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WhatsApp Group Chat – Impact of Joining Goodies on Branding

There’s been so much talk about branding especially Employer and Employee Branding including Individual Branding. We’ve even spoken quite a lot about the measures to boost the offer to joining ratio and giving goodies to welcome new joiners on – board works. If you’ve been searching for ideas then you’re in the right place. Many organizations have implemented several measures to ensure that the hire’s joined and remain with the organization. But how many of us have wondered about the fruits of our efforts?

Luckily, @SourcingADDA we’ve managed to take this into consideration thanks to our WhatsApp Group Members. Therefore the topic for our popular Wednesday Discussion revolved around this aspect. The topic was on, “Impact of Joining Goodies on Branding” which was suggested by our Bangalore Group Member Shankar. The purpose of the discussion was because of all the hype on Social Media about “Joining Goodies” and branding done via the accessories distributed. The key takes aways will be followed after the discussion chat which can be viewed under here…

If you’re wondering how “Joining Goodies” impacts ‘New Joinees’ or simply searching for ideas to improve the offer to joining ratio then you’re not going to be disappointed. And if you’ve come this far and are reading this then we’re sure that you’ll definitely get the assistance you need as we’ll be highlighting the key takeaways shortly.

Impact of Joining Goodies on branding

“Joining Goodies”

  • “Goodies” on the first day create an impression but aren’t a reason for a good experience
  • Creating a good experience starts with first impressions via connecting with the candidate prior to interview scheduling.
  • Distributing pens, Bags, t-shirts, identity cards, etc. with the Company’s Logo create a good impression about the company.
  • Distributing accessories with the Company’s logo builds the brand name via ‘Word of Mouth’ a traditional marketing technique.
  • Giving Free Gift Hampers containing the organizations’ products to joinees in the consumer products segment or other segments creates a real brand image publically and avoids restricting it to only joinees alone.
  • Candidates experience the ‘Employer Touch’ with “Joining Goodies” hence it’s the best practice for the organization to follow.
  • Experiences matter much more than the “Token Goodies” as it helps employees to bond with the company better than “Goodies” so get them to attend a session where your products/services impact the target market audience.
  • Creating placards with a New Joiners name and using them to announce their names is a good option.
  • It is essential to consider other aspects while creating an experience such as –
    • Ensuring that it’s a swift process
    • Paying attention to the people around and their perceptive and their pro-activeness
    • Infrastructure arrangements
    • Team or Reporting Manager Engagement
  • Providing New Joinees with a “Goodies Kit” creates a positive impact on them
  • “Joining Goodies” helps them to understand the company culture and gets them to consider themselves as a part of the Company from the joining date.
  • Distributing “Joining Goodies” gives employees a sense of belongingness and engagement
  • When Employees utilize the company branded accessories they feel proud and don’t mind carrying the logo with them.
  • With company-branded accessories, they get to talk about them among their family and friends and is a big achievement Employer and Employee Branding is concerned.

“Exit Goodies”

  • The “Goodies Kit” should be extended to all applicants since we reject more than we select
  • Create a good experience by giving New Joinees the “Goodies Kit” as it makes them feel happy irrespective of their performance in the interview.
  • It is essential to create a good Candidate experience at the interview stage especially to rejected or unhappy Job Aspirants since this affects branding.
  • When targeting the Right Talent for the position one needs to realize that some of them could be ‘potential customers’ or ‘consumers or ‘influencers’ hence giving “Joining Goodies Kit” helps.
  • Impact of “Exit Goodies” is more profound on Branding than “Joining Goodies” hence the rejection stage is important and requires just as much attention.
  • Distributing Goodies builds a relationship, branding and helps spread the word within highly competitive environments.
  • Distributing “Exit Goodies” leaves an impression that the organization cares for you

Ideas for Joining & Exit Goodies

“Joining Goodies” & “Exit Goodies”

  • Get ‘company-branded pens or personalized pens, bags, t-shirts, etc.’ made and distribute them as “Joining Goodies”.
  • Spare 10 minutes and request the New Joinees on the ‘Induction Day’ to follow the Company Brand Online via Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, etc. but before handing over the “Goodies Kit” and add a smart tag ‘Thank you for Joining’.
  • An organization can also give away “Joining Goodies” to senior-level hiring and/or arrange lunch meetings for Senior Folks.
  • Experiences matter much more than the “Token Goodies”
    • A simple lunch with a Mentor / Senior
    • Attending a session where the product/service you’re working for impacts the target market.
  • Organizations can welcome new joiners with a placard announcing the name of a new joiner.
  • Companies can send ‘Cabs’ to New Joiners or only for Outsider New Joiners on the first day as it will help them to adjust to a new place.
  • Companies can also arrange the accommodation for a few days for Outsider New Joiners
  • The “Joining Goodies Kit” can include a complete employee’s handbook, basic stationery, HR and other key person’s contact details, lunch, company t-shirt, and good welcome note.
  • Similarly, firms can host a ‘Welcome Party’ for the New Senior professionals joining especially CXOs on the day of joining or the first weekend providing them with a chance to get to know the Senior Management Team.
  • Organizations can gift New Joiner’s free Bags & Shoes of any price of reputed brands or even a keychain and wrist band can work.
  • Give ‘Free Gift Hampers’ containing the organization’s products to joinees within the consumer products segment and other segments and/or to all interviewees.
  • Distribute and/or ‘Discount Coupons’ or ‘other gifts’ to all joinees and/or Interviewees
  • Firms can host a ‘Farewell Party’ for Senior Professionals joining other firms especially CXOs on the day of their joining or the first weekend for a chance to interact with all the Senior Management Team.
  • Irrespective of whether a Candidate’s resume is shortlisted for an interviewing company can send ‘$5 Starbucks Gift Cards’.

The above pointers clearly sum up the discussion that after reviewing we found to be quite enlightening and interesting. We’re sure that if you’ve come here looking for ideas for “Joining Goodies” you’d have got plenty. And even if you’ve wondered what relevance, importance and impact can be distributing “Goodies” have in the Talent Acquisition sphere you’d have got all the information you need.

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