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WhatsApp Group Chat – Ways to Scout PhD. Talent Holding Multiple Patents
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There’s been a lot of talk about Sourcing which requires one to explore untapped avenues to scout the needle in the haystack Talent that aren’t being Sourced.  We’ve spoken about different trends in Sourcing Talent for instance Executive and Non – Executive Search Sourcing Techniques and methods on a general level. But have you focussed more on the ways and means for Sourcing specific Talents?

Having said that, we @SourcingAdda decided to conduct a discussion to find out other methods of Sourcing for the Talent you seek thanks to the suggestion of our Bangalore group member Anvesh. Hence, the topic for discussion Wednesday’s was on, “Ways to Scout PhD. Talent Holding Multiple Patents”  we’ll be disclosing the discussion on the WhatsApp groups shortly and right after that we’ll be highlighting the key take away pointers to improve learning so let’s begin…


The discussion above was quite interesting as we received some out of the box tools to compliment while speeding up your specific PhD. and Patent Talent Search. And here are the key take away pointers to add to your learning…

Sourcing Tools & Methods to Source PhD. Talent Holding Multiple Patents

Sourcing Tools

  1. Scholar Search
  2. Google Patents Search
  3. Google search or an Image Search

Sourcing Channels

  1. PhD Talent –
  2. Espacenet –
  3. inPASS –  (for Indian Specific Patent Search)
  4. WIPO –  (for Worldwide Patent Search)

Sourcing Instructions

  • You need to use the method of finding those with patents through these websites
  • Use your Sourcing channels (GitHub, LinkedIn etc.)
  • Collect note information where you can reach out to the Applicants
  • You can also get results if the Talent Sourced has blogged
  • Look for other places where Candidates have mentioned their contact information
  • When a “Google Search” is done or an “Image Search” is done on Google; it returns a lot of research and PhD. Talent

Well this brings us to the end of yet another insightful WhatsApp discussion like the other one we had about, “Is Counselling Candidates on improving their Job Hunt Strategy a Recruiters Role?” If you read this far then we’re sure that you’ve something interesting and worthwhile. And if you’re not yet a part of these enlightening conversations then you know from the discussion above what you’re missing out on.

Therefore don’t be a passive learner become an active one by joining our Sourcing ADDA WhatsApp Groups and following us @SourcingAdda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. If you’re wondering how to join these groups then that’s easy, simply

  1. Send us a DM via Twitter with your details i.e. WhatsApp contact no., location and Job Title to  @SourcingAdda                                                                                                                                                                                               OR                                                                                
  2. Leave your requests to join along with your views in the comments and our representative will get back to you

There you have it; now wasn’t that easy that too in just 1 step besides you’re already a part of the Sourcing ADDA family if your reading this. Then why not make it official and add to your learning in a fun and exciting way while interacting with like – minded individuals like yourself.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates

There’s been a lot of talk about Pre & Post Engagement of applicants, we’ve even heard a lot about pre & post joining goodies. But have you ever thought about other areas where we can implement the Engagement of applicants? If no, then you’ve come to the right place; we’ll be exploring the areas where we can utilize this technique to improve the joining ratio of candidates shortly.

In an attempt to improve the joining ratio of the candidates we @SourcingAdda decided to have a discussion on, “Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates” upon the suggestion of our Pune WhatsApp Group Member Kavitha.  Do remember that we’ll be highlighting the key take away points of the discussion thereafter so here’s what we’ve uncovered…

The conversation above clearly indicates that the inputs we’ve received are quite enlightening and full of ideas to utilize and verify its effectiveness. We’re sure that you’re impatiently waiting to know the key take away pointers to bear in mind, therefore, let’s not keep you waiting. So here goes…

Importance of Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates

  • Pre-engagement helps you to hold on to your offered candidates
  • Post offer engagement is one of the important aspects to keep the candidate warm & enthusiastic to join the company.
  • Post offer engagement is a challenge that an HR has to face it

