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WhatsApp Group Chat – Is Recruitment like Sales?
WhatsApp Group Chat - Is Recruitment like Sales?

As Recruiters we need to get the misconceptions clarified; the major one being that Recruitment isn’t like sales. Therefore let’s get one thing straight instead of looking at it as Recruitment ~ Sales you ought to perceive it more like Recruitment = Sales. Whether you are an internal recruiter, contract recruiter, agency recruiter, independent recruiter so on and so forth you are doing sales nonetheless. If you are wondering why; it is because you are selling dream jobs to candidates and exceptional talent to clients where both involve individuals. Additionally, if you are convincing hiring managers why a particular talent is the perfect fit for the role/s available at your organisation then that too is a form of sales.

Put simply, sales is nothing but one person selling products or services to another individual. And since recruitment involves a deal taking place between two people it’s thus a difficult profession. And it is not to be mistaken as being a piece of cake as most make it out to be. But don’t take my word for it as we @SourcingAdda, addressed the same in our regular discussions. The discussion was based on the suggestion of one of our Bangalore group members Harishanker. His topic, Å“Is Recruitment like Sales? addressed this very misconception. And you too would agree after you have reviewed the insights shared below by thought leaders from within the recruitment fraternity


WhatsApp Group Chat – Is Recruitment Like Sales
WhatsApp Group Chat - Is Recruitment like Sales?
WhatsApp Group Chat - Is Recruitment like Sales?

If you have been following the conversations closely you’d have realised that this too has an element of for and against. Some portray Recruitment as not similar to sales others beg to differ. But majority of them are in consensus that recruitment does have a lot of similarities to sales. With the not too obvious exception of the double sales aspect that is frequently overlooked. It thus makes Talent Acquisition twice as much difficult in comparison to an ordinary sales job. Much like sales recruitment too has targets and deadlines to meet making it an ideal profession to get better at sales or vice versa. Therefore it’s safe to say that the former concept i.e. Recruitment ~ Sales doesn’t hold true but rather the latter Recruitment = Sales seems to be the popular opinion for all the reasons mentioned earlier on.

Meanwhile, if you are interested to know more about Candidate Market Mapping then the WhatsApp Group Chat Best Ways to Conduct Candidate Market Mapping makes a good read. Also be sure to get yourself more involved by following the quickest solution i.e. by

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And one of our representatives will get back to you at the earliest; else you can be proactive and get yourself registered immediately to remain abreast in the latest recruitment trends. The trends are showcased on our one of a kind platform with live insights from experts within the recruitment fraternity.

Recruiting ADDA
Essential Selling Skills for Recruiters
Essential Selling Skills for Recruiters

The competition to track and capture the right Candidates for your company with all the necessary skills has just been taken up a notch, making the selection process even tougher on Social Media platforms. As a direct consequence the availability of qualified Candidates is boosted, that too with a click of a button. Wow, isn’t that great! Well you can take it in a positive or negative stride, but I for one would like to look at the positive aspects.

I bet your wondering what these Essential Selling Skills for Recruiters are, so without further ado, here are the skills that will assist you in landing that perfect Candidate for the job.

Develop a Rapport & Build Trust

The aspect that most people usually tend to overlook is developing a rapport and building trust with the client. This works for any field that involves people. Once you have accomplished both these aspects the chances of the Candidate joining your company is high.

Knowledge of Sales

When conducting a face to face interaction with potential Candidates having some knowledge about sales can help you to capture good talent. You can also educate Candidates on new ideas and perspectives to think about that they might not have thought about. This in turn if conveyed properly can change the Candidate’s thinking, thus a sale is made. In Recruiting it basically means that you have almost succeeded in convincing the Candidate to take the job you are offering.

Collaborated Effort

Often buyers are looking for solutions to their problems therefore providing a solution to the buyer might not be such a bad idea. Offering solutions might just help you make a sale so why not offer solutions to any problems that the potential Recruit may have. You can also highlight to them how you can give them the desired outcome. By doing so they just might consider your offer and make a decision therein.

Demonstrate Potential Return on Investment

Just like sales require one to highlight or show a persuasive and believable picture of the results they are likely to get if they invest in your product. On a similar note you can give them an explanation as to why working for your company would be the best decision. This too can help the applicant to make the decision to join your company.

Listen to Prospects

Merely listening to what the Candidate is saying, isn’t enough? Most sellers know this. But it is essential to not just listen to what is being said, you also need to be an active listener. To show that you are an active listener you also need to pose questions and clarify things that aren’t clear. This shows that you have understood what has been mentioned.

Understand the Needs

It is absolutely essential for one to show that they understand what the Candidate needs even if you have a rough idea about their needs. In order to be sure about the needs it is important to ask questions so that you can get a clear picture of their needs. Hence, gather information about the current economic status and the general notion of the masses. All of this information will help you to draft a relatively accurate picture of the needs.

If you integrate all of these aspects in your Recruitment process, chances are that the Candidate most definitely will pick your company. So try something new and check the responses that you get. Dont let me tell you what to do. Rather try it yourself and watch your vacancies fill up and that too with desirable Candidates.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat- Ways of Controlling the Controllable Employee Attrition in any Department

Attritions in organisations usually refer to the reduction of staff by voluntary or involuntary methods and are done through natural means. The natural means are of different kinds; to name a few voluntary or involuntary retirement decisions, through resignation, termination of contract and when a company decides to make a position redundant.

On a general level attrition of any kind is often viewed as a healthy development for any business but when you have a high staff turnover or an early attrition then it is an indication for concern which needs to be addressed immediately. If left unchecked it will most likely end up being costly for organisations as they invest a lot in recruiting and training employees and having individuals stay on only for a short period of time means that you are not getting back a return on your investment.

