Well it’s time to revisit the WhatsApp Group Chat that was held to test our memory. So tell me how many of you can remember all the important aspects that were discussed. Well we’ll soon find out as the discussion was on the “Best practices that ensure maximum footfalls for recruitment drives†Tell me did you remember that? If yes, then that’s great. But let’s find out what was discussed.Well this brings our interesting chat to an end with lots of learning. So now you know everything that was discussed including the important aspects that I’m sure you’ve missed during the chat. Be sure to be present at our next WhatsApp Group Chat and follow @Sourcing Adda.
Well it’s time for a recap on the WhatsApp Group Chat that was held this week and a chance for us to test what we’ve learnt so far. So if you’ve missed some then this is your chance to catch up on aspects missed. So let’s find out what was discussed on “As a Recruiter do you always give feedback to interviewed candidates?â€ÂÂ
This brings our amazing chat to an end and I couldn’t agree more to what GirishTilak said, “At the end of the day all of us as Recruiters should keep one thing in mind i.e. we were also at some time candidates or people who worked in the industry who also went for interviews sometime in our career, so at that time we were either expecting feedback or will expect it now, so giving feedback to the candidates is not the matter of such long discussions. But it is our duty.â€ÂÂ
And to what Ankit Asher said, “I believe it to be ethical for any recruiter to share the feedback with candidates and that is how Recruiters earn respect within and outside organisation whether it is the part of KRAs or not! Also this practice adds the feather in an organisation’s reputation and helps Recruiter’s to attract talents easily. After all attitude is something that counts only when executed in a healthy manner. A perfect end to a perfect conversation so if you’re looking for more chats then follow us @SourcingAdda to be the first to get latest updates.
As we all know measuring marketing has always been a needle in a haystack approach and anyone who’s familiar with measuring marketing would agree nonetheless. And then came digital marketing bringing along with it the ability to measure online activity. If one is to measure digital marketing it’s simple but only if you know where to look. When it comes to measuring digital marketing or for that matter Social Media Marketing you have online tools which are free or paid depending upon the tool selection.
Selecting tools is no easy task and one that requires a lot of thought into but let me simplify the process by selecting 6 undervalued Social Media Metrics that are sure to full fill your Business Tracking needs.
Daily Story Feedback
What if you didn’t have to rely on just counting the number of likes you received to track your activity. How would you like to track how often your fans click “like†and even “comment†on your status updates. Tracking these aspects will definitely enable your future updates to be seen in their newsfeed. This in turn will increase your Facebook audience as well. If you’re the administrator of a Facebook fan page then you will find the Daily Story Feedback chart at http://facebook.com/insights by looking in the interactions category.
If you’ve been watching your followers on Twitter then you should know that you don’t have to go about it the long way. You simply need to get yourself registered. I’m sure you’re familiar with Klout if not then here’s a recap. Klout is an online influence gauge that gives you a Klout Score based on your activity on Social Media using their algorithm mantra. This mantra is updated from time to time for better results and we all know that nothing is perfect.
Open Site Explorer
This incredible tool gives you analytics on your website directly so if you’re looking to get analytics on your website then the Open Site Explorer is a great tool to help you achieve this. This particular tool gives you the amount of inbound links your page has and even gives you data on your competitors while providing you with a list of similar sites that you can link to in return.
This is another great tool to get real time analyses of your posts. This particular tool even gives you information about your competitors so you can analyse your efforts and modify them if required. The Keyhole tool not only lets you analyse #tags but also URLs, isn’t that neat? Well if you don’t believe me you can try it right now.
Well there you have it a few undervalued Social Media Metrics that are sure to simplify you’re tracking tasks and boost the growth of your company with more visitors. So if you’re not convinced you should probably try them and decide for yourself if the tool is right for your company needs. In the meantime do you have any more undervalued Social Media Metrics that you found that were just right for your organisational needs? Do tell.
Tired of the same results, fed up of coming to a dead end? Looking for an alternative to resolve your recruitment issues? Are you searching for new ways to boost your recruiting strategy? If the answer is yes then you are on the right track.
So if you are pondering about, How to optimise your Recruiting Strategy? then let me assist you with a few pointers that will be useful.
Accept that you have a problem
I know that this sounds ridiculous, well it’s not. Because the first step to finding new alternatives is that you first need to accept that you have a problem. So that you can proceed to finding other options that you haven’t explored as yet. Once you admit that you have a problem it helps you to think clearly and even point out the problems that may occur or haven’t yet come to the fore.
Prioritise any Challenges that you might have
The best way to tackle more than one challenge at a time is first and foremost to jot them down and then prioritise them on the bases of its importance and the magnitude of the effect they pose when scouting talented individuals. Also look for any loop holes that you may not have encountered just yet.
Next Set your Goals and Objectives
When setting your goals and objectives make sure you are clear about them and ensure that they are clear and specific so that you and your whole team understands them fully. There shouldn’t be any ambiguity in the goals and objectives laid out. And if any points are unclear to you or your colleagues make sure you resolve them then and there. Remember to make them realistic as far as possible.
Form an Action Plan
Once you have clarity of thought of all the aspects; then come the hard part. You need to now formulate an action plan that covers and caters to all those problems that you pointed out or that were highlighted during the entire process. Once you have a plan in place, then you need to use it, all the while looking for loop holes or issues that might or that arise.
Time to Measure the Progress
So to ensure that you are actually progressing and not stuck in a loop, you need to measure your progress with the same action plan. A tool that just might be helpful is LinkedIn’s Recruiter score card feature. This can be a handy tool to explore and find out how effective your plan has actually been and whether you need to modify the way in which you are recruiting.
Create a Change Management Strategy
Now that you have a definitive action plan, you also need to come up with another plan, called the change management strategy. This is your safety net if in case the new plan doesn’t work and it definitely needs to be either a modified version of the current plan or a whole new one.
Reward the Success
Upon measuring the results you also need to reward the success that you receive and create a plan to improve the situation if it’s a negative one. So you also need to form a plan that can boost and improve one’s attitude towards a negative situation, so that you can give yourself that boost to keep trying until you find a plan that works. If there are imperfections also learnt to appreciate them so that you improve them.
Well I hope this information was as useful to you as it was for me to mention it. So can do you remember the popular saying, it has a little twist so you don’t hit the same wall every time, If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it. W.C. Fields.
The recent WhatsApp Group Chat was a hit amongst the members as we received lots of inputs that were simple yet quite interesting. If you weren’t able to make it this time it’s not too late to be in loop of the insights shared as you are reading them. Here’s what our distinguished Talent & Sourcing professionals had to say about whether we really need weekend drives or if there are any alternatives?The WhatsApp Group Chat that was held ended on a great note with lots of perspectives shared and points to think about. I can definitely say that we all learnt a thing or two from attending these chats and the feedback given by our members is proof enough for this. Thanks for your participation and honest feedback members but without your inputs it would not have been as successful as it turned out to be. Stay tuned for more chats to come by following @SourcingAdda. We look forward to your suggestions for future Chats to come to make it an even grander success. Glad to have so many participants sharing their views and we hope to see more of you expressing your unique views so that we can interact and learn from each other.