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How to Apply SEO Principles to C.Vs. and LinkedIn Profiles?

It is a common notion that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) only applies to Blogs and SEO articles while that may be true it can also be used to boost your job hunt as well. Knowing How to Apply SEO Principles to C.Vs. and LinkedIn profiles? gives you an edge over your competitors and thus improves your chances of getting noticed by Sourcers.

But before you do this it is important to have a basic understanding of what SEO is all about. It is a writing and web page technique that boosts the visibility of the website and improves the ranking in search tools like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This technique brings your webpage or blog within the first few options which are where you want your webpage to be. Statistics suggest that most individuals usually view the first few results and then type in another search. If your page ranks within the first page of the Google search itself you re likely to get a lot of traffic towards your website or blog. So if this is done correctly, it will automatically affect not only your visibility but also the ranking.

In a nutshell, it is a technique that enables your webpage or blogs to rank among the first few searches within the first page of a Google search thus directing all the traffic towards your webpage or blog.

Keywords Used

The foundation of good SEO is the keywords used. So what are keywords? These are commonly used words or phrases that people are likely to enter in search engines. For instance coffee, brew, coffee beans, roasted, etc. are all related to each other which when used together are woven seamlessly several times into content created. These keywords differ according to the profile for which you re job hunting. If you a graphic designer the words you should use depending upon your experience are Photoshop, Composition, Layout, and Creative.

Profile Completion

When completing your LinkedIn profile for instance it is preferable to begin the description with your name as it acts as a keyword in itself. In addition, you also need to use these keywords within your profile to get the desired results.

Titles & Subtitles

If you thought keywords were to be used mainly in your profile then think again. These same keywords need to be in your titles and subtitles as well. If you want to create an impression with your profile then you need to have titles and subtitles that will convey the message too. Titles and subtitles that stand out and that attract attention are likely to receive a better response from Sourcers. Another aspect to focus on is to ensure that the keywords and headlines used to highlight your experience.


Another important aspect to focus on to improve the visibility of the webpage via the Search Engine is the number of quality links that point towards your webpage. These search engines function based on the answers to these questions:

  • Which other websites point to this webpage?
  • Are these sites of high quality, substantial and popular?
  • Have these sites been around for a long time and whether they are managed to keep their reputation?
You might have noticed that recommendations and endorsements are generally done by professionals who might be from a group. This too assists the search engine to function effectively.

If all of these questions are answered then chances are that your search engine is functioning properly and this will be highlighted by the results you see. If all of these aspects have suitable and relevant keywords it will definitely boost your visibility and ranking thus improving your opportunities simultaneously. So what are you waiting to integrate keywords that best highlight your experience into your LinkedIn profile and in your C. V. and watch your opportunities grow?