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What Marketer’s and Recruiter’s should know about Twitter Profiles?

What Marketer's and Recruiter's should know about Twitter Profiles

Most companies and recruiters have modified their marketing and recruiting methods to accommodate the changing times. In view of this change, Twitter has made a few changes to its profile display for its many users.

These changes are vital for every user including marketers and recruiter’s alike, as this has a bearing on the company’s branding and in scouting potential recruits. This adds up to a loss of qualified individuals if one isn’t aware of these trivial; yet important changes, hence both parties need to be up to date with the current trends. Therefore, an article titled, What Marketer’s and Recruiter’s should know about Twitter Profiles.

Profile Pictures

Twitter has updated the size of its profile image, which is now expected to be 400 by 400 pixels; this is done to cater to the current trend and is in line with most social networking formats. These dimensions make you profile pic more viewable.

Header Image

Your header image size is now 1500 by 500 pixels, giving its users a Facebook like experience that is larger than it originally was. This size is perfect as it doesn’t obscure your profile image, bio – data and it improves the look of your profile all together.

Best Tweets

Now users will be able to identify their best tweets as they will appear in a slightly bigger font so you get at a glance all the tweets that have received the most engagements. Doesn’t this make everything so much easier to track and modify if required?

Pinned Tweets

Users can now choose which specific tweets they would like to be pinned to the top of their profile. Wow isn’t that amazing! Now your profile will look more professional as you can pick tweets that best suit your profile description.

Filter Profile Views

With the new developments that Twitter has made you can now filter all the profile views of others on the bases of tweets only, tweets plus reply’s, or tweets with photos or videos. Doesn’t this help you look for what you want to view easier and time saving?

New Grid views

This particular style enables one to view their followers, or the ones they are following and the posted content in a grid style that is similar to that of Pinterest. Doesn’t this layout make all the difference to the way you view your followers and the ones following you including the content posted.

Well now that you are aware of the changes that Twitter has made to its profile layout, what are you waiting for, might as well implement them and use it to your advantage to apply to job openings and get selected for an interview in the process. Everyone else will definitely be modifying their profiles, than why shouldn’t you, especially if it can make all the difference to your career. So sign in to your Twitter profile right now and watch you advance in your career ladder that most of us tend to miss out on.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Metrics used in Recruiting: Cost per Hire

WhatsApp Group Chat – Metrics used in Recruiting: Cost per Hire

A common challenge that most Recruitment professionals have is how to justify the Cost Per Hire while ensuring that the quality of hired talent does not diminish when the focus is more on reducing CPH. When you are into Recruitment this is of the utmost importance for Talent Acquisitionist’s across organisations, primarily as we are answerable to the CFO at the end of the day. Therefore, knowing where you can cut corners to fit in to the prescribed budget is a challenge when on boarding talented folks isn’t easy to come by nor is retaining them. Unless you have a crisp understanding of what CPH is and what metrics can be used to know approximately how much the entire hiring process costs you is paramount to developing a cost friendly hiring strategy that meets the specific requirements.

Being in to the recruitment fraternity; we @SourcingADDA, a Talent Acquisition community, try our level best to keep our members up to date with the current developments in the industry that we so enjoy. And having such proactive members makes it even more fun to learn and improve as a closely knit community. With that realisation in mind; one of our Bangalore group member’s Omar had suggested we discuss about, the Metrics used in Recruiting: Cost per Hire. Where we consider the time taken right from the source up to the hire stage and how can we make the process more effective and efficient? For our fellow Talent Acquisitionist’s alike. The responses we received right from the Trendsetters desk gives us a much better outlook towards commonly visited topics, challenges faced and the possible solutions to overcome these difficulties. To which you too have access to in the views expressed below

The perspectives shared above portray a realistic picture giving us a fair idea of what areas may require tweaks to deliver the results we as Talent Acquisitionists wish to achieve. With a clear understanding of the CPH we will be able to create effective hiring strategies that cater to the said requirements and be able to reduce the CPH wherever applicable. And so we can ensure that the quality of hires is maintained within the budget prescribed by the CFO.

Additionally, if you are interested in knowing more about some of our other discussion then the WhatsApp Group Chat Reasons and Solutions to reduce IT Candidate’s Offer Acceptance & backing-out ratio might be a good read to rethink on your next hiring strategy. And if you wish to hire at scale then be sure to join us on WhatsApp and get more involved by

  1. Following us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leaving your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

Where one of our representatives will get back to you at the earliest or you can be proactive and register yourselves immediately to stay abreast in the latest recruitment trends. Become a part of the recruitment community as it is the best place to remain tuned to the latest developments within the recruitment fraternity. The platform is one where you are sure to get live insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere. The inputs thus shared are by trend setters that cater to the obvious challenges faced with live solutions to help you achieve your organisational or individual goals. You can leverage the opportunity to build connections and grow your referral pipeline or up-grade your candidate sourcing skills to capture exceptional and potential talent at scale.