Ideas for Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates

  • Have a regular dialogue with them to know the status of the candidate with regular interactions and share key highlights with them.
  • If your budget permits have a small souvenir sent across with a personalized letter
  • Senior folks can have a discussion or dinner or lunch with the new Joinees as it creates a very good impression in a candidate’s mind.
  • Engage the functional team by having regular conversations with Candidates
  • Have discussions with Candidates to find out about their interest level, family issues if any, comfort level post the offer, expectation and the kind of training they’ll need.
  • Keep Candidates engage by calling them regularly and check their progress simultaneously and even conducting a Candidate survey also helps.
  • Explain to the Candidate the progress path expected to help them while engaging
  • Conduct weekly calls & follow-ups and ensure that every call have a progressive discussion to assist retention of candidates
  • During office parties, if there are any Candidates that have accepted an offer & will be joining soon invite them for the parties or dinners.
  • Have weekly and biweekly calls with Business Leaders and Principal Architects to keep them warm and sell the role and cutting edge work happening around it
  • Inviting them for a team lunch or outings to make them feel comfortable with the team and the managers to help them get to know people they’ll be working with.
  • Try to ensure that there are amazing talents in the team to boost their interests and increase the chances of them joining the firm.
  • Send flowers/chocolate bouquets or goodies and a welcome email etc. to complement the efforts
  • Send welcome emails with onboarding training courses and keep them in the loop of things that involve them while sharing with them their schedule for Day 1 will help build his interest.
  • Get Candidates to interact with other departments, for instance, the delivery team will make them feel warm and accepted.
  • Sending the newsletter of the organizations’ achievements & awards while they are in progress
  • Arrange to have a Cup of Coffee with their PM or find a way to involve them in your hiring plans
  • Conduct a pending joiner meeting where you can set up a particular date quarterly
  • Invite PJ for a to get together session where the leadership team can give insight to them about to the company, its financial growth, etc. followed with Lunch but be sure to make it more of an interactive session.

Now wouldn’t you agree that we’ve received great perspectives and ideas to conduct successful Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates. If you’ve found these inputs worth your while and you’re not yet a part of these popular WhatsApp group chat discussions then you don’t know you’re missing out on. But now you do have a rough idea as to what you’re missing; for instance, we’ve had a discussion on, “Employee Promotion Processes followed by Organisations” then you might want to be a part of these discussions.

If you’ve liked what you’ve already read and would like to learn more than our WhatsApp group chats are exactly what you’ve been looking for. So be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda for real-time updates to our upcoming events and activities. Ensure you leave your comments or requests to join these groups in our comments section, Tweet us or send us a DM to @SourcingAdda with your contact details and our representative will get back to you instantly.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Pre – Engagement before On-Boarding Candidates
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There’s been a lot of talk about Pre & Post Engagement of applicants, we’ve even heard a lot about pre & post joining goodies. But have you ever thought about other areas where we can implement the Engagement of applicants? If no, then you’ve come to the right place; we’ll be exploring the areas where we can utilise this technique to improve the joining ratio of candidates shortly.

In an attempt to improve the joining ratio of the candidates we @SourcingAdda decided to have a discussion on, “Pre – Engagenent before On-Boarding Candidates” up on the suggestion of our Pune WhatsApp Group Member Kavitha.  Do remember that we’ll be highlighting the key take away points of the discussion thereafter so here’s what we’ve uncovered…pre-engagement-before-on-boarding-candidates

The conversation above clearly indicates that the inputs we’ve received are quite enlightening and full of ideas to utilise and verify its effectiveness. We’re sure that you’re impatiently waiting to know the key take away pointers to bear in mind therefore let’s not keep you waiting. So here goes…

Importance of Pre – Engagement before On – Boarding Candidates

  • Pre engagement helps you to hold on to your offered candidates
  • Post offer engagement is one of the important aspects to keep the candidate warm & enthusiastic to join the company.
  • Post offer engagement is a challenge that a HR has to face it

