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Recruiting ADDA
Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17)
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The most awaited and exciting event of the year Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) for Sourcing ADDA is back in action with preparations on and rolling. Having completed, two consecutive years of success with #TASCON15 & #TASCON16 now Sourcing ADDA proudly presents #TASCON17. Then again it seems like only yesterday we had conducted our first ever, one of its kind Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON15) & then #TASCON16. And now we’re in the process of conducting #TASCON17. What an achievement wouldn’t you say?

Although we’re preparing for #TASCON17 we are reminded of the same enthusiasm and excitement we’ve experienced previously while planning such events.  This also brings flashbacks that are still very much engrained in our memories. With that said, isn’t it the perfect time to relive those precious moments that are now part of us and who we are altogether?

The success of both #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  have taught each one of us that were present; something new and we can all proudly say that we’ve added to our knowledge and are now looking for more with anticipation for what is to come.

#TASCON15 was held on 15th April 2015 (Wednesday) at Hotel Hyatt, Pune which helped Sourcing ADDA achieve another milestone. The event comprised of 19 renowned speakers from reputed companies with 150 attendees ranging from Directors, Heads, Managers, Executives, Sourcing, Recruiting and H. R. professionals. Similarly, for #TASCON16 which was held at Hyatt Regency, Pune on 14th April 2016 where we had 250 delegates and 30 renowned speakers and we’re planning to have it on a grand scale with #TASCON17 this time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  Sponsors namely, SourcePRO  a Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program, RippleHire and Gift XOXO for supporting us and making these events a success. So let’s find out more about these events and their success by taking a sneak peak in to what happened at these events.

We had several activities to complement this grand event even the Sponsors joined in wherein the delegates enjoyed them. Some of these activities that we had at #TASCON15 were Tweeting, while we had #TASCON16 styles that were followed by individual & company group delegates.  In both the events the common activities that were held were #SelfieContest and a Standee with the statement, “One thing you learnt today!!!” where they had to write something about what they learnt. This time we also conducted a Survey to understand the challenges faced by Talent Acquisition based on which the Topics for #TASCON17 were selected. Similarly we had activities conducted in the 2 sections i.e. Strategy Hub & Sourcing Lab.

Unlike #TASCON15 where we had the Sourcing Mega Contest with 12 participants this time we hosted 2 Sourcing Premier Leagues (SPL) with 6 winners from both SPL 1 & SPL 2 who gained entry to the Mega Sourcing Premier League competing with each other including 2 surprise Wild Card entries that brings the total to 8 participants for this League.  Similarly we’re having a Pre- contest where 10 winners will be chosen to compete at #TicketToTASCON17.

To get a glimpse and a sense of what we’ve accomplished or achieved so far you’ll have to find out by joining us at Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) now even grander with double the fun. You’ve got to experience it first – hand by catching all the action live and enjoy while you add to your knowledge and bloom into better Talent Acquisitionist’s then you were before.

Recruiting ADDA
#TASCON16 – Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge
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The previously held #SourcingContest had its grand finale at #TASCON15 with the conduction of the Mega Sourcing Contest. Similarly the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge was the grand finale to the two Sourcing Premier League Challenges (#SPL1 & #SPL2) that were conducted prior to #TASCON16.

Sourcing ADDA (@SourcingAdda) as a  Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Community have been proud hosts of #TASCON15 & #TASCON16, 12 Sourcing Contests (#SourcingContest, Apr’14 to Mar’15), the Mega Sourcing Contest, the Sourcing Premier Leagues (#SPL1 & #SPL2) and now with the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge success.

Sourcing Premier League

The Sourcing Premier Leagues (#SPL1 & #SPL2) which were hosted was a continuation to our previously held #SourcingContest with its grand finale being Mega Sourcing Contest live at #TASCON15. Similarly the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge was held live at #TASCON16.

Mega Sourcing Premier League #TASCON16

Crack the Code Contest

The #SPL Challenge started on June 5, 2015 with a crack the code contest wherein the contestants had to send their responses to the email ID cracked as the 2nd part to the contest. And below are the details to the same.


