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WhatsApp Group Chat Remote Working Policies or Assignments in Organisations

Companies are always looking for ways to cut costs but still maintain quality if possible and remote working policies or assignments in organizations are the solutions. While that may be the case; everything has its pros and cons but what matters is its efficiency. And a lot of Employees are preferring telecommuting overworking at an organization.

Seeing this evolving trend of remote working many firms are shifting towards telecommuting as it reduces the cost to a large extent and still delivers good results. The results are good since Employees get to work in an environment conducive to productivity-improving the quality delivered within a fixed time frame and maintain a work-life balance thus it’s a win-win situation for both parties.

We @SourcingAdda strive to bring the current market trends by utilizing the WhatsApp platform to conduct insightful discussions about current Talent Acquisition practices followed at other organizations. And one of our Pune group members Supriya suggests having a discussion on, Remote working policies/assignments that are there in different companies. To understand how effective and efficient it can be and for guidelines on how to successfully implement the same which we’ll be disclosing gladly to you for your review hereunder, so let’s begin…

The inputs shared were quite insightful and informative making it easier to decide whether work from home is a good option to consider if your organization has yet implemented the same. The discussion even prescribes guidelines to follow when choosing to apply the possibility of telecommuting. If you’ve read this far then you’d like to know more about Best Unique HR Practices Followed by, Organisations.

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