Ideas for Pre – Engagement before On – Boarding Candidates

  • Have a regular dialogue with them to know the status of the candidate with regular interactions and share key highlights with them.
  • If you’re budget permits have a small souvenir sent across with a personalized letter
  • Senior folks can have a discussion or dinner or lunch with the new Joinees as it creates a very good impression in a candidate’s mind.
  • Engage the functional team by having regular conversations with Candidates
  • Have discussions with Candidates to find out about their interest level, family issues if any, comfort level post the offer, expectation and the kind of training they’ll need.
  • Keep Candidates engage by calling them regularly and check their progress simultaneously and even conducting a Candidate survey also helps.
  • Explain to the Candidate the progress path expected to help them while engaging
  • Conduct weekly calls & follow-ups and ensure that every call have a progressive discussion to assist retention of candidates
  • During office parties if there are any Candidates that have accepted an offer & will be joining soon invite them for the parties or dinners.
  • Have weekly and biweekly calls with Business Leaders and Principal Architects to keep them warm and sell the role and cutting edge work happening around it
  • Inviting them for a team lunch or outings to make them feel comfortable with the team and the managers to help them get to know people they’ll be working with.
  • Try to ensure that there are amazing talents in the team to boost their interests and increase the chances of them joining the firm.
  • Send flowers / chocolate bouquets or goodies and a welcome email etc. to complement the efforts
  • Send welcome emails with on-boarding training courses and keep them in the loop of things that involves them while sharing with them their schedule for Day 1 will help build his interest.
  • Get Candidates to interact with other departments for instance the delivery team will make them feel warm and accepted.
  • Sending the newsletter of the organizations achievements & awards while they are in progress
  • Arrange to have a Cup of Coffee with their PM or find a way to involve them in your hiring plans
  • Conduct a pending joiner meeting where you can set up a particular date quarterly
  • Invite PJ for a get together session where the leader ship team can give insight to them about to the company, its financial growth etc. followed with Lunch but be sure to make it more of an interactive session.

Now wouldn’t you agree that we’ve received great perspectives and ideas to conduct successful Pre – Engagement before On – Boarding Candidates. If you’ve found these inputs worth your while and you’re not yet a part of these popular WhatsApp group chat discussions then you don’t know you’re you’re missing out on. But now you do have a rough idea as to what you’re missing; for instance we’ve had a discussion on, “Employee Promotion Processes followed by Organisations” then you might want to be a part of these discussions.

If you’ve liked what you’ve already read and would like to learn more than our WhatsApp group chats are exactly what you’ve been looking for. So be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda for real time updates to our upcoming events and activities. Ensure you leave your comments or requests to join these groups in our comments section, Tweet us or send us a DM to @SourcingAdda with your contact details and our representative will get back to you instantly.


Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – How Important is work location in terms of Hiring?

Talent Acquisitions are always Sourcing for the needle in the haystack and there have been several occasions wherein the applicant has turned down the opportunity due to commuting concerns.  As a result, closing the desired Talent has proved to be difficult.

Having said that, @SourcingAdda we’ve taken the initiative to try and understand the importance of work location in terms of hiring. Thanks to our Bangalore WhatsApp group member Shashank’s; discussion topic suggestion, “How Important is work location in terms of Hiring?” So add to your learning with the discussion and ensure you remember the key take away points highlighted after.

If you’ve read this far then we’re certain that you’ve found something interesting and want to ensure that you’ve got all the points that were important. Having said that we’ve taken the initiative to highlight the key takeaways for you to add to your knowledge.  Therefore, let’s get right down to them so here goes…

Importance of Work Location in terms of hiring

  • A lot depends upon the location of the company and the industry they deal with
  • Candidates are willing to join a company i.e. located in a place that can easily be reached by car or public transport
  • Most candidates will not travel further than they already do
  • Applicants are more likely to join a company located in the vicinity of their residing location
  • If Sourcing for talent with specific skills then a company located in an area where related industries are also located is a good option.
  • In Bangalore; location and proximity matters a lot
  • There have been scenarios where the candidate works from home yet is interested in working outside his town and is also mentioned in the résumés on job portals.
  • True location is the key for any company no matter which industry and they provide transportation
  • Location is not only important for hiring but equally important for business
  • Clients always map the company and the surrounding areas while finalizing any deals
  • A company at a prime location will definitely get Candidates very easily and clients as well
  • Even though work location matters it also depends on what kind of infrastructure the city has
  • During the initial phase of an individual’s career, the infrastructure of the city has less importance
  • But the importance picks up once they settle down with the family, house, kid’s education, taking care of parents, etc.

Challenges faced

  • For better company hiring it is challenging in tier-2 cities
  • Even though the salaries given are on par with industry standards; Candidates are still not ready
  • With Increasing traffic and travel time applicants spend 4 hours in addition to their regular hours
  • Candidates want to settle in a place where there are more options
  • On the basis of the work location, we will able to understand the genuinely of candidates. It helps reduce the blackout ratio.
  • Finding the right talent in smaller cities compared to metros is difficult
  • When it comes to relocation Candidates back-out for various reasons

Solutions to the Challenges faced

  • To curb this, start introducing flexible timings, work from home once a week
  • Encourage them to relocate with their family by giving more perks
  • All these or more we could offer can only help a certain percentage, the challenge will still remain
  • The role, pay and overall job security are vital to fill
  • On the basis of the work location, we can understand the ingenuity of candidates and it helps reduce the blackout ratio.
  • To deal with the challenge of relocation we need to check their candidature and if selected in any organization he/she can negotiate on that offer with the current organization.
  • Moving to tier two cities and towns is a good option if implemented well
  • Companies must pay tier salaries for a good quality of life and to capture and retain the right caliber Talent.

