As employers we claim to understand completely why we have chosen campus recruiting as an effective strategy to fill posts in our organisations. But have you ever stopped, to think and clearly state the why’s we so often use that are in fact the ones floating around. Well as students we too are ignorant of these why’s and would rather prefer to follow the crowd, else risk losing out on opportunities through curiosity.
These statements stand true as I understand it to be and based on the information I possess. In view of these statements here are some insights in to the popular campus recruiting strategy that is used so often by several companies. So here’s one on, Considering the Whys of Campus Recruiting that you might find quite informative and that can improve your knowledge and also clarify the doubts that you may have.
To Build Awareness
This is done mainly because of the limited applicants that employers receive. They are of the opinion that as they are a start up or a small firm that isn’t familiar to the masses, students aren’t applying. But for reputed and large firms the story is the opposite. They are over flowing with applicants but don’t have that many vacancies, yet find a considerable amount of individuals applying when their requirements are fairly clear and most don’t meet their criteria. Hence they try to clarify these requirements with such activities.
To Change the Image
Closely related to the above reason are the misconceptions floating around about the firm, due to its regular appearance. These firms have found candidates developing misconceptions about the business and what they deal with or the roles for which they are hiring. They too make use of this strategy to resolve and prevent such misconceptions from developing further.
To Present yourself as a Top Employer
Well this too poses as an interesting point because those small firms now want to build their brand and say, I’d like to work for that company and in that department. This is what most companies look to achieve, so that they get listed by candidates as a potential company they would not just want to, but like to work for. This would naturally boost the number of applicants they receive for a vacancy on regular bases.
To Connect with the Right Students
Sounds familiar; well if you haven’t already noticed it than, yes, this is another main objective for companies going in for On Campus Recruitment. They want to connect with the right candidates that they find suitable for the post they are offering. Conducting events like this helps them to get in touch with the candidates on first hand bases, which helps them determine the calibre of students presented at that particular institute. This gives them the assurance that they are bound to capture the candidates that are best suited for the post.
To Share Important Information
Some companies hold a session called share information prior to interviews. These are invite only interviews that only selected candidates are requested to attend before their interview is conducted.
Some common pointers on the goals that companies have are to increase the applicant numbers, improve the quality of their hires and to also boost their acceptance rate of the offers. So, I hope the doubts that you may have had prior to this have been cleared and if you still have any doubts you can always post them in our comment section and will be glad to address them to the best of our knowledge. Meanwhile, here’s something to think about, Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon. – Alexander Pope