You’ve heard this term so many times yet, it never occurred to you to know more about it or to speak to people either. Well yours is a story, one that I’ve heard countless times. Ever wondered what it is or have you just taken things at the face value and decided to disregard any of it? Don’t fret; it’s a relief to know that you’re not the only one.
So if you’re looking for more information about Job Fairs then you are on the right track. Besides it’s about time you found out more about Job Fairs. Hence, the question what is a Job Fair? arises in peoples mind. In the light of this new development, I have addressed the question that is often overlooked by countless others like you, the reader.
What is a Job Fair?
As the term suggests, it is mainly to do with recruiting, careers and job hunters. It is also known by other names such as Career Fairs, Career Expositions (Expo), Career Campaigns etc. are a few popular names that are used by commoners. These are conducted mainly for employers, recruiters and schools in order to meet with prospective job seekers. Such opportunities are caught and used by job seekers and even employers, recruiters, students and schools alike.  The Job Fairs are of two types, mainly Traditional and Online Job Fairs. By now you’re probably wondering how these individuals benefit from such events. So we’ll be addressing each individually, to get a clear idea.
Types of Job Fairs
Traditional Job Fairs
The traditional job fairs are ones that you have probably heard of and are conducted on a personal level.
Online Job Fairs
While Online Job fairs as the name suggest s are conducted online. When we say online we mean that the entire procedure will be conducted virtually.
Benefits of Job Fairs
Students Benefit
Students go in for such fairs as it gives them information about
- The companies that are hiring
- Job opportunities that they are likely to get as a fresher
- They get to meet with the current employees to find out what is the work culture like
- To find out what’s it like to work with this company
- Get information about a sector or opportunity that seem interesting or are interested in
Companies Benefit
These events are perfect for companies because they give them
- An opportunity to build the brand of the company
- Rectify misconceptions and negative reviews floating around about the company
- Meet the perspective candidates and identify the quality available in the market
- Develop valuable connections to meet recruitment as well as business needs
- Create a name and form a reputation so that people will be likely to work for them
Recruiters Benefit
Apart from the company benefits that have been mentioned some other benefits that can be added are
- They get to interact with potential recruits on a large scale
- They get first – hand information on the quality of the candidates in the market
- Helps them build connections that they can fall back on to serve their recruitment needs
- Meet influential people whose views matter
School & Educational Institutes Benefit
Theses platforms help them to –
- Build their brand
- By hosting job fairs it also helps students get employed immediately after the final year of their course
- Build strong connections with hiring companies to hold such events regularly and get their students selected
- Hold guest lectures by these individuals and build awareness about the current market scenario
- Hold conferences that help in the all-round development of students
Well doesn’t this clear out all the doubts that we may have had originally and we can say that we have a little more knowledge about what a Job Fair is its types and who benefits from such events. So there you have it, if you have any pointers to add and you can then list them out in the comments section.