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Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat – Topics that matter in #TASCON16
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Our most exciting annual event #TASCON16 is coming up and here’s a great opportunity to interact with fellow Talents Acquisitionist’s with the best minds in the Recruitment Industry. While this is great what is even better is a chance to get in touch with them via #SourcingChat prior to the event.

Keeping this is in mind and with #TASCON16 coming up @SourcingAdda we decided to host a #SourcingChat dedicated for this very purpose. I’m sure you’re familiar with our monthly #SourcingChats hence this month’s #SourcingChat was on, “Topics that matter in #TASCON16.”

I bet you’ve been wondering what the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat were especially if you’ve missed it; then your wait is over as here they are…

Q1. How should we define Talent Analytics and Big Data in #Recruitment? Why it’s being talked about?

#SourcingChat #TASCON16

A1: The size of data has increased like never before, hence need of big data analytics for better hiring decisions

#SourcingChat #TASCON16

Hiring shouldnt depend on gut feel, experience and organizational beliefs. Talent Analytics is Must for Quality       Recruitment. #SourcingChat

Q2. Have we moved beyond the question “why social” for hiring? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

With 600Million WhiteCollarred Professionals online, social isn’t a matter of choice anymore. Recruiters must           adopt! #TASCON16 #SourcingChat

A2: If made proper use of social space, opens a huge gateway to find talent #SourcingChat #TASCON16

A2 Debate is settled while #ROI is still stumbling block for #TalentBranding proof is in pudding from #social             #TASCON16

A2:YES. Globally 3.4B I-users& 3.7B M-users are majorly in educated category.Companies are leveraging this

for branding & outreach #TASCON16

Q3. How do we measure results of social for hiring and branding? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

@SourcingAdda A3) It depends on the level of engagement and how eagerly they are waiting for more

information! #TASCON16

A3) That’s a good one, many of the recruiters shy away from ROI however robust ATS/ smart analytics tools

really work #TASCON16

Q4. Will Digital Marketing be the future of Recruitment for talent attraction? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

A4) Will not be surprised to see JD’s asking Recruiters to have a bit of #DigitalMarketing skill

@SourcingAdda yes it will be the future if you see how many people are using internet and how may are on

Facebook, twitter etc. #TASCON16

A4 @SourcingAdda Yes n No; Yes coz digital is becomg way of life;our acq. appr. needs to embrace it


Q5 What are the strategies methods and tips companies should be incorporating in to their Diversity Hiring

process? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

A5: One simple way to diversify your workforce is by broadening your pool of sources. #SourcingChat

Measure quality of hire, time taken, cost n effort invested. It’s how many u #influencer #SourcingChat


Q6. As a recruiter, how can we source & hire more diversity talent? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

Google even removes names from resumes to avoid biases!#sourcingchat #diversity

Q7. Will machine learning be the best next big thing in Recruiting? #SourcingChat #TASCON16

@SourcingAdda #SourcingChat #TASCON16 Sensitizing Recruiters n Hiring Mgrs #UnconsciousBias is key

first step in d Diversity Rect Journey

@SourcingAdda with help of AI hiring/ sourcing process may be changed…#SourcingChat #TASCON16

A7: indeed ML is the next move, artificial Intel is will help to be ahead in the game “war of talent” #TASCON16

Well these are the results hope they turned out as you might have wanted them too. If not we still have our other #SourcingChats to look forward to and most importantly our long awaited #TASCON16 is coming up so be sure to attend as you’ll get insights that are sure to add to your knowledge. If you’d like to be part of our upcoming event/s then follow us @SourcingAdda to get real time updates to our various activities and events. You can also get in touch with us if you’d like to be added to our various WhatsApp Group Chats Wednesday Discussions and lots more.


Recruiting ADDA
5 Ways to Build a Successful Mobile Recruiting Strategy
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We are predominately in the Information Technology Age as such the developments in technology now dominate sourcing to a large extent. First we had Desktop computers, than came Laptops, than tablets and now we have smart phones making their way into every home. It is only fair to say that Mobile Recruiting is the next development in sourcing.

With almost everybody having a smart phone it is obvious that job seekers will want to view and apply for jobs via mobile. Here’s why?

First and foremost it is convenient due to internet access, fast and easier to use compared to a computer. People can access it easily while on the move. So implementing Mobile Recruiting strategies becomes essential for companies. Individuals are usually looking to gather information fast and so is it with job seekers. Hence here are, “5 Ways to Build a Successful Mobile Recruiting strategy.

5 Ways to Build a Successful Mobile Recruiting Strategy v1

Mobile Friendly Sites

Companies need to cater to the new developments if they are looking to hire talented individuals. Job seekers mainly look for information about the company on the company’s website hence the site is to be designed so that it can be accessed on a mobile easily with the least amount of disruptions.

Job Ads

When creating job ads for mobile viewing there are certain things one needs to keep in mind. Firstly ensure that it is easy for the applicant to read and navigate between job ads given the size of the screen. Here you also need to pay close attention to the content in the job spec as it can be viewed by anybody who log’s on to the Internet. This affects the company’s reputation so ensure that the content is relevant and to the point.

