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WhatsApp Group Chat a Reasons for Employee Transfers in Organisations
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Organisations constantly expand as is the process of growth and with that come certain challenges that one needs to tackle in the best way possible. They may have several reasons for conducting employee transfers but what are the many reasons for them to make these drastic changes and is there any substance to doing so? Are questions that keep cropping up to those of us who try to understand their standing on the same to better understand the industry we hold dear to us.

With that being said; we at Sourcing ADDA keep trying our level best to bring you relevant information about the latest happenings at the ground level in the recruitment fraternity. We do this to give you a more realistic picture of how the recruitment industry is progressing and evolving. The information thus shared keeps you updated so you are better prepared to deal with the changing trends. And thanks to one of our Mumbai Group members Rajaram’s participation we are able to share insights into topics that matter and one such discussion was conducted on, Reasons for Employee Transfers in an organisation so let’s take  look at the insights shared below for your perusal, we mean you the reader

Whats App Group Chat – Reasons for Employee Transfers in Organisations


Whats App Group Chat – Reasons for Employee Transfers in organisations

The discussion above highlighted many reasons why firms transfer employees to different departments. Some of the commonalities portrayed are to avoid monotony in the work of an employee. They do this by opting for training interventions rather than transferring the employee. Others focus on up-skilling the employee’s skill which boosts the morale. Also, a transfer is applicable when based on an organisation’s requirements which maybe niche. In cases where churning an internal resource poses a huge challenge and investment; organisation’s usually resort to an external resource as an acceptable alternative. Another reason is organisation restructuring and other factors that lead to a transfer depend on the organisation’s dynamics like expansion, processes, projects, services, ageing, new technology etc. All in all, it is safe to assume that so long as the above parameters have been met the option of transfer or job rotation is based on such requirements.

More importantly as a close knit community we also provide assistance to members in their talent sourcing task as we have a platform where talented folk with the skills companies find hard to place available on our exclusive job posting groups. Where you’ll definitely find the talent you are looking for while obtaining workable alternatives to common challenges faced. You will learn about other tools and techniques Talent Acquisition folks like yourselves use to meet their placement targets. Apart from the not so obvious benefits mentioned you will learn a lot by participating in our regular activities. Therefore be sure to follow us @Sourcingadda and get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. As several of our followers already know we look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave us yours. If you wish to become a part of our growing online community and remain tuned in to the latest happenings in the recruitment fraternity then register yourselves immediately today!