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Recruiting ADDA
Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17)
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The most awaited and exciting event of the year Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) for Sourcing ADDA is back in action with preparations on and rolling. Having completed, two consecutive years of success with #TASCON15 & #TASCON16 now Sourcing ADDA proudly presents #TASCON17. Then again it seems like only yesterday we had conducted our first ever, one of its kind Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON15) & then #TASCON16. And now we’re in the process of conducting #TASCON17. What an achievement wouldn’t you say?

Although we’re preparing for #TASCON17 we are reminded of the same enthusiasm and excitement we’ve experienced previously while planning such events.  This also brings flashbacks that are still very much engrained in our memories. With that said, isn’t it the perfect time to relive those precious moments that are now part of us and who we are altogether?

The success of both #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  have taught each one of us that were present; something new and we can all proudly say that we’ve added to our knowledge and are now looking for more with anticipation for what is to come.

#TASCON15 was held on 15th April 2015 (Wednesday) at Hotel Hyatt, Pune which helped Sourcing ADDA achieve another milestone. The event comprised of 19 renowned speakers from reputed companies with 150 attendees ranging from Directors, Heads, Managers, Executives, Sourcing, Recruiting and H. R. professionals. Similarly, for #TASCON16 which was held at Hyatt Regency, Pune on 14th April 2016 where we had 250 delegates and 30 renowned speakers and we’re planning to have it on a grand scale with #TASCON17 this time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  Sponsors namely, SourcePRO  a Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program, RippleHire and Gift XOXO for supporting us and making these events a success. So let’s find out more about these events and their success by taking a sneak peak in to what happened at these events.

We had several activities to complement this grand event even the Sponsors joined in wherein the delegates enjoyed them. Some of these activities that we had at #TASCON15 were Tweeting, while we had #TASCON16 styles that were followed by individual & company group delegates.  In both the events the common activities that were held were #SelfieContest and a Standee with the statement, “One thing you learnt today!!!” where they had to write something about what they learnt. This time we also conducted a Survey to understand the challenges faced by Talent Acquisition based on which the Topics for #TASCON17 were selected. Similarly we had activities conducted in the 2 sections i.e. Strategy Hub & Sourcing Lab.

Unlike #TASCON15 where we had the Sourcing Mega Contest with 12 participants this time we hosted 2 Sourcing Premier Leagues (SPL) with 6 winners from both SPL 1 & SPL 2 who gained entry to the Mega Sourcing Premier League competing with each other including 2 surprise Wild Card entries that brings the total to 8 participants for this League.  Similarly we’re having a Pre- contest where 10 winners will be chosen to compete at #TicketToTASCON17.

To get a glimpse and a sense of what we’ve accomplished or achieved so far you’ll have to find out by joining us at Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) now even grander with double the fun. You’ve got to experience it first – hand by catching all the action live and enjoy while you add to your knowledge and bloom into better Talent Acquisitionist’s then you were before.

Recruiting ADDA
Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Conclave 2015 – Sourcing Lab Activities
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The host was Sharath Kumar, Partner at SourcePRO, who began the session with fun activities too. The ones who gave the best answers were rewarded with SourcePRO mugs and badges. Here are the activities were conducted by Sharath Kumar…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INbl7ImKvz4&w=560&h=315]

Sharing Entertaining Ideas

The session began with an opening statement combined with Recruiting Humour where…

  • The statement was an entertaining job description, “The wisdom of a 50 year old, the experience of a 40 year old, the drive of a 30 year old and the pay-scale of a 20 year old.”
  • The recruiting humour was where Sourcing was looked at or compared to an Intelligence Service or Secret Service to highlight what we as Sourcers do by Using other Intelligence such as –
    • Portal Intelligence to bring up active lists of candidates for open positions
    • Social, Google, Telephone Intelligence etc. to create a profile of a candidate
    • Mobile intelligence & Platforms for attracting candidates to us or our company
    • Human Intelligence to analyse, understand and then match candidates for the vacancy which is called “Humint”

Repeat Names of the people at the same table

The Participants were picked randomly and asked to repeat the names of everyone at their table in order to get people to interact with others and if they were able that were rewarded.

Funny Recruitment Stories

Here the audience was asked to share these stories. For instance

  • Recruiting in China is difficult due to a language barrier i.e. English so neither party understood the either
  • When a candidate was contacted to set up an Interview, the candidates immediate reply was that they weren’t able to respond due to their ears being bandaged L.O.L.!

Mention Sourcing Tools that haven’t been covered during the entire event

Here the audience was asked to mention other sourcing tools that haven’t been mentioned during the entire event for instance Dex.