Most companies and recruiters have modified their marketing and recruiting methods to accommodate the changing times. In view of this change, Twitter has made a few changes to its profile display for its many users.
These changes are vital for every user including marketers and recruiter’s alike, as this has a bearing on the company’s branding and in scouting potential recruits. This adds up to a loss of qualified individuals if one isn’t aware of these trivial; yet important changes, hence both parties need to be up to date with the current trends. Therefore, an article titled, What Marketer’s and Recruiter’s should know about Twitter Profiles.
Profile Pictures
Twitter has updated the size of its profile image, which is now expected to be 400 by 400 pixels; this is done to cater to the current trend and is in line with most social networking formats. These dimensions make you profile pic more viewable.
Header Image
Your header image size is now 1500 by 500 pixels, giving its users a Facebook like experience that is larger than it originally was. This size is perfect as it doesn’t obscure your profile image, bio – data and it improves the look of your profile all together.
Best Tweets
Now users will be able to identify their best tweets as they will appear in a slightly bigger font so you get at a glance all the tweets that have received the most engagements. Doesn’t this make everything so much easier to track and modify if required?
Pinned Tweets
Users can now choose which specific tweets they would like to be pinned to the top of their profile. Wow isn’t that amazing! Now your profile will look more professional as you can pick tweets that best suit your profile description.
Filter Profile Views
With the new developments that Twitter has made you can now filter all the profile views of others on the bases of tweets only, tweets plus reply’s, or tweets with photos or videos. Doesn’t this help you look for what you want to view easier and time saving?
New Grid views
This particular style enables one to view their followers, or the ones they are following and the posted content in a grid style that is similar to that of Pinterest. Doesn’t this layout make all the difference to the way you view your followers and the ones following you including the content posted.
Well now that you are aware of the changes that Twitter has made to its profile layout, what are you waiting for, might as well implement them and use it to your advantage to apply to job openings and get selected for an interview in the process. Everyone else will definitely be modifying their profiles, than why shouldn’t you, especially if it can make all the difference to your career. So sign in to your Twitter profile right now and watch you advance in your career ladder that most of us tend to miss out on.