of the ATS’ making it more efficient to avoid most of the ‘Data Entry Work.’
  4. One of the best Social Media Engagement Recruiters, you would have already set the benchmark for others to follow hence every Recruiter will have to focus beyond ‘LinkedIn’.
  5. Customer Experience Management, where we refer to a customer as being both – candidates as well as other stakeholders in the hiring process. For instance in a global village, wherein there are zillions of opportunities waiting for ‘good candidate’; customer experience is going to be the key factor.
  6. A Recruiter finding ‘The One’ in the Matrix, where every resume looks more or less the same is going to be difficult. Here Candidates can choose impressive resumes and just white paper it. The role of the recruiter is to find the candidates who aspire to be ‘Neo’ from Mr. Anderson.
  7. A Recruiter, just posting Jobs and Praying isn’t going to work any longer in fact Internal Recruiters must be trusted advisors to Hiring managers. While External Recruiters will have to not only find Talent that Internal Recruiters can’t find but also get candidates across the table for discussions.
  8. A Sales Guy, you’ll be expected to know how to pitch to tech wizards and geniuses in a way they get interested in the role and company.
  9. A Consultant, providing consultation to hiring managers, stakeholders based on the availability of Talent VS Budget.
  10. A Liason, you’ll be expected to network, meet talent to build your database and pipelines
  11. A Marketing Executive, you’ll be expected to help sales folks and even pre-sales folks on talent availability and feasibility of hiring.
  12. An Internal Communicator, wherein you’ll be required to conduct innovative campaigns for driving employee referrals and/or employee engagement activities
  13. A Waiter / Bellboy, wherein they’ll have to escort candidates into and out of the premises, arrange parking in some cases, deliver /offer tea coffee, organize lunch.
  14. A CEO / Senior Executive, where you’ll have to talk about your services, good culture, initiatives and balance sheets at conferences / to individuals
  15. A Family Member, where you’ll have to be concerned about the candidates, enquire about their good health, advise them like doctors if they have issues, last but at the least convey that they are not joining/dropping out of interviews as their uncle or grandparents are either dead or injured in accidents.
  16. A Real Estate Agent, for some candidates to help them hunt houses

In short, the roles of a Recruiter are changing rapidly where it will be essential for them to do much more than just be a postman matching keywords. Having said that they will be required to spend less time with paper or data but more time in interacting with people.  So if you’ve read this far then you now have a brief idea about the roles you’ll likely be expected to play in the near future. Therefore, you need to begin to focus on building some of the above-mentioned skills to remain upbeat with the changing roles and perform exceptionally with the changing times.

If you’re interested in remaining updated with the changing trends and adapt to it for instance, “Should Recruiters show eagerness to Candidates till the Offer Release Period to negotiate the CTC?” then you simply need to follow these 2 simple steps…

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events such as #TASCON17 #TweetChat and #TASCON17
  2. a) Leave us your views or requests to join these WhatsApp groups in the comments section below


       b) Simply DM us @SourcingAdda, with your name and contact details and our representative will get back to you.

Recruiting ADDA
#TASCON17 WhatsApp Group Chat – The Changing Role of Recruiters

The Recruitment industry is constantly changing in order to keep up with the changing times. Having; said that it’s obvious that the role of Talent Acquisitionist’s requires one to adapt to the changing Industry to preserve. Care to guess what the discussion will be covering?

You’ve guessed it right; we @SourcingAdda constantly try to keep Recruitment professionals updated about the current trends that are practiced. In an attempt to assist fellow Recruiters like your selves  we even conduct annual events like  #TASCON17 a Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave where you get the opportunity to interact and network with the best minds in the Recruitment Industry. With that being said, in relation to our upcoming annual event the discussion was on, “The Changing Role of Recruiters”. And as popular these WhatsApp discussions go; here’s your chance to catch up with what was discussed if you’ve missed it but remember to review the key take away pointers right after and add to your knowledge. So here goes…

This brings an end to another informative discussion with lots of inputs to take back, review and add to your learning.  Having said, that we’re sure that you’d also like to reinforce what you’ve learnt hence here are the key take away pointers to help you retain what you’ve learnt easily…

Possible Roles Recruiters Play

There are several roles that Recruiters may be required to play now or in the near future so here’s what a Recruiter’s role might be, as…

  1. A Recruiter of the Future, you will be required to have strong interpersonal and project management skills while your task of sourcing and coordination / scheduling is automated.
  2. A Data Driven Analyst, your experience within the recruitment field is not going to be of much help due to the revolution in predictive analysis, machine learning, hiring algorithms and they must possess awesome skills in analysis.
  3. An Automation Domain Specialist, the traditional ways of maintaining data will have changed drastically. So it is more about the ‘Design of the ATS’ making it more efficient to avoid most of the ‘Data Entry Work.’
  4. One of the best Social Media Engagement Recruiters, you would have already set the benchmark for others to follow hence every Recruiter will have to focus beyond ‘LinkedIn’.
  5. A Customer Experience Management, where we refer to a customer as being both – candidates as well as other stakeholders in the hiring process. For instance in a global village, wherein there are zillions of opportunities waiting for ‘good candidate’; customer experience is going to be the key factor.
  6. A Recruiter finding ‘The One’ in the Matrix, where every resume looks more or less the same is going to be difficult. Here Candidates can choose impressive resumes and just white paper it. The role of the recruiter is to find the candidates who aspire to be ‘Neo’ from Mr. Anderson.
  7. A Recruiter, just posting Jobs and Praying isn’t going to work any longer in fact Internal Recruiters must be trusted advisors to Hiring managers. While External Recruiters will have to not only find Talent that Internal Recruiters can’t find but also get candidates across the table for discussions.
  8. A Sales Guy, you’ll be expected to know how to pitch to tech wizards and geniuses in a way they get interested in the role and company.
  9. A Consultant, providing consultation to hiring managers, stake holders based on the availability of Talent VS Budget.
  10. A Liason, you’ll be expected to network, meet talent to build your database and pipelines
  11. A Marketing Executive, you’ll be expected to help sales folks and even pre – sales folks on talent availability and feasibility of hiring.
  12. An Internal Communicator, wherein you’ll be required to conduct innovative campaigns for driving employee referrals and / or employee engagement activities
  13. A Waiter / Bellboy, wherein they’ll have to escort candidates into and out of the premises, arrange parking in some cases, deliver /offer tea coffee, organize lunch.
  14. A CEO / Senior Executive, where you’ll have to talk about your services, good culture, initiatives and balance sheets at conferences / to individuals
  15. A Family Member, where you’ll have to be concerned about the candidates, enquire about their good health, advise them like doctors if they have issues, last but at the least convey that they are not joining / dropping out of interviews as their uncle or grand – parents are either dead or injured in accidents.
  16. A Real Estate Agent, for some candidates to help them hunt houses

In short the roles of a Recruiter are changing rapidly where it will be essential for them to do much more than just be a postman matching keywords. Having, said that they will be required to spend less time with paper or data but more time in interacting with people.  So if you’ve read this far then you now have a brief idea about the roles you’ll likely be expected to play in the near future. Therefore, you need to begin to focus on building some of the above mentioned skills to remain upbeat with the changing roles and perform exceptionally with the changing times.

If you’re interested in remaining updated with the changing trends and adapt to it for instance, “Should Recruiters show eagerness to Candidates till the Offer Release Period to negotiate the CTC?” then you simply need to follow these 2 simple steps…

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events such as #TASCON17 #TweetChat and #TASCON17
  2. a) Leave us your views or requests to join these WhatsApp groups in the comments section below


       b) Simply DM us @SourcingAdda, with your name and contact details and our representative will get back to you.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Relevance of Recruiters asking Candidates about their CTC in the selection process

As Talent Acquisitionist’s we follow a procedure to procure information that can help us sell the position better and onboard the Talent with the credentials and caliber we know are perfect for the role. Questions like current CTC, the profile the potential Talent is looking for are a few examples of procedural questions asked. Having said that, have you ever thought of its relevance in Candidate selection? If not then here’s a chance to find out for yourself and add to your knowledge.