Trends followed

  • The Recent trend observed is that people are looking for opportunities close by
  • Now travel time is also considered as work time in some countries

Now that’s one heck of a discussion, wouldn’t you agree? Once again we’ve received an outpour of responses with a lot of inputs to add to our learning as well as yours. If you’d like to get real-time updates to our upcoming activities and events to be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda.

If you’ve found the discussion enlightening and would like to be a part of these discussions then please share your WhatsApp contact no & you’re location via DM (Direct Message on Twitter) or leave your requests to be added in the comments section along with your views.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – How Important is work location in terms of Hiring?
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Talent Acquisitionists are always Sourcing for the needle in the haystack and there have been several occasions wherein the applicant has turned down the opportunity due to commuting concerns.  As a result closing the desired Talent has proved to be difficult.

Having said that, @SourcingAdda we’ve taken the initiative to try and understand the importance of work location in terms of hiring. Thanks to our Bangalore WhatsApp group member Shashank’s; discussion topic suggestion, “How Important is work location in terms of Hiring?” So add to your learning with the discussion and ensure you remember the key take away points highlighted after.


If you’ve read this far then we’re certain that you’ve found something interesting and want to ensure that you’ve got all the points that were important. Having, said that we’ve taken the initiative to highlight the key take a ways for you to add to your knowledge.  Therefore, let’s get right down to them so here goes…

Importance of Work Location in terms of hiring

  • A lot depends upon the location of the company and the industry they deal with
  • Candidates are willing to join a company i.e. located in a place that can easily be reached by a car or public transport
  • Most candidates will not travel further than they already do
  • Applicants are more likely to join a company located in the vicinity of their residing location
  • If Sourcing for talent with specific skills then a company located in an area where related industries are also located is a good option.
  • In Bangalore; location and proximity matters a lot
  • There have been scenarios where the candidate works from home yet is interested in working outside his town and is also mentioned in the résumés on job portals.
  • True location is the key for any company no matter which industry and they provide transportation
  • Location is not only important for hiring but equally important for business
  • Clients always map the company and the surrounding areas while finalizing any deals
  • A company at a prime location will definitely get Candidates very easily and clients as well
  • Even though work location matters it also depends on what kind of infrastructure the city has
  • During the initial phase of an individual’s career the infrastructure of the city has less importance
  • But the importance picks up once they settle down with the family, house, kid’s education, taking care of parents etc.

Challenges faced

  • For better company hiring it is challenging in tier-2 cities
  • Even though the salaries given are on par with industry standards; Candidates are still not ready
  • With Increasing traffic and travel time applicants spend 4 hours in addition to their regular hours
  • Candidates want to settle in a place where there are more options
  • On basis of work location we will able to understand the genuinely of candidates. It helps reduce blackout ratio.
  • Finding the right talent in smaller cities compared to metros is difficult
  • When it comes to relocation Candidates back-out for various reasons

Solutions to the Challenges faced

  • To curb this, start introducing flexible timings, work from home once a week
  • Encourage them to relocate with their family by giving more perks
  • All these or more we could offer can only help a certain percentage, the challenge will still remain
  • Role, pay and overall job security are vital to fill
  • On the basis of the work location we can understand the genunity of candidates and it helps reduce blackout ratio.
  • To deal with the challenge of relocation we need to check their candidature and if selected in any organization he / she can negotiate on that offer with the current organization.
  • Moving to tier two cities and towns is a good option if implemented well
  • Companies must pay tier salaries for good quality of life and to capture and retain the right calibre Talent.

Trends followed

  • The Recent trend observed is that people are looking for opportunities close by
  • Now travel time is also considered as work time in some countries

Now that’s one heck of a discussion, wouldn’t you agree? Once again we’ve received an out pour of responses with a lot of inputs to add to our learning as well as yours. If you’d like to get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda.

If you’ve found the discussion enlightening and would like to be a part of these discussions then please share your WhatsApp contact no & you’re location via DM (Direct Message on Twitter) or leave your requests to be added in the comments section along with your views.