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WhatsApp Group Chat – Competency Mapping (CM) & Succession Planning (SP)

The Talent Acquisition Industry is constantly evolving and as Talent Acquisitionists we come across concepts like Competency Mapping (CM) & Succession Planning (SP) but what does it mean and how can it help at an organisational level? Are common questions that come up and getting a clear perspective when there’s so much information flowing around isn’t easy to resolve.

Well if you’ve been following us @SourcingAdda then your fortunate to learn that this aspect crossed our mind and we conducted our popular WhatsApp Wednesday’s  Discussion on this same topic, “Competency Mapping (CM) & Succession Planning (SP)” due to our Pune Group members suggestion i.e. Kavitha and Shweta. And here’s what we learned…

The discussion above clearly outlines the meaning and the differences between the two i.e. Competency Mapping (CM) & Succession Planning (SP), how they are implemented by organisations, the processes involved and highlights guidelines that you should follow.

Like most discussions go; you’ve got a lot of information to process and so many different perspectives shared deciding which is the most effective for you isn’t easy. Hence we’ve outlined the key aspects that were discussed to help you formulate a plan irrespective of whether you a newbie or familiar with the concepts. So here are the key pointers to note down and assist you in formulating your own plan that works for you…

Meaning of Competency Mapping & Succession Planning


  • Competencies are skills, behaviour and performance standards that turn what of an expectation into the how we can use this to define organizational culture.
  • Competencies are expressed as behaviours that drive performance. They can be for either minimally expected levels or superior performance.
  • Competencies are the precise language to achieve that

Competency Mapping

  • Competency Mapping is a skill matched by individuals that formulate process, whereby the KRAs, abilities & skills needed, are put in place by the business & HR leaders to be followed by Employees thus leading towards meeting your organizational goals.

Succession Planning

  • Succession Planning identifies leadership potential and grooms those individuals for taking up more advanced and complex roles but with adequate coaching, mentoring and other OD initiatives.

Differing Succession Planning

  • Company’s succession planning focusses on high potential individuals or everyone from the moment they are on-board

Advantages of differing Succession Planning

  • When the focus is on high potential individuals you channel more resources and coaching towards employees with the greatest promise

Disadvantages of differing Succession Planning

  • When the focus is on high potential individuals you overlook great people, alienate and frustrate the rest of the employees impacting morale and turnover.
  • Managers often seek people who are like them for mentoring and promotion which often leads to a plethora of white men leading organizations.

Guidelines for appropriately implementing differing Succession Planning

Companies wanting diversity in their leadership

Application or Effects

  • The succession planning initiative should include steps that actively promote women and minorities for leadership opportunities and train managers on how to encourage diversity on their teams.
  • You can build a great talent development plan but without active support from leadership, it won’t have the desired impact.
  • HR leaders can’t force executives to support their efforts but they can align talent management efforts with strategic plans and educate executives and managers about the business value of succession planning efforts.
  • In the event of the unavailability of Internal Talent then organisations seek Talent from the market

How does Succession Planning help in hands-on Recruitment / Sourcing?

  • With a clean and clear thought process; the process to pre-screen the candidates while sourcing broadens up the horizons automatically.

Skills to acquire

  • Recruiters must know the fundamentals and target such companies that have equal cultures or from better-cultured companies which are again only beneficial for the organisation.
  • At times Recruiters need to let the Hiring Managers know about specific candidates that they know who seem the perfect fit as these individuals can be beneficial for the team and organisational front.
  • Individual Recruiter should equip themselves with the necessary Selling & Marketing Skills that come in to play.

How to identify what Talent your Hiring Managers want?

  • In Succession Planning; the process where the CM & profiling is followed the hiring managers are clear on whom they want and do not want.
  • They will be specific about certain high positives that a candidate should carry aside from their technical skills/experience.
  • This helps Recruiters to directly pitch in the right candidates in the very beginning
  • The clarity in what your Hiring Managers want highlights the culture of the organisation which is being put in place or is in place.

How to select Talent for Critical Business Positions?

  • When selecting Talent to fill Critical Business Positions be sure to run the Succession Planning, Competency Mapping and Profiling aspects.

How does Succession Planning & Competency Mapping function?

Succession Planning

  • The internal employees are given the first preference who can take up such responsibilities.
  • Selected employees are always first identified by mapping their skills and abilities
  • Selected individuals are then trained to handle complex business-critical positions and responsibilities thus the Competency Mapping comes in to play.
  • Identifying the Employees competencies can contribute to an improved organizational performance
  • It helps in the alignment of all functions like selection, T&D, PMS, Career path and most important Succession Planning.
  • Know what is required from the next role and find out where the person is presently is a great way to go about Succession Planning.

Competency Mapping

  • Competency mapping requires one to first understand what competencies are available under the roof and then build the entire system.

Well, this gives you a clear layout to the aspects discussed so if you’ve read this far then you’ve found this information very useful as the aspects discussed the deal with how things function on a practical basis. This is a rare opportunity that you’re missing out on since you’re not part of these enlightening discussions. Therefore be sure to follow us @SourcingAdda and join us in these discussions.