We @SourcingAdda are constantly striving to assist our fellow Talent Acquisitionists to remain updated with the current trends and practices that are followed. More importantly, we are able to do that due to the efforts of our group members; one of them being Vineeth from the Pune group. As per his suggestion, our discussion topic was on, “Relevance of Recruiters asking Candidates about their CTC in the selection process, in reference to the article, “HR why? They need current CTC “Cost to the company” To view it visit – on 2 parameters namely,

  1. Should Recruiters ask candidates about their CTC?
  2. How will this information help them?”

As always we’ve received an outpour of responses, and we’re sure you’d like to know more so we’ll be sharing the discussion shortly, meanwhile do remember to view the key take away pointers that are highlighted right after. So here goes…

Well, the informative discussion ends with a lot of views expressed, inputs to take back and add to your learning; especially, when the discussion addresses important and sensitive aspects like the CTC of the Candidate. Although asking a potential Candidate for their current CTC is a procedure how relevant do you think it is? So here’s a chance to find out by reviewing the key take away pointers, so let’s begin…

Accept certain facts

  • If you have something to offer it comes with a price and shopping for Talent requires a careful thought process.
  • Realize that it’s the business that calls the final CTC especially if it’s a billable resource
  • Sometimes companies have to go beyond their budget to onboard a good candidate in the organization.
  • Ultimately money is what interests the candidate for a switch
  • Having CTC discussions are of prime importance but at a later stage for certain
  • Even if in the early stages prospective candidates claim otherwise, money is a great motivator because it’s an important aspect.
  • You always need to respect that and play your cards accordingly and you’ll come across several candidates that ask about the salary they’ll get upfront.
  • For a candidate, there is at least a max of 10 options or companies available where the candidate can join after clearing the interview.
  • For a recruiter, they might have 50 odd options for just one position
  • Realize that you’re dealing with a human and not a machine so respect that
  • Recruiters simply cannot afford to ignore CTC or leave it out of discussions
  • HR or Recruiters have a budget within which they have to hire; hence, asking current and expected CTC is absolutely fine and an expected norm.
  • Recruitment is not just skill mapping
  • Cost is one of the most important elements of the selection
  • The CTC offered depends on which industry you are hiring for like the service industry or product and everything has a budget and numbers are what matter for the management panel.
  • Recruitment is referred to as a job market where; in the job market, a candidate has their individual skills, experience, talent, education, etc… that are their USPs.
  • Disclosing salary information to an entity that might not even associate with the organization would just broadcast the core that’s meant to be confidential for multiple reasons including but not limited to market – competition, budgets, payroll parity.
  • Businesses have certain operating costs and hence budgets have been allocated
  • Recruiters cannot simply offer fixed compensation without calculating the percentage hike
  • Passive candidate engagement is a different ball game altogether.

Procedure to be followed

  • Recruiters work as per the client’s requirements so it’s important for the company to understand the hiring scenario especially if they are to come to an understanding about the range for the budget.
  • In an order to hire the right fit talent an organization needs to have the right strategy of hiring
  • You need to check which level the candidate is being shortlisted for provided that the HR, Recruiter and the Delivery Team are ok in hiring at this level.
  • Check the Candidates Base Pay Target Ratio (BPTR) and it can create parity issues
  • When comparing the Candidate’s current CTC take into consideration the benefits that they get apart from money as considering only money doesn’t attract middle level and above Talent.
  • Mostly the profiles we Source usually miss out information about the CTC, don’t have updated information, have vague figures and incomplete structures i.e. fixed, variable, benefits, etc.
  • It’s perfectly alright to confirm the CTC over a call but provided the Candidate asks a question related to the CTC.
  • Although asking about the CTC may not be alright but having that information when you have a time constraint; asking for the CTC would be a good option as you’ll be able to make sure that you’re bringing in the right talent at the right cost besides your KPI is affected.
  • In fact if one follows the theory of going by the mentioned profile information, chances are that you might select the candidate especially the ones that have gone through a number of rounds that involve time, cost, you’re efforts including the time spent by various individuals from different levels in an organization.
  • And as per your calculations, you might offer the candidate something beyond market standards only to realize that their salary details were updated during the last appraisal cycle.
  • On stretched compensation is where a corporate Recruiter has to understand whether the role they are hiring for is strategic or operational in nature.
  • Recruiters need to consider the urgency, the available candidate pool and impact of a non-hire / late-hire has on business.
  • On the basis of the above-mentioned aspects you can recommend a stretched budget or not for a particular role.
  • An initial budget of 15 lakhs that is closed at 28 Lakhs indicates poor research that went into the role definition, expectation setting (of hiring managers) and market research.
  • It puts Corporate Recruiters capabilities in a poor light meaning that they haven’t done their homework or they haven’t been able to communicate effectively with the hiring managers or there could be a trust issue.

