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WhatsApp Group Chat – Skills Recruiters need to attain to meet Employer Expectations

We’ve covered a wide range of topics related to Full Cycle Recruitment processes which have been well received by the WhatsApp group members and followers alike.  The out pour of responses we’ve received clearly indicates the popularity of these WhatsApp groups.

Thanks to the participation of members we @SourcingAdda are really glad that we are able to be of assistance to our fellow Talent Acquisitionist’s.  Having said that, the discussion that took place was on, “Skills Recruiters need to attain to meet Employer Expectations, on 2 parameters namely,

  1. What will be the expectations from the employer from a recruiter in 2017?
  2. What up skilling a Recruiter should do?” Based upon the suggestion of our Bangalore group member Senthil ; we’ll be disclosing the conversation we had shortly and right after we’ll be highlighting the key take a way pointers. So let’s begin…
  3. This very insightful discussion ends here and as usual we’ve received a lot of inputs that are sure to come handy.  Let’s have a closer look to find out what we’ve added to our learning so here goes…

Skills to Develop

  • Recruiters should look at unconventional cost effective methods like meet-ups
  • Learn advanced methods of Recruiting via Social Media platforms which may involve costs but are surely worth a try.
  • Learning new hiring trends like Social Media hiring
  • To Get more Talent or Candidates Recruiters need to upgrade to
    • New groups
    • Social pages, etc.
  • Follow non – conventional methods to increase the database and contacts
  • Proactiveness is the popular skill employers are seeking
  • Learning and remaining updated on new hiring trends is the key like,
    • Recruitment skills
    • new tool knowledge
    • new domain knowledge
    • team leading skills
    • business development
  • Utilizing the right opportunity from the employer and hitting the right candidate at the right place makes a Recruiter’s life easier and employee oriented.
  • Recruitment is predominantly a sales role, which is not everyone’s Cup of Tea
  • While we have access to lot of newer Sourcing tools today (which is Fantastic); Selling is a Skill which will continue to remain the key factor.
  • 2017 recruiters need to be data driven
  • Handling big data from digital resources is the need today
  • Must be tech savvy with latest technologies; to improve
    • Lead generation
    • Advanced negotiation
    • Improved marketing skills and if need be enrol for a training
  • Apart from filling positions with minimal submissions within the deadlines Recruiters are expected to achieve new heights with –
    • The next level of capabilities i.e. be equipped and deliver –
    •   Market trends and insights around Talent
  • Upcoming and existing competition around technology hiring’s etc.
  • Formally educate yourself around perennial technologies being hired
  • Talent attraction initiatives
  • Consultative hiring approach in conjunction with the best of traditional methods
  • Creating, discovering and evangelising more low cost, sustainable and qualitative sourcing avenues
  • Also be involved in the business teams E.g. Be the Host of or attend a niche tech-talk programs with industry peers at a high tea.

Employer Expectations from Recruiters

  • Act as a HR partner in Hiring with more transparency from both sides
  • Build a talent pipeline for future hiring
  • Employers are counting on Recruiters to play a strategic role
  • Recruiters are expected to be good in stackholder management
  • Excellent in recruitment plan / number game
  • Good in sales and account management


Now don’t you agree with us when we conclude with the statement that we’ve received quite a lot of insights that are worth a try?

If you’ve read this far; we’re sure that you’ve found something interesting and even added to your knowledge by just being a passive learner. Well you need to come out of your comfort zone and move ahead. How? By becoming an active learner and to realise the difference in yourself and know what you’ve accomplished and are capable of.

Become an active learner in 2 simple steps,

  1. Follow us @SourcingAdda to get real time updates to our upcoming events and activities
  2. Leave us your views or request’s to join these WhatsApp groups in our comments section


  1. Send us a DM to @SourcingAdda with your contact and location details and our representative will get back to you.

In conclusion we’d just like to end with a quote that summarises the conversation best. As Greg Savage has put it perfectly, “Sourcing is a Science, while Persuasion is an Art” and don’t forget to visit – http://tascon.in to get more information about our upcoming most awaited annual event #TASCON17 and to gain a clear idea about our past events of #TASCON15 & 16.