Recruiting ADDA
Traits of a Good Recruiter

Traits of a Good Recruiter

The Recruitment field has always been one that requires specialised skills. Professionals are expected to be up to date with the changing trends and to implement the same, so that the quality of hires and their performance improves.

So the obvious question that comes to the fore is what makes a good recruiter or rather what separates a good recruiter from an average recruiter. You’ve guessed right, it’s the, Traits of a Good Recruiter that can help you distinguish between the two. So let’s find out what these traits are, that define a good recruiter? Well it is important to know that these are not real people but rather composite traits that some of the best recruiters had.

Great at networking due to an interest in people

The job call for a recruiter calls for good people skills and to be that it helps if you have an interest in people and to be more of a people’s person. These individuals need to be on their feet and out there practically to gather the best talent from a pool of suitable candidates. These individuals like to meet new people and even seek out opportunities that help them meet new people.

Marketing and influencing skills are preferred

These are individual who have a knack for marketing and hence are also able to influence potential customers or recruits for that matter. These individuals generally do well and become important people once they climb their career ladder. These are the ones that adapt to the need of the hour or present circumstance of the company. As far as possible they try and meet the demands of seasonal recruiting.

Personalize and Leveraging skills are generally present

They are the ones who personalize the activities that they do. Be it hiring someone or maintaining the relations. They are good at leveraging skills, because they have a clear understanding of the job requirements from both perspectives and if not don’t hesitate to clarify their doubts. These individuals usually know how to use their individual talents to capture the suitable candidates.

Know how to use technology instead of being consumed by it

Their knowledge about technology is relatively good and to some extent knows how to make use of social media well. Their people skills help them increase their connections and form new connections as well. These are individuals who tend to have a solid network and one that they can count on in times of need. So if your aim is to be a recruiter than, you need to pay attention to these skills. If you lack any of them you need to develop them to an extent that they improve and boost your recruiting needs. And one way to begin is by trying to improve these skills by practicing on a regular base, especially by seeking out or using opportunities that you can build on them. As the saying goes, Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. – Earl Nightingale

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Current Industry Standards in Hiring Metrics

WhatsApp Group Chat on - Current Industry Standards in Hiring Metrics

Recruitment metrics are essential to identifying whether a hiring strategy is effective in achieving hiring success. They are the key to evaluating the effectiveness of the hiring strategy because they provide companies and hiring manager’s with actionable insights to improve and optimise the current recruitment process. The metrics used can save the cost to hire and is therefore not to be taken lightly.

And Talent Acquisitionists are held accountable by Hiring Managers or CFO for metrics that justify the Cost Per Hire (CPH). For Hiring Managers or CFO the main focus is more on reducing CPH, this development impacts the quality of Talent Hired. In spite of this development Recruiters have to ensure that they don’t compromise on obtaining good talent which is difficult to maintain. The reason for this being the case is that exceptional talent sometimes require additional perks to hook them to a great offer and retaining them once on boarded is a discussion for another time. To gauge whether your hiring efforts are effective; we @sourcingadda conduct discussions to get a clearer understanding of aspects that are relevant to our members. Having said that one of our Bangalore group member’s Omar suggested we discuss on, Current industry standards in hiring metrics so let’s have a look at the insights we received below

The interaction above helps us get a better idea of the hiring metrics that are used. It also gives us alternative options and good insights to watch out for when running such metrics. It helps us gain a better understanding of the practical application of the alternatives mentioned and what is currently the trend. All of these aspects mentioned by and large keep us updated with the latest developments in the recruitment fraternity we’re all a part of. It helps us prepare better when times are changing and become trend setters.

If you are interested in getting a better perspective about a candidate’s expectations that are inclined to the CTC then the WhatsApp Group Chat Setting Candidates Expectations Specific to CTC is a good read. But if you rather wish to know about the office timing trends then the WhatsApp Group Chat Trends Followed in Office Timings and Late Mark Rules would be a good place to start. As it will help you rethink what you are familiar with and accordingly tweak your strategies to keep up with the changing times. To learn more about how you can hire at scale then join us on Whats App and get more involved by

  1. Following us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events
  2. a) Leaving your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

Where one of our representatives will get back to you at the earliest or you can be proactive and register yourselves immediately to stay abreast in the latest recruitment trends. By become a part of the recruitment community you are sure to remain tuned to the latest developments within the recruitment fraternity. The platform also provides you with live insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere. The inputs thus shared cater to the common challenges faced by Talent Acquisitionists like yourselves and help you achieve your organisational or individual goals. As a member you can leverage the opportunity to build connections and grow your referral pipeline or up-grade your candidate sourcing skills to capture exceptional and potential talent at scale.                                                                                                   

Recruiting ADDA
How to Start an Inbound Recruiting Campaign?