Possible Solutions

  • Rather than asking the Candidate about the CTC, let’s give the candidate the Job offer as well and if the candidate finds the offer appealing and meets their expectations they’ll take it else if they disagree then they’ll probably object and state their expectations.
  • A simple, honest approach might get you everything you may need for a successful screening
  • There are always other ways to find out the information; besides its essential that Recruiters make sure that there are not overpaying the candidate than the company’s existing employees or the market standards.
  • In general Hiring trends normally a passive candidate will not look only for the CTC or you’d find them on job boards; which motivates them for a change.
  • Sometimes Passive candidates are found interested in the money; although they aren’t on, job boards.
  • With the right connections made or if you are on the right track you’ll be able to get the CTC without asking if you –
    • have industry connections
    • you know how to fetch the band structure which reveals the required initial level information
  • Irrespective of the budget, if you ask prospects of the CTC and assure them that you’ll try to get the best possible offer for them, it will give them comfort and confidence.
  • There is a trust factor that you need to establish though as the success ratio will be better if we can establish that faith; it’s generic but works a lot of times.
  • Expecting Recruiter’s to call every 50 candidates and tell them what they are offering as CTC to the Candidate is unfair.
  • Recruiters have certain parameters to shortlist candidates on; when calling 50 candidates is unfair, such parameters can be based on the experience or money.
  • CTC offer will depend on –
    • interview performance
    • how the profile is perceived which does not impress prospective candidates to present their candidature at least at entry level
  • For senior positions, candidates ask for the “budget” in a sophisticated or refined manner to ensure that they will not be wasting their time.
  • While India doesn’t have a law against asking about the Candidates’ CTC a better approach is to ask the question; for this particular position, is it better to take a transactional approach to the selection process or should one take a strategic approach?

Relevant & Positive Aspects

  • Asking details regarding whether a Candidate is perfect for the role are aspects to focus on
  • Having information about Candidates current CTC helps in –
    • Negotiating the salary package, especially when there is a budget constraint
    • It also ensures that the replacement cost doesn’t exit opportunity cost
  • If the salary range for a position is between “x – y”, unless the recruiter knows the candidate is not <x, it will be a waste of effort to proceed with the candidature.
  • A lot of countries have a role / experience-based standard of benchmarking with the least disparity, data published online for everyone to see.
  • Discussion regarding the CTC helps in understanding Candidates attitude and aspirations
  • It’s important to ask about the CTC as it helps to decide whether or not the Candidate is the best fit for the role.
  • Hiring any external resource without having comparative analysis with internal resources creates disparity and a low level of engagement.
  • Monitoring your potential Candidate’s digital footprints to gather content to take the conversation places is absolutely essential.

Irrelevant & Negative Aspects

  • Asking details regarding personal information like Candidates current CTC is not needed
  • India is the only country where Recruiters tend to ask so many questions about personal details
  • Abroad asking personal information like Candidate’s current CTC can be considered as an act of discrimination.
  • India cannot be compared with other markets
  • Salary information of any HR department in an organization is black box information

Well, this brings our informative discussion to an end with a lot of inputs to take back and add to our learning and help us stay updated with the best practices of onboarding candidates. This entire conversation has been summed up substantially well by the members in a saying, “Recruitment is referred to as a Job Market where, in a Job Market a Candidate has their individual skills, experience, talent, education, etc… that are portrayed as their USPs. Thus, if you have something to offer it comes with a price and one doesn’t blindly shop for talent.  It’s pretty basic!”

If you’ve read this far then you’ve found something worth your while so why not become an active learner instead of a passive learner. You can become an active learner in 2 simple steps i.e.

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events especially,
  2. a) #TASCON17 and to find out more please visit –
  3. b) We’re currently hosting a #SourcingContest so you can avail your #TicketToTASCON by participating in it here –
  4. a) Leave your views and your requests to join these WhatsApp. Groups with your contact and location details in the comments section


  1. DM us on Twitter to @SourcingAdda with your WhatsApp. Contact and location details

And one of our representatives will get back to you. So if you’d like to gain more insights into the trends or recruitment practices that are followed in the Recruitment Industry, for instance, Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 days’ Notice Period? Then it’s absolutely essential that you join these groups.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Relevance of Recruiters asking Candidates about their CTC in the selection process

As Talent Acquisitionist’s we follow procedure to procure information that can help us sell the position better and on board the Talent with the credentials and calibre we know are perfect for the role. Questions like current CTC, the profile the potential Talent is looking for are a few examples of procedural questions asked. Having said that, have you ever thought of its relevance in Candidate selection? If not then here’s a chance to find out for yourself and add to your knowledge.

