Taping desired talent with the credentials that you require to fill a vacancy at your organisation can be difficult to do but possible even if they are passive candidates. The frequency with which Social channels are utilised to tap talent has increased considerable due to obvious reasons. When one is sourcing for candidates online it is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Nonetheless the real question is how to capture passive candidates that are not actively seeking a job change especially on Social Media.
If you exhausted all your resources to tap talented folk then utilising Social channels is a good option. And if you wondering how you can tap such talent then we @SourcingAdda can be of assistance as our popular Wednesday discussion addressed the very question you had that lead you to this post. And thanks to one of our Bangalore group member Varun who suggested we discuss on, Ways to Tap Passive Candidates we are able to assist you adequately. Therefore let find out what was disclosed and add to our learning as well so let begin….
Tapping Passive talent online using digital channels isn’t an easy process as highlighted in the conversation above but with the patience and perseverance even capturing online talent can be mastered. Some of the things that you can do to be successful tap into your network on social channels, wait for an opportunity to present itself and then be sure to use it well. Don’t underestimate the simple communication processess we use on a daily basis and use age old techniques to build a rapport and ease the task of on boarding passive talent. Utilise resources that are at your disposal to build pipelines of qualified talent such as LinkedIn; a professional platform. Interact and build relations on such platforms. Sometimes the simple resources or mediums can become a gold mine for Talent Acquisition only if you thought to use it and went about it in a creative manner.
The insights shared have lots of useful tactics that you can utilise to capture the talent you desire so be sure to use it now that you’ve learnt about it through the discussion. Were certain that you’d like to know more about the techniques used to reduce no show of candidates since the discussion was very helpful. And if you like to know how you can contribute more, then here is what you can do in 2 simple steps, namely
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