How to Start an Inbound Recruiting (IR) Campaign

In the time when most recruiters are using Social Media Recruiting techniques, we tend to refrain from using the traditional methods of recruiting which can prove to be a better technique for recruiting individuals of calibre when the present methods aren’t as effective. So here’s some information about, How to start an Inbound Recruiting Campaign, that I’m sure you haven’t explored yet and that might just be the best way in spite of the popular Social Media Recruiting  method that most recruiters implement these days.

Nothing affects the success of a Recruiting Campaign than an unplanned one that hasn’t been carefully conducted. So before we move forward, would you like to guess what the first step to a successful Inbound Recruiting Campaign is? Yes, you’ve guessed it right!

Plan for All Contingencies

You never know what all could go wrong during the entire process and nor can I help you there but I do have tips that might help you to minimise the amount of things going wrong.

Different Perspectives

Well for starters you might want to try to look at different perspectives apart from the recruiters. For instance, try looking at things from the applicant’s perspective and most importantly try to visualise the entire scenario mapping out. This will help you to plan for everything right from the preparation, travel, set up and conduction of the campaign.

Take Guidance

What has also proved helpful is asking someone with some experience in organising events, preferable campaigns as these individuals generally tend to notice things that newbies don’t. But I stand firm on the method of trial and error; as these experiences have a long lasting effect on the way you do things and help you not to make the same mistakes again, thus you can become a guide for other novices to come.

Get Organised

If you’ve done the first two then it’s time to plan and get organised, by now I’m sure you know that both the points mentioned earlier are included by default in every aspect from here onwards including this point. Apart from organising for the campaign, you need to step back and prepare yourself first to get the approval of your superiors. We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, just yet. So make sure you have valid reasons as to why you’ve decided to go in for the option of holding an Inbound Recruiting Campaign instead of using Social media. If you are having difficulty in coming up with reasons to back you’re decision than here’s a tip: highlight the benefits of how this is cost effective, saves the business time and makes your recruiting easier. That should do it, if you’ve done a good job.

Creating Posts and Advertisements

Well if you thing this is the simplest task you are sourly mistaken, here’s why? Even though this aspect of the campaign seems trivial, it is in actuality the most important aspect of recruiting. Creating a post or an advertisement isn’t an easy task as you are indirectly getting the word of the brand of the company out there. If it doesn’t attract the kind of crowd you hope to get that’s mainly because of the post and advertisement creation including the appearance. Whatever you create has to first and fore most appeal to your target audiences, without that you are sure to loose whatever little response you do manage to attract. This doesn’t sound that trivial now does it?

Language Used

Make sure that the language meets the latest developments, meaning try to make it personal because people usually respond to posts or flyers that they can relate to easily. Pay attention to those annoying grammar and punctuations that you so don’t want to focus on. These aspects play an important role in the understanding of your target recruits. Ensure that it is simple, easy to understand, specific and crisp.

Its Appearance

While grammar and punctuations are a must, you also need to focus on the appearance it says a lot about you as a recruiter, your company as you represent it and also helps potential candidates to learn about the kind of organisation they are going to be working for. Shocking isn’t it? Doesn’t seem as miniscule as you thought originally now does it?

Market your Campaign

Well the next step is to market the campaign so you get a decent amount of candidates present. This is a bit tricky, simply because if it is institute specific you need to brand the company well so that your resources are likely to give you a patient hearing, even before they let you set up your campaign. If it is institute specific you need to ensure that the market is done via that institute mainly. If it is going to be held at a Career fair you need to ensure that the branding of the company is done well so that you receive more applicants. Don’t limit yourself to online marketing alone, be proactive and use even the traditional methods to improve the company’s branding. Some techniques of marketing the company are as under:

Social Media Marketing

Well you can optimally make use of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest etc. to spread the word about the campaign. A simple post will do the job but make sure that you tweet about it as well to get maximum responses.

Traditional Ways of Marketing

As the name suggests, you can advertise about the campaign in newspapers via job ads and flyers or pamphlets and also on job portals. All of this effort will definitely yield maximum results as you are even targeting passive individuals and the ones that might be looking for a job or have thought about a job change. So if you have done everything well you are sure to have a decent number of applicants to choose from resulting in a successful campaign experience nonetheless. Now that you’ve understood the magnitude of importance each aspect holds in a carefully planned out and executed Inbound Recruiting Campaign, you are now ready to begin and reach heights in your recruiting process though a simple technique which is probably fading out. So make use of its potential while you still can or risk losing out on candidates to your competitors who might not be using such methods of recruiting.