We @SourcingAdda are constantly striving to assist our fellow Talent Acquisitionists to remain updated with the current trends and practices that are followed. More importantly we are able to do that due to the efforts of our group members; one of them being Vineeth from the Pune group. As per his suggestion our discussion topic was on, “Relevance of Recruiters asking Candidates about their CTC in the selection process, in reference to the article, “HR why? They need current CTC “Cost to company” To view it visit – on 2 parameters namely,

  1. Should Recruiters ask candidates about their CTC?
  2. How will this information help them?”

As always we’ve received an outpour of responses, and we’re sure you’d like to know more so we’ll be sharing the discussion shortly, meanwhile do remember to view the key take a way pointers that are highlighted right after. So here goes…



Well the informative discussion ends with a lot of views expressed, inputs to take back and add to your learning; especially, when the discussion addresses important and sensitive aspects like the CTC of the Candidate. Although asking a potential Candidate for their current CTC is procedure how relevant do you think it is? So here’s a chance to find out by reviewing the key take away pointers, so let’s begin…

Accept certain facts

  • If you have something to offer it comes with a price and shopping for Talent requires a careful thought process.
  • Realise that it’s the business that calls the final CTC especially if it’s a billable resource
  • Sometimes companies have to go beyond their budget to on board a good candidate in the organization.
  • Ultimately money is what interests the candidate for a switch
  • Having CTC discussions are of prime importance but at a later stage for certain
  • Even if in the early stages prospective candidates claim otherwise, money is a great motivator because it’s an important aspect.
  • You always need to respect that and play your cards accordingly and you’ll come across several candidates that ask about the salary they’ll get up front.
  • For a candidate there is at least a max of 10 options or companies available where the candidate can join after clearing the interview.
  • For a recruiter they might have 50 odd options for just one position
  • Realise that you’re dealing with a human and not a machine so respect that
  • Recruiters simply cannot afford to ignore CTC or leave it out of discussions
  • HR or Recruiters have a budget within which they have to hire; hence, asking current and expected CTC is absolutely fine and an expected norm.
  • Recruitment is not just skill mapping
  • Cost is one of the most important elements of selection
  • The CTC offered depends on which industry you are hiring for like service industry or product and everything has a budget and numbers are what matter for the management panel.
  • Recruitment is referred to as a job market where; in the job market a candidate has their individual skills, experience, talent, education etc… that are their USPs.
  • Disclosing salary information to an entity which might not even associate with the organisation would just broadcast the core that’s meant to be confidential for multiple reasons including but not limited to market – competition, budgets, payroll parity.
  • Businesses have certain operation costs and hence budgets have been allocated
  • Recruiters cannot simply offer fixed compensation without calculating the percentage hike
  • Passive candidate engagement is a different ball game all together.

Procedure to be followed

  • Recruiters work as per the client’s requirements so it’s important for the company to understand the hiring scenario especially if they are to come to an understanding about the range for the budget.
  • In an order to hire the right fit talent an organisation needs to have a right strategy of hiring
  • You need to check which level the candidate is being shortlisted for provided that the HR, Recruiter and the Delivery Team are ok in hiring at this level.
  • Check the Candidates Base Pay Target Ratio (BPTR) and it can create parity issues
  • When comparing the Candidate’s current CTC take in to consideration the benefits that they get apart from money as considering only money doesn’t attract middle level and above Talent.
  • Mostly the profiles we Source usually miss out information about the CTC, don’t have updated information, has vague figures and incomplete structures i.e. fixed, variable, benefits etc.
  • It’s perfectly alright to confirm the CTC over a call but provided the Candidate asks a question related to the CTC.
  • Although asking about the CTC may not be alright but having that information when you have a time constrain; asking for the CTC would be a good option as you’ll be able to make sure that you’re bringing in the right talent at the right cost besides your KPI is affected.
  • In fact if one follows the theory of going by the mentioned profile information, chances are that you might select the candidate especially the ones that have gone through a number of rounds that involve time, cost, you’re efforts including the time spent by various individuals from different levels in an organisation.
  • And as per your calculations you might offer the candidate something beyond market standards only to realise that their salary details were updated during the last appraisal cycle.
  • On stretched compensation is where a corporate Recruiter has to understand whether the role they are hiring for is strategic or operational in nature.
  • Recruiters need to consider the urgency, the available candidate pool and impact of a non-hire / late-hire has on business.
  • On the basis of the above mentioned aspects you can recommend a stretched budget or not for a particular role.
  • An initial budget of 15 lakhs that is closed at 28 Lakhs indicates poor research that went into the role definition, expectation setting (of hiring managers) and market research.
  • It put’s Corporate Recruiters capabilities in a poor light meaning that they haven’t done their homework or they haven’t been able to communicate effectively with the hiring managers or there could be a trust issue.

