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WhatsApp Group Chat – Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI

WhatsApp Group Chat - Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI

In today’s data drive world analytics is soon becoming the trend in most organisations; in particular HR Analytics, as it helps achieve company goals and ambitions. Additionally more and more firms are also inculcating People Analytics to predict the company’s future goals and success. Apart from this many organisations are using these analytics to influence their decisions about recruiting, retaining and compensating employees. Firms are also realising that HR and People Analytics both can improve functions and business processes as a whole.

All the aspects mentioned above can contribute to running a successful business which is not an easy task. Also, to assist in the organisations future growth conducting certain organisational developments such as organisation trainings that can elevate the current employee skills will improve their overall performance is the key to achieving a company’s goals. Nevertheless is it absolutely necessary for employees to have such trainings and will it help them avoid any challenges? Is a thought provoking query; for the impact it may have on aspects like driving business values, employee performance, ROI and the future?

In order to understand this we @Sourcingadda conducted a discussion on, Business and HR Analytics: Organisational development, formal training, impact on business values, employee performance and ROI upon the request of one of our Mumbai group members Rajaram and we received a good amount of responses to the same. I bet you are wondering what they are so then let’s remove the suspense and get straight to it by sharing them below:

The conversation above has sure cleared a few things for us and as our fellow Talent Acquisitionists have so rightly pointed out that such analytics can transform an organisation, drive business values, simultaneously enhance employee performance and improve its overall growth. They have also mentioned that you also require a training need analysis to make that transition a success. Also, the Training and Business team needs to work in sync with each other to address the employees requirement in order to achieve growth driven success.

More importantly, the trainings implementation needs to be smooth to achieve the objective seamlessly. Hence formulating an effective plan is of utmost importance to meet the objectives laid out. Thus far the answer to the question of whether the training can assist employees to avoid challenges is completely an incