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WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non Revenue Generating Department
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WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non Revenue Generating Department

The rapidly evolving business landscape and the fluctuating economy affect’s businesses and by default the Human Resource Management Department as well. Given such developments it’s expected that the Human Resource Department will continue to face evolving challenges in the years to come. And as a Non – Revenue Generating Department are expected to provide justification for it. Additionally, ROI and investment justifications which can be difficult to respond too as talent selections are quite volatile in nature due to the dependency of multiple variables present.

To get some clarity on the subject and to get implementable solutions that facilitate better explanations and justifications; we @SourcingAdda took the initiative to conduct our on demand discussions on, Challenges faced by HR Heads or Managers as a Non Revenue Generating Department upon the suggestion of one of our Mumbai group member’s Rajaram. And mentioned below for your perusal is what we uncovered…

WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non  Revenue Generating Department
WhatsApp Group Chat Human Resources Management Challenges: Non  Revenue Generating Department

From the perspectives shared above we can safely construe that there are always ways to try and get your point across by backing up your views and expressing them in a practical way. It helps one to view the entire process in a similar way rather than in a selective negative or positive view. It minimises any misinterpretations and helps one to think differently giving you a different outlook that is more realistic and acceptable. Therefore, for it to be effective it should be conveyed in a similar line of thought to the top management. As it fosters a different outlook enabling them to look at things as they stand in a realistic manner. It can thus persuade the management to be more receptive to your point of view in a practical and more acceptable manner.

If it still doesn’t provide the outcome you hope to achieve then applying the above mentioned alternatives particularly by giving specific details as much as possible that justifies your investment can do wonders to your career and the organisation as a whole. Also focus on the other aspects that are interrelated to the concept to back your justification e.g. Employee engagement, candidate experience, etc. alternatively, provide a different outlook that justifies your investments as mentioned earlier or you can utilise the information and solutions shared to help you derive alternatives and thus achieve the desired results from the Revenue Management Team. But when all is said and dusted you need to realise that they too are answerable to the top management. Therefore ensure you give them a perfectly valid reasons that help them covey the same to the top management. In so doing you are indirectly helping yourself and the organisation as a whole. As always we look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave your perspectives in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately today. Our platform provides you with real time insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere offering solutions that worked for them on topics discussed that address various key challenges faced. These exceptional individuals are here to share their live experiences on several recruitment related topics, share tips on different methods used for specific types of hiring. Additionally, they will enable you to fine tune your strategy and assist you in capturing hard to find talent at scale. As a member you have an option to leverage it to maximise your connections and thus grow your referral pipeline.