Possible Solutions

  • Rather than asking the Candidate about the CTC, let’s give the candidate the Job offer as well and if the candidate finds the offer appealing and meets their expectations they’ll take it else if they disagree then they’ll probably object and state their expectations.
  • A simple, honest approach might get you everything you may need for a successful screening
  • There are always other ways to find out the information; besides its essential that Recruiters make sure that there are not over paying the candidate than the company’s existing employees or the market standards.
  • In general Hiring trends normally a passive candidate will not look only for the CTC or you’d find them on job boards; which motivates them for a change.
  • Sometimes Passive candidates are found interested in the money; although they aren’t on, job boards.
  • With the right connections made or if you are on the right track you’ll be able to get the CTC without asking if you –
    • have industry connections
    • you know how to fetch the band structure which reveals the required initial level information
  • Irrespective of the budget, if you ask prospects of the CTC and assure them that you’ll try to get the best possible offer for them, it will give them comfort and confidence.
  • There is a trust factor that you need to establish though as the success ratio will be better if we can establish that faith; it’s generic but works a lot of times.
  • Expecting Recruiter’s to call every 50 candidate and tell them what they are offering as CTC to the Candidate is unfair.
  • Recruiters have certain parameters to shortlist candidates on; when calling 50 candidates is unfair, such parameters can be based on the experience or money.
  • CTC offer will depend on –
    • interview performance
    • how the profile is perceived which does not impress prospective candidates to present their candidature at least at entry level
  • For senior positions candidates ask for the “budget” in a sophisticated or refined manner to ensure that they will not be wasting their time.
  • While India doesn’t have a law against asking about the Candidates CTC a better approach is to ask the question; for this particular position, is it better to take a transactional approach to the selection process or should one take a strategic approach.

Relevant & Positive Aspects

  • Asking details regarding whether a Candidate is perfect for the role are aspects to focus on
  • Having information about Candidates current CTC helps in –
    • Negotiating the salary package, especially when there is a budget constraint
    • It also ensures that the replacement cost don’t exit opportunity cost
  • If the salary range for a position is between “x – y”, unless the recruiter knows the candidate is not <x, it will be a waste of efforts to proceed with the candidature.
  • A lot of countries have a role / experience based standard of benchmarking with the least disparity, data published online for everyone to see.
  • Discussion regarding the CTC helps in understanding Candidates attitude and aspirations
  • It’s important to ask about the CTC as it helps to decide about whether or not the Candidate is the best fit for the role.
  • Hiring any external resource without having comparative analysis with internal resources creates disparity and a low level of engagement.
  • Monitoring you potential Candidate’s digital footprints to gather content to take the conversation places is absolutely essential.

Irrelevant & Negative Aspects

  • Asking details regarding personal information like Candidates current CTC is not needed
  • India is the only country where Recruiters tend to ask so many questions about personal details
  • Abroad asking personal information like Candidates current CTC can be considered as an act of discrimination.
  • India cannot be compared with other markets
  • Salary information of any HR department in an organisation is black box information

Well this brings our informative discussion to an end with a lot of inputs to take back and add to our learning and help us stay updated with the best practices of on – boarding candidates. This entire conversation has been summed up substantially well by the members in a saying, “Recruitment is referred to as a Job Market where, in a Job Market a Candidate has their individual skills, experience, talent, education etc… that are portrayed as their USPs. Thus, if you have something to offer it comes with a price and one doesn’t blindly shop for talent.  It’s pretty basic!”

If you’ve read this far then you’ve found something worth your while so why not become an Active learner instead of a Passive learner. You can become an active learner in 2 simple steps i.e.

