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WhatsApp Group Chat – Best Practices in Candidate Engagement and Tools utilised

There has been a lot of talk on Candidate Engagement and its importance but do you know the Best Practices in Candidate Engagement and Tools utilized?

If you’re not completely sure then here’s an opportunity to confirm it; thanks to one of the Bangalore group members Surajbhan who suggested having a discussion on, “Best Practices in Candidate Engagement and Tools utilized”. We’ll be disclosing the WhatsApp Chat shortly and thereafter we’ll be highlighting the key take away pointers to assist retention. Therefore here’s what was discussed…

Well, this concludes the discussion that we’re sure was informative. Candidate Engagement is an ongoing process that requires one to be quick at Engagement hence utilizing tools that speed up the process is important. Enough of this, let’s get down to the key take away pointers to help retain what you’ve learned. So here goes…

Candidate Engagement

  • Engagement is actually half the battle the latter half comprises of –
    • Finding candidates
    • Present the business to them
    • If they show are no interested in your business then it’s all a bit of a waste
  • Therefore spend time thinking about what your message and engagement strategy in the market will be over the next 6-12 months and measure the impact simultaneously.
  • For successful Candidate Engagement, communication is the key, hence tools/apps for mass mailing / or messaging are required.

Candidate Engagement Scenario

  • Based on Research most emails (91%), if they are going to be opened, are opened within a 24 hour period.
  • 90% of the e-mails that receive replies, receive replies within 24 hours of being opened hence the fate of your first e-mail contact will definitely be decided within that time period.
  • Recruiters must create opportunities for Candidate conversation, curiosity and research long before a job opening becomes available where they fit the bill.
  • Good candidates aren’t looking for one and done job opportunities and they don’t want just a paycheck. They want training, advancement and work experience that leads to new things.
  • Do your research before you approach a candidate about his career graph, current employer, interest, expertise and you’ll get the answers for Candidates Engagement.

Processes followed for successful Candidate Engagement

  • From Marketing (Recruitment in this case) perspective, everything starts from knowing your audience (Candidates in this case) through the funnel – Attract > Engage / Nurture > Convert


Content Tools

  • Blinkist
  • Link Humans

Follow up Tools

  • Sidekick HubSpot Add-ons for Outlook and Gmail
  • MailChip
  • Sourcing ADDA community tips or tools and use them at least one time and monitor the impact it creates on your Candidate engagements.


  • TechnologyAdvice
  • Software Advice

    Well, these are the key take away pointers that can assist you in establishing good candidate engagement. So if you haven’t yet applied these pointers in your Candidate Engagement strategy then it’s high time you did. And if you’d like to receive these tips then that’s easy, simply follow these 2 steps, namely,

    1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates about our upcoming events especially the annual event #TASCON17 Pune & activities.
    2. a) Leave your views or requests to join these WhatsApp groups in the comments section


    1. b) Send us a DM to @SourcingAdda with your name and contact details and one of our representatives will get in touch with you.