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Recruiting ADDA
4 More Campus Recruitment Strategies
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Companies are constantly seeking out talented individuals, to build and grow their individuals business. In times when talented and skilled labour isn’t easy to come by, especially when such individuals are in demand by several companies be it; a small start – up, a growing business or a big business. It’s safe to say that a recruiter’s task is never ending as candidates who have been great employees but have received better packages.

Recruiting is the most daunting task or job profile if gathering candidates isn’t as easy as you hope it to be. Luckily there exist “4 More Campus Recruitment Strategies, Recruiters need to be aware of” that are also out of the box ones. Let’s find out what they are.


Work with Students Associations

While career or On – campus events allows hiring companies to recruit fresh talent working with students associations gives you more exposure to catch talent in the making. What this means is that you can meet students before they decide on a career path and advise them according to their interested field. This will help them to get a clear idea about their choices and the kind of degree they should go in for. Or they can also pick students that have some experience in their field of choice even if they do not possess the specific degree.

Target students with Social Media

Nowadays, most students are relatively active on social media sites. So you can get their attention by analysing the kind of sites that have the maximum amount of students and then post job specs. This will definitely boost your applications and responses to your posts, thus you are likely to get more candidates from which to make a selection. Here you can also advertise any events that are related to recruiting that your firm is conducting, for instance hosting career fairs or introduction sessions.

Take the Recruiting Process Online

You are bound to have more success when you go online as most of your applicants that you wish to catch are within the specific age range that are regularly active on social networking sites. So posting on, online platforms or job portals will help you get more candidates fast.

Capture your Talent

Avoid asking students to fill up scraps of paper at job fairs and use modern methods of seeking the information you require by using technology instead, such as mobiles or iPads. This way all the data is stored in one place and when you require candidates you can simply sift through this data effectively and efficiently and thus speed up the entire process.

These options are far better and more effective ways to attract and capture the right talent that too with a mere click of a button. Therefore, get the desired talent that you seek by cost effective methods and by following the trend that is followed. So the next time you pick your method to capture talent remember to, “Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while; take the risks in life that seem worth taking. The ride might not be as predictable if you’d just planted your feet and stayed put, but it will be a heck of a lot more interesting.” – Dward Whitacre, Jr.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Does Employee Engagement make a difference?
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Here’s a recap that I’m sure you know. Especially the different trains of thought that have been expressed over a much heard of and talked about topic such as, “How much of difference does Employee Engagement make?”

If you’ve been updating yourself then you too would have heard a considerable amount of talk flying around about Employee Engagement and its importance. In view of this latest development we at Sourcing Adda (@SourcingAdda) decided to find out more perspectives about this interesting topic and hence our WhatsApp Group Chat topic catered to this particular aspect. And here’s what went on in this discussion…..12This brings us to the end of our interesting discussion be sure to join us for the next one. If you’re looking forward to more such discussions then follow us @Sourcing Adda (#SourcingAdda).

Recruiting ADDA
3 Interview Questions every Recruiter should ask a Marketing Candidate
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Hiring a great candidate isn’t easy; ask any recruiter and even more so hiring a marketing candidate at that! As a result recruiters have a hard time landing that perfect candidate for the firm that they represent. As such even corporates that seeking out such individuals share in the brunt of inefficient employees. Therefore there are, “3 Interview Questions every Recruiter should ask a Marketing Candidate” in an effort to recruit an efficient marketing candidate that you might encounter. So let’s find out what these interesting questions are…


What’s the difference between marketing and selling?

This is probably the most important questions that will help you identify an efficient candidate. This is a common question with mixed answers, as most individuals tend to confuse the two when it comes to the individual roles that each one performs. This confusion then leads to conflict between the two as employees that are part of the sales group tend to be more focused on making the numbers and it is difficult for them to perceive and appreciate the ground work that marketing create. Similarly, a marketing professional will find it difficult to perceive and appreciate the complexity of the steps involved in making a sale. Regardless of this conflict it will affect either party’s productivity of the organisation on the whole.

How would you contribute, if you’ve temporarily been assigned to the sales groups?