Application Process

Individuals live in a fast paced world hence tasks are also completed quickly. As a result many mobile users wish to finish the entire application process via mobile hence catering to their needs becomes important if one is on the lookout for individuals of caliber.

Neglect of Hiring Managers

Many companies with the view to source candidates generally create an ATS to speed up the process to gain suitable recruits. For sourcing to be successful it is essential to have an ATS that works but one that also works with mobiles. If not, you run the risk that the system will not be as productive as expected. So it is essential that the system designed be accessible by smart phones and tablets alike.

Social Network

Most Android and iPhone users regularly access social network sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so ensure that the job ads posted are crisp and clear to avoid receiving irrelevant candidates. These are great platforms to source for candidates due to the huge data base of members and their connections. These sites enable you to access member profiles including second and third party contacts. With such a vast pool of individuals to choose from, it’s the perfect place to capture suitable candidates that can be short listed and select the ones that fulfill all the requirements.

With these simple yet effective ways of Sourcing via mobiles, chances are that if everything is done correctly by focusing on all the aspects discussed I’m sure that the task of sourcing will yield desired results. It is said, Mastering the Art of Mobile Recruiting begins with Reaching Out to the Right People, at the Right Time and on the Right Channel.

Recruiting ADDA
Whats app Group Chat – Recruitment Tools for Passive Sourcing
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As Talent Acquisitionist’s we are constantly Sourcing for the needle in the haystack and being into the Recruitment Industry we are well aware of the changing trends. This is all well for experts like us but what about our fellow Sourcers who are new in to the profession? We may have the experience and most certainly know the trends but is there a slight possibility that there are techniques that we haven’t yet heard about? I think yes, with the Recruitment Industry changing rapidly we are bound to miss out on something or the other.

If you think otherwise then stop kidding yourself, you’ll find out why by reading further, so here’s what we @SourcingAdda learnt about, “Recruitment Tools for Passive Sourcing” that was a topic suggested by our WhatsApp Group Chat member Soniya…

Recruitment Tools for Passive Sourcing v1- 1

Recruitment Tools for Passive Sourcing v1- 2This brings our informative discussion to an end and I’m sure that you didn’t know some of the things that were mentioned. More importantly from the feedback we’ve received it is clear that these discussions are becoming quite popular and helpful just the same.

So if you’re not a part of these discussions you don’t know what you’re missing out on. To know what  the best minds in the Talent Acquisition Industry had to say during #TASCON16 follow us @SourcingAdda for more updates to our upcoming events and of course #TASCON16. You can get in touch with us if you’d like to add yourself and colleagues to our What App groups to gain access to the popular Discussion Wednesday’s.

Recruiting ADDA
Whats App Group Chat – How should Recruiter’s approach different types of Candidates?
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As fellow Talent Acquisitionist’s we’re ever ready to interact with Candidates we receive. At times while interacting with Candidates it becomes difficult to get the desired information we would like to know about them. This in turn hinders our task and we’re looking for new ways of interacting with them to extract the necessary information.

In view of that we @SourcingAdda decided to assist  Recruiters by directing them in the right way of interacting with Candidates and how they should behaviour towards them to gain the information they seek. Hence, the Whats App Group Chat Wednesday Discussions was on, “How should Recruiter’s behave with or approach different types of Candidates?” as suggested by our Pune  Group member Prateek.  And here’s what we uncovered…


2On the basis of the conversation above we can conclude that we as Talent Acquisitionists need to modify the techniques and methods that we implement when interacting with Candidates between interviews. As times change we too need to change the way we do things and streamline our strategies and approaches to Candidate interactions to yield maximum results.

Thus, @SourcingAdda  our motive is to assist Talent Acquisition Professionals in their endeavour of catching the needle in the haystack in order to boost ROI and improve KRAs altogether. We all realise that we need to be up-breast with the latest trends in the Recruitment Industry in order to improve our KPAs. Therefore, if you’re not part of these Whats App Group Wednesday Discussions you have no idea what you’re missing out on. If you’d like to be a part of these discussions do get in touch with us to get added to these groups. And if you’d like to be updated about our various activities then follow @SourcingAdda to receive real time updates.

Recruiting ADDA
Whats App Group Chat – Challenges for Recruiters in 2016 due to the Technology Age
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There has been a lot of talk of the Technology Age and how the Recruitment Industry is changing because of the advancement in technology. Given the current scenario it’s obvious that you’ll like to know what challenges Talent Acquisitionists like yourself would face.

In view of this we @SourcingAdda decided to host a Whats App Group discussion on, “What will be the challenges for Recruiters in 2016 as we are in the Technology Age” as suggested by our Gujarat Group member Amit. If you’re just as curious as I am then here’s what we discovered…


2Based on the conversation above and the reviews we’ve received we can conclude that it was one heck of a discussion. And I’m sure if you’re following us @SourcingAdda and are a part of these informative discussions then you surely have added to your knowledge. If in case you’re not part of these discussions then it’s probably time to become a part of them as you don’t know what you’re missing. In the meantime know that if you’re reading this then you too have added to your knowledge as well. Be sure to get in touch with us if you’d like to be added to any of these WhatsApp Groups.