WhatsApp Group Chat - Employee Value ...
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WhatsApp Group Chat – Employee Value Propositions (EVP) provided by Employers

Talent Acquisitionists are usually up to date with the current recruiting trends and can play an important role in building the organisations brand. They are brand ambassadors as they are representatives from the company. They can familiarise candidates about the company thus contribute to the companies branding using one of the traditional marketing strategy i.e. word of mouth. It is a simple technique but a very effective one especially when implemented efficiently.

We @SourcingAdda realise the importance of aspects like Employee or Employer Branding and its impact on an organisation’s branding. Considering this and in an attempt to facilitate learning we have members from within the recruitment sphere suggesting topics for the popular WhatsApp discussions. This time one of our Bangalore group member’s Champa suggested we discuss on, What Employee Value Propositions (EVP) do organisations provide Employees? With that let’s gain insights that can add to our learning so let’s begin….



The discussion above had a lot of insights shared that you can add to your learning and remain updated with the current trends that are followed in the Recruitment sphere. If you haven’t implemented this as yet it is preferable you start now. As branding plays an important role in attracting and capturing desired talent to your organisation. It is important to know that candidates that attend interviews are informed due to branding, information available online and that are circulated on Social Media channels.

If you’ve found the inputs shared interesting then you’d also like to know more about the Different IT Techniques used to simplify the HR Process for HR. And we’re sure you’d like to be an active learner and are wondering how you can participate then here’s what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely

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