This is a nice way to cross check the applicants that you receive and a way to build bonds between sales and marketing groups. And even if this is not your objective, nonetheless you should still pose this question as it is the practical aspect of the previous question, for the candidate. This question will definitely give you an idea as to the kind of personality the candidate has. If you get an answer like, “I’m sure that I’d be good at selling, but an assignment such as this would not be the best use of my talents.” This response suggests that if the candidate is hired then they are likely to have difficulty in creating marketing programs the delivery of products that are useful to the sales teams as well. But the ideal answer would be something like this, “I’d learn everything that I can and then bring that knowledge back to the marketing group to help make it a more effective one.”

Tell me about your brand

This is a bit tricky, for the simple reason that on the surface it provides an opportunity to the candidate to apply and talk about their unique experience in the industry and how they come out to the outside world. All very important aspects for the job profile. This will also highlight whether your candidates priorities are to either help your marketing team to build a stronger brand or to build a personal brand for themselves to advance in their careers. You want to hire someone who defines their personal brand in terms of service, working in a team and helping the company to be a success. A candidate displaying more of a personal brand to be independent is sure to be problematic for corporates. These individuals usually tend not to get along with co – workers and are bound to affect the performance of others.

So there you have it the questions that might just be the key to unlocking doors to catch that perfect candidate which you effortlessly seek but leads to an attempt of futile effort of gathering those hard to get candidates. Now that you have some more information on making a hire, you should probably be implementing it in to your list of strategies to land a perfect hire! You can also leave your views in our comments section and we’ll be glad to implement them.

Recruiting ADDA
How to Recruit with SnapChat?
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Scouting for talented individuals has never been simple and so for recruiters to advertise job specs to get the word out for a vacancy to be filled is just as difficult without cost effective methods. While most recruiters prefer traditional methods of recruiting as against modern ones, the efficient and cost effective method of recruiting that is now making the charts is Social Media and Mobile Recruiting.

If you’re a modern recruiter then SnapChat is the tool for you. It is a perfect example of a non – traditional platform that is not only handy for recruiters but also for job seekers alike. It’s a great platform to showcase ones creativity in communication skills that a resume alone will not be able to portray. If you’re not familiar with this app then you are definitely wondering the same questions that most of us are. So…


What is SnapChat really and how can it be used as a recruitment tool?

If you are new to the concept of SnapChat it is a text- photo app through which you can send images with text for a prescribed amount of time i.e. 1 to 10min after which it will be hidden. Therefore you have a limited amount of time in which to make an impression and to get your audience to respond as well. So if you look at it you need to be skilled at creating images that attract people’s attention to your image or job spec. So here’s some pointers that you might find quite helpful all the same –

Know the Target Audience

If you’re recruiting needs comprises of senior level recruits with considerable experience then SnapChat wouldn’t be very effective in catching such individuals. But if your targeting the young crowd then SnapChat is the ideal tool to convey your message across. This incredible tool can also be used to target creative individuals as it requires one to be creative if one wishes to attract the right crowd.

Learn About the Platform

If you’re using the platform it’s a wise approach to have the knowledge about the platform that you use. This will not only help you in your business or in your recruiting task as the information you have can be used to your advantage if you have all the necessary but important information. This is probably the mistake that most users make and don’t realise why their efforts aren’t yielding any results. So make sure you have the right information so that you can benefit from it.

Therefore, now that you have some idea about this interesting, yet handy app you might as well make use of it; if you haven’t already, so that you can reap its benefits and get responses to your posts or messages through this handy tool before anyone else gets their hand on it. to end on a positive note remember this quote the next time you need to get the word out about a vacancies that spring up on a regular bases, “Time spent on hiring is time well spent.” – Robert Half

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Are Present day Recruiters well equipped to assess the culture fit of a candidate?
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You know what time it is, well it’s time for a recap on the discussion that we had in our WhatsApp Group Chat platform. And I’m sure you are impatiently waiting to refresh your memory on the aspects that were discussed. So find out what our fellow Talent Acquisition professionals had to say about, “Are Present day Recruiters well equipped to assess the culture fit of a candidate?” If you weren’t present then you’re in for a thought provoking session and are likely to gain interesting insights too.

1234Now weren’t you glad that you went through the entire chat, I’m sure you’d have forgotten some of it already. If not then you have added to your learning and you know something more than what you originally did. How great is that. I bet you can’t wait for our next WhatsApp Group Chat. Wait no more all you have to do is follow us @SourcingAdda for timely updates.