Candidate Market Mapping is a popular technique that most organisations are implementing into their hiring process as a way to identify where potential prospects are available and in which industry. Although, we as Talent Acquisitionists have come across the term how many of us are actually familiar with it, is a question we @SourcingAdda are trying to gain better clarity to its understanding
And we are thus able to do so thanks to one of our Bangalore group member’s Omar who suggested we discuss on, What are the best ways to do Candidate Market Mapping? We are sure you’d like to review what we’ve learned about it and update yourselves simultaneously hence we’ve highlight the same below….
The conversation above has clearly highlighted the ways in which you can conduct your own Candidate Market Mapping. It has even showcased the benefits of conducting a successful Candidate Market Mapping. The inputs shared can help you in formulating one yourself to meet your specific requirements. Moreover it was very insightful on the aspects to be considered and why these particular aspects are important. When implemented correctly it can help Talent Acquisitionist’s like you get better results when an updated technique is utilised. Additionally, it even clarifies any queries one may have had about the topic discussed thus gaining a clear understanding of the concepts highlighted.
Well we’re sure you’d like to know more about the Opportunities for Recruitment professionals after 15 yrs. of experience if you’ll are also focused on long term career opportunities. If yes, then this information will definitely be of assistance and give you an idea about what roles you can opt for in the near future. Besides, you can get first- hand and up to date information about these concerns if you’re already part of our groups. If not than here’s how you too can gain such insights in 2 simple steps; namely,
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