The Tagline read, “IPL is over…. To reveal what?s next Crack the Code…”

Cracking the Code



  1. Use the initials of the three words to complete the Email ID: ___@sourcingadda.com
  2. Submit the code to the same Email ID
  3. The first 10 submissions will get 5 Bonus Points in the #SPL Challenge to be held.

The puzzler if solved correctly completed the Email ID (___@sourcingadda.com) to which the responses had to be sent. Upon cracking the code the contestants had to send their responses to that Email Id (spl@sourcingadda.com).

The icing on the cake was the 5 Bonus points that the first 10 submissions received at the start of the #SPL making them ahead of the rest of their competitors. The participants that received these points were marked by an “*” against the names of the contestants and the company they represented. The contestants that received these bonus points were revealed at the end of each of the challenges #SPL1 & #SPL2 on the Individual as well as the Company LeaderBoards.

SPL1 and SPL2

Prior to the start of #SPL15 we hosted 2 webinars on the skills required to boost success. #SPL1 began in June 2015 and ended in September 2015. #SPL2 began in Nov 2015 and ended in March 2016. Both #SPL1 and #SPL2 each had 3 identical levels with the same format.

Level 1 comprised of 50 questions (1 point each, total 50 points)

Level 2 comprised of 15 questions (5 points, total 75 points)

Level 3 comprises of a combination of 4 search questions (35 points) and 6 descriptive questions (65 points) hence 10 Questions (Total 100 Points)

There were 2 types of LeaderBoards for the participants to refer to and watch their progress.

One was an Individual LeaderBoard and the other was a Company LeaderBoard. We had two LeaderBoards so that the individuals could track their performance at an Individual level and even at a Company level.

The winners of the #SPL1 won an iPad 3 each and would not be taken into consideration if they win #SPL2 as well, in order to give others an opportunity to win. While the #SPL2 winners won an iPad 4 each.  Each one of them gained entry into the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge.

Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge

Sourcing Adda hosted two Sourcing Premier Leagues (#SPL1 & #SPL2). The SPL that began in July 2015 ended in March 2016. The 3 winners from each of the two Leagues participated in the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge which brings the total to 6 contestants. We even had two more addition to this challenge. These were the Surprise Entries called the Wild Card entries that were selected live at #TASCON16.

Each of these contestants got the opportunity to compete with each other in the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge scheduled for April 2016 to win exciting prizes live at #TASCON16.

Contestant Lists

Chinmay Chavan was the host. Prior to the Challenge the contestants were nervous, anxious, scared & excited all at once. You’d know the feeling if you’ve had an opportunity to participate in one especially, for the two Wild Card entries i.e. Tatyasaheb Kolage (@Tatya_Kolage) & Rakesh Suvare. It all sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? The same was the story of the Sourcing Premier League Challenge qualifiers we had from several companies such as…

Name SPL Winners Company
Ritesh Madraswala SPL1 Capgemini
Anju Rai SPL1 Capgemini
Ashish Peshave SPL1 ZS Associates
Roland Pavamani SPL2 Capgemini
Aparna Agrawal SPL2 RolJobs
Kiran Paratane SPL2 Helix Recruiting
Wild Card Entries
Tatyasaheb Kolage Mega SPL Challenge Helix Recruiting
Rakesh Suvare Mega SPL Challenge Helix Recruiting


In this challenge the previous 3 winners of the two Sourcing Premier Leagues (#SPL1 & #SPL2) competed with each other and the wild card entry contestants to win the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge.  The wild card entry contestants were picked from a pool of the previously held Sourcing Mega contest participants hosted by Chinmay Chavan (@SourcingNinja).

Final Decision

At the end of the event the winners of the Sourcing Premier League were presented with trophies for two levels categorised into the Individual LeaderBoard and the Company LeaderBoard.

On the Individual LeaderBoard the #SPL1 winners were Ritesh Madraswala the Winner, Anju Rai was the Second runner up and Ashish Peshave was the Third runner up. Similarly for #SPL2 Roland Pavamani was the Winner, Aparna Agrawal came in Second and Kiran Paratane came in Third.

On the Company LeaderBoard we had Helix Recruiting as the Second runner up, ZS Associates as the Third runner up and the winners were Capgemini for #SPL1.  Along the same lines we had Helix Recruiting as  the Second runner up, the Third runner up wasn’t present hence we proceeded to the winners for #SPL2 and once again it was Capgemini.

Unfortunately the Sourcing Premier League Challenge wasn’t solved as planned by the organisers due to the difficulty level in spite of the contestants putting in their very best efforts. The challenge wasn’t completed as expected hence the team decided to reward the first individual to solve the 2nd milestone correctly. Therefore Ritesh Madraswala was declared the winner and presented with a Trophy and a Digital Camera as a gift.

To those who were present, it’s safe to say that overall it was an amazing challenge where the participants put in their best efforts and was enjoyed by all participants including the host. The competitors displayed great sportsmanship and were not defeated just yet. The attendees enjoyed #TASCON16 and were eagerly waiting for their next challenge and #TASCON17 to add to their knowledge. Overall it was a grand success, if you’d like to get updates to our upcoming events and activities it is absolutely essential that you follow us @SourcingAdda right now!

Recruiting ADDA
A Unique Conference Designed by Recruiters for Recruiters – #TASCON16 Activities
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The long awaited annual event of Sourcing ADDA i.e. #TASCON16 began with an excitement unlike before at #TASCON15 as it was conducted on a grand scale. What makes this event unique is the eye catching Tag line, “A Conference Designed by Recruiters for Recruiters.”  There were several activities conducted prior to and live at the event so let’s begin…


SourcingADDA Activities

The Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Conclave (TASCON) had an amazing start with the launch of the #SelfieContest and the trend followed for #TASCON16. As usual the event began with the attendees being informed about the various activities that were conducted such as the Best Twitterati & Selfie Contests, to “Jot down one thing you learnt today” and the two Wild Card entries for the Mega Sourcing Premier League.

Prior to the Main event



Prior to the event Sourcing ADDA launched the #SelfieContest where the winner would be judged on 2 parameters namely if they got maximum retweets and likes on Twitter for their Selfie. The idea behind this was to bring out the creativity within the participants in a fun learning environment.

#TASCON16 Trend

Here the attendees were asked to share the team’s or a personal trend they were following for #TASCON16.This helped us realise that we as hosts weren’t the only ones excited about #TASCON16 but even the attendees shared the same excitement. Thus the excitement began with Yusuf & Aishish clicking their #Selfie and mentioning their trend i.e. “Sultan & Bajirao selfie! #selfiecontest #TASCON16” Tweet.

Live at the event

While these activities marked the beginning of #TASCON16 we had two more activities to keep the excitement and enjoyment going. These activities were the Best #Twitterati Contest and to jot down one think you learnt today with the continuation of the #SelfieContest.

Best #twitterati Contest


We had yet another Contest i.e. the Best #Twitterati where the winner would be declared based on 3 main criteria namely, most creative, amount of and engaging Tweets. The winner of the contest would win exciting prizes to create a fun learning environment.

Standee with the statement “One thing you learnt today!!!”

We had arranged a Standee with the statement “One thing you learnt today!!!” where all the attendees had to write one thing they learnt at #TASCON16. It was a revision to everything that was learnt and what they found most effective in their line of work.

Some of the interesting things that the participants learnt and appreciated were…

  • Using Analytics & Big Data
  • Great experience and knowledge sharing
  • Managing Campaigns, Digital Marketing for Effective Sourcing
  • It’s Masters & Insightful sessions
  • Interesting Session on Social Media Digital Sourcing in India

The winners of the activities would be announced at the end of the event, when tweeting the participants were requested to use the hashtag “#TASCON 16 and for the contests #SelfieContest & #Twitterati”.

Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge


The two wild card entries were selected from our previous Sourcing Contest winners. Here too we had a Lucky Draw with the winner’s name chits placed in a bowl. The Two Lucky Draw Wild Card entries were thus selected. They competed with each other in the Mega Sourcing Premier League Challenge that was held live at the event but more of this later.

If you thought the fun ends here well you couldn’t be more wrong. Some of the Speakers and Sponsors too joined in with their creative activities to make every ones experience more enjoyable and fun.



SourcePRO had organised fun activities and informed the audience of these activities such as a lucky draw, distributed discount coupons and a challenge of their own.

Lucky Draw


Here two drop boxes were arranged at the registration desk. The registrants were asked to drop their visiting cards into the boxes to get listed for the Lucky Draw. The Lucky Draw winner would be treated with a free SourcePRO (@TheSourcePro) Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program.

Discount Coupons

If registered today (14th– Apr – 2016) they would receive a 10% discount on the SourcePRO Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program

The Sourcing Star Challenge

They also had a test of 5 questions for Talent Acquisition Professionals to challenge themselves and if they were able to get all the answers right they received a white badge with a half golden star within which the words written were, “I’m a Sourcing Star – SourcePRO.”

Ripple hire

To keep the attendees busy and to interact with them during the networking breaks even Ripple hire conducted an interesting activity. They had a gaming station with a bowling game which was a success as it kept the audience entertained and engaged.

Little Internet

In order to keep the excitement going on even Little Internet had a treat of its own. They had an exciting card game to keep the audience engaged and even distributed gift vouchers with interesting discounts that were great!

Keynote Speaker Session


The opening session was conducted by the keynote Speaker Aadil Bandukwala (@aadil) who spoke about Big Data & Social Media where he had an activity for the audience.  Here he showed 3 slides with company logos where the audience had to guess what was unique about all the 3 slides. When no one could answer he mentioned that not even one company was repeated.

Strategy Hub Session

TASCON- Strategy HUb

A Session to watch out for!!

Being the last session the Speaker Srikrishnan Ananthanarayanan (@im_srikrish)wanted people to be active and feel refreshed before the session started therefore he conducted a few activities as well.

Call someone you’ve always wanted to call but were unable to

Call someone who you’ve not called for a long time and you’ve always wanted to but were interrupted. It helped a great deal as we were able to stay in touch with the ones we’re all too busy to interact with.

Surprise Activity Lucky Draw

In an attempt to boost learning there was an exercise conducted which was a Lucky Draw. Here the attendees were asked to check their chairs as an envelope was taped underneath them. Once checked they were asked to send it to the Assistants.

Then the Speaker opened the envelope, which had a card inside it; that had 3 statements,

  1. Do not pass it on to a person who has a name starting with S or A or T
  2. Do not pass it on to a person who wears a blazer or has a shade of blue
  3. If you have a person that sits next to you and has a Samsung mobile or an iPhone, shout “Alien Spotted”

The attendees were supposed to follow these instructions but as per the instructor they submitted the envelope to him instead. This indicated what we as Recruiters do. We rush to submit candidates without understanding that there are other aspects that need consideration. Hence it is important for us to understand that there is a framework for everything to happen. Put simply what we did was a postman’s job and we need to think creatively as times have changed.

#TASCON16 was a huge success leading to requests from attendees for #TASCON17 to be held and last but not the least the winner for the #SelfieContest was Mitchell Dudani (@mitchdudani), Best #Twitterati Contest was Anshuman Mukherjee (@anshumanhr) and the Two Lucky Draw Wild Card entries were Tatyasaheb Kolage (@Tatya_Kolage) & Rakesh Suvare.  While the SourcePRO Lucky draw winner was Parth Gupta from Passions. Now wouldn’t you agree that #TASCON16 was a huge success? Stay tuned to know more follow us @Sourcingadda about the event that we all thoroughly enjoyed.