Therefore we @SourcingAdda decided to address this new development to get a better understanding through our discussions as per the topic, Ways of controlling the controllable employee attrition in any department suggested by one of our Mumbai group members Ritu. And shared below is what we uncovered

If you have been searching for effective ways to combat high employee attrition then you first need to address the various causes of high or early attrition and some insights shared like diversity, equity and inclusion hiring (D, E & I), Employee Value Propositions (EVP), micro managers, work pressure, no growth prospects, no hikes, layoff threats, no learning opportunities and organisation culture fit are some of the reasons for high attrition rates. If these causes are addressed immediately it can help in the retention of Talent especially with the exceptional and top performers within the organisation. Additionally, another challenge recruiters face is maintaining and managing referral data in a referral program which gives you great insights in to effectively running referral programs be it internal or external there is always a way to do things better which is why learning is never ending so if you share the same thoughts then here’s something that you can do for yourself i.e. you can

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Recruiting ADDA
How to Break Bad Recruiting Habits?

Most individuals including recruiters are guilty of having bad habits because let’s face it neither of us is perfect. We all have our short comings, for recruiters these bad habits are usually recruiting ones. And whether you like it not you too practice bad recruiting habits nonetheless. Do any of these habits ring a bell? Can you identify with any of these habits?

Avoid Office Jargon

Recruiters should stay away from the jargon that the Organization or Employer uses because apart from the individuals working at the firm, outsiders will not understand the words or acronyms used as a member of the firm. They should also watch out for the vocab that their employers use when creating job posts, since candidates may not understand the language used. So the language used should be simple, specific and crisp while containing all the necessary and important information. When interacting with suitable recruits, refrain from terminology that is common knowledge on the floor.

Outbound Calls

Although recruiting requires one to make several calls to get potential candidates, it becomes cumbersome. The role involves making a number of calls to help you to narrow down on a list of suitable candidates. On an average recruiters speak to about 13,000 candidates annually, that comes to roughly 35 applicants per day. With such a vast number of candidates to evaluate, the possibility of inadequate information gathered is high. In such a case it becomes necessary to contact potential individuals and verify important information before adding them to the list of selected candidates. Generally, this is not done individually due to it being a tedious task. You tend to leave out some in the process. This delays the hiring process considerably.

The Procrastinator

Sourcers, like other employees too have deadlines and targets to meet, add to that the number of unexpected tasks that crop up, altogether results in a lot of work load to tackle. With a mountain of work to finish, one tends to put off tasks for another time thus fueling the habit of procrastination. Putting off tasks that can be done now leads to cramming things for the last minute while trying to meet deadlines. This results in the quality being compromised and inefficient work being presented.

Qualified CV’s compromised

Given the statistics of recruitment even CV’s are compromised when they are sent to irrelevant employers or if they don’t meet the requirements. With the magnitude of candidates researched and sorted out, at times simple mess ups like interchanging of resume’s and inadequate information gathered can both annoy the employer thus affects your performance in turn affecting the value of the candidate.

The Slow Responder

As recruiters apart from sourcing candidates of caliber, we also have other responsibilities. All of these tasks and unexpected ones too, take up our time. In a situation like this we usually postpone our response time to any form of communication either via email, S.M.S, voice mails etc. If the response time is postponed it affects their productivity, so try to be respectful of their time and respond in a timely manner. It is preferable to respond within 24 hours and as soon as possible but in case a response is required instantly, it would be wise to swift through the emails and S.M.S for ones that need your immediate attention.

Having bad habits can hinder your performance and affect your career growth in the long run. So let us unlearn what has been learnt and perform to the best of our ability without restricting or limiting ourselves to be better than what we are already.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Impact of AI on HR

In the current scenario it is important for Talent Acquisitionists to remain abreast on the developments in the Recruitment fraternity as a whole as it drastically alters things as we know them to be. Lately there has been a lot of hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Augmentation and Machine Learning and its impact on the recruitment sphere. In order to find out if there’s some relevance to this we turned to our recruitment folks in our @SouricngAdda WhatsApp groups to give us some clarity and substance to this hype with the help of our regular discussions and the topic suggestion by one of our Mumbai group members Ritu stressed on, The Impact of AI on HR. The responses we received were insightful and got us pondering about things we wouldn’t normally think about unless stimulated to do some of our own thinking. Therefore, shared below is the discussion for your perusal for you to come to your own conclusions

The discussion highlighted some interesting insights in to what tasks could be managed by AI single handedly once programmed to execute the same so let’s get a sneak peek into the benefits we as recruiters stand to gain with AI as an assistant. Some are of the opinion that it can support us but not replace people as the HR core functions revolve around people with focus on people relations, their engagement, interactions and progression all need a human touch.

Nevertheless, the areas that we can expect AI to manage are streamlining candidate engagements, redundant tasks will be automated so recruiters can focus more on core activities which is HRM. Other tasks could include gathering information about market trends and current trends in compensation, candidate scarcity and pre-screening Talent prior to interview scheduling. It can assist us in pulling up profile information for a variety of roles from various sources in one go, thus reducing our costs and enabling us to function more efficiently and effectively with full attention given to the aspects that matter the most. So does this give you a general idea in to the areas that you can expect a lot of development?

Since we are on the subject of AI and its evolving role in Recruitment it brings us to think of another aspect that needs evaluating i.e. Do AI, ML and Robotic Recruiters like Vera pose a real threat to a Recruiter’s Career? A thorough understanding will give you broader insights into the role AI, ML, Automation, Augmentation and Robotic Recruiters will play in the recruitment sphere and prepare us for the future.

Being informed is only the first step but being abreast on the evolving trends in the Recruitment Industry is the next step and connecting with thought leaders within the recruitment fraternity is the way to achieve the objective so go ahead and

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