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real time updates to our upcoming activities and events especially,
  2. a) #TASCON17 and to find out more please visit –
  3. b) We’re currently hosting a #SourcingContest so you can avail your #TicketToTASCON by participating in it here –
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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Perspectives on Layoffs in the IT Market

The current market scenario calls for desperate measures to minimize the damage if another recession is in play. For this reason preparing for the possibility of another recession is essential. The best way for damage control requires one to put in measures to minimize the hopelessness and make difficult business decisions. And what better way is there then to seek Counsel that can be implemented.

Having, said that we @SourcingAdda constantly strive to showcase the best practices followed in the Recruitment industry and thanks to the members participation we are able to do so. Therefore the WhatsApp group discussion was on, “Perspectives on Layoffs happening in the IT market on 2 parameters namely,

  1. Will we experience another recession?
  2. If yes, what needs to be done to minimize the damage?”

As suggested by the Pune group member Vineeth. So be sure to review the conversation and view the key take away pointers which we’ll be highlighting thereafter. So here goes…

The informative discussion concludes here with a lot of inputs to take back and possible solutions to minimize the damage control which can be implemented. Now don’t you think having a discussion was worth your while? If yes, then you need to retain what you’ve learnt hence, let’s look at the key take away pointers to reinforce what you’ve learnt, so here goes…

Reasons for Layoffs

  • According to the Industry body ASSOCHAM warning the Indian IT firms may be forced to displace work force amid US tightening H-1B visa norms and rising rupee leading to lower software exports.
  • After the US tightened the visa norms, later Australia announced the scrapping of 457 visa used largely by Indian IT professionals.
  • According to research it was found that if there are layoffs in a large scale industry it is due to hiring done on a mass level for future project prospect and when firms don’t have any choice but to cut costs they lay off the bench employee’s during the performance appraisal.
  • Based on how the markets are there is a high possibility of India being the main service provider country in the world with the best human resource availability resulting in the European countries smoothing out the visa process.
  • Most of the companies are opting to fire non performing employees’ or they are reducing the bench Employees.
  • The market shows it as downsizing which is a regular practice
  • Solutions to minimising the damage

Employer and Recruiter perspectives

  • In the meantime here are some processes that you can implement for damage control mentioned below:

Employer Perspective

  1. Hiring freeze
  2. Mandatory vacation
  3. Reduced workweek
  4. Cut in overtime pay
  5. Salary Reduction
  6. Temporary facility shutdown
  7. Soliciting cost-reduction ideas from employees
  8. Offer unpaid vacation time
  9. Offer early retirement
  10. Layoff alternatives

Recruiter Perspective

  1. Hire Properly
  2. Create a contingency plan
  3. Negotiate pay
  4. Lower benefits
  5. Offer part-time work
  6. Help employer’s reduce costs
  7. Increase revenues or come up with better products or services or modify your selling strategy for products or services.
  8. Try and think about the company’s situation in a similar manner as your Employer

Employee perspective

  • As an Employee you need to make sure your work is recognized and appreciated by your supervisors and colleagues.
  • When there are layoff rumours avoid becoming invisible but rather the exact opposite such as sending out periodic progress reports and updates if any.
  • Make sure you are absolutely clear about what your responsibilities are and be sure that you meet them.
  • Take on additional work that was part of a former employee’s responsibilities which may involve handling tasks you’re overqualified to perform or that you don’t like.
  • Avoid expressing dismay as it can put your employment at risk if there are more layoffs
  • Display a positive attitude as you will benefit in the long run as employers remember those who helped them out through tough times.
  • If layoffs are rampant at your company, consider offering to take a temporary salary reduction
  • If not then be sure to begin hunting for a new position

There you have it, possible solutions to assist you in minimising and controlling the damage which can be implemented. So now you know what to do if you hear of impending layoffs. If you’ve read so far then you can be certain that you’ve got the answer to the questions you had prior to reviewing these key take away pointers.

Having, said that we’re certain that you’d like to be more of an Active learner rather than a Passive one. Hence, here are a couple of tips to help you become an Active learner.

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events especially, our annual event #TASCON17 Pune
  2. a) Leave your views or requests to join the WhatsApp groups in the comments section below


      b) Send us a DM to @SourcingAdda with your Name and Contact details

And one of our representatives will get back to you. In the meantime know that you’re prepared for an impending        layoff if it occurs and therefore you’d be able to minimize the damage a recession can cause with the measures at         your disposal.