As Recruiters have you ever thought about yourselves as Brand Ambassadors? If not, then here’s a chance to stop and step into the role as Brand Ambassadors. Now that you’ve done that what aspects have you come across so far?
I’m sure that it would be similar to ones mentioned in the, “Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat – Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors†that was conducted. If not, then here’s a chance to find out and be enlightened by following the Tweets mentioned.
Remember these are but only the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat. If you’re interested in finding out the others then the Storify of the #SourcingChat i.e. Empowering Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors will be helpful. In the meantime here’s a peek into the Top Tweets of the #SourcingChat..
Q1. What according to you is a Brand Ambassador? #SourcingChat
A1: @SourcingAdda people who are synonymous with the brand with passion 4r building relationship & who is a ntaural leader #SourcingChat
A1. Anyone who spreads/shares your values #SourcingChat @sourcingadda
@SourcingAdda #sourcingchat The one who represents the companyculture, values
@SourcingAdda A1. One who vouch for the product quality and use their own credibility 2 win people trust for Brand!! #SourcingChat
A1: The one who represents company culture and adding values to it. #SourcingChat https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694830493175541760 …
@SourcingAdda A1- Brand Ambassador is a person who present your product as he is using it and getting benefits #sourcingchat
#SourcingChat. recruiter becomes branding initiative while doing recruitment events or social networking hiring
Q2. What are the best ways to Transform #Recruiters into Brand Ambassadors? #SourcingChat
@SourcingAdda #sourcingchat A2.Understand business,believe in the brand, sell to prospective candidates, make a difference in their career.
@SourcingAdda Q2 : Equip them with the right tools where they can advertise the good work they have been doing #SourcingChat
A2. Hosting/Anchoring in Job fairs, Campus placement, seminars / conferences. #Recruiters image in a Job Description #SourcingChat
A2 Enrolling them to the idea that #recruitment is a sales role, you are the #Brand & candidate experience is brand experience #SourcingChat
Q3. According to you, is it essential for Employers to empower their Recruiters as Brand Ambassadors? #SourcingChat
A3 Yes, bcoz if ur recruiters will b ur brand ambassadors then they’ll become more loyal to ur product #SourcingChat
https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694836545317163008 …
A3. @SourcingAdda #sourcingchat Yes certainly. They are the first and single point of contact for the future team members.
Q4. Why are #Recruiters the best Brand Ambassadors? #SourcingChat
A4 #SourcingChat Most effective for reinforcing employer brand in talent market, recruiters reach out, sell, hustle everyday @sourcingadda
#recruiters are B2C brand sales people, front-line salesforce…#sourcingchat
Q5. As a Brand Ambassador what measures would you take to promote your Employer? #SourcingChat
A5. Be aware of your company and business. Live its values.Look & sound like a proud employee first. #sourcingchat
https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694843040159105025 …
A6 show real stories and honest success. And network network network #SourcingChat https://twitter.com/SourcingAdda/status/694843040159105025 …
There you have it so before you go do you remember the question I asked earlier? Then tell me, were your aspects included in the ones that were mentioned, if not then leave your views in the comments section and we’ll be glad to add to our knowledge as well. Meanwhile keep following @SourcingAdda to remain updated with the upcoming activities in real time and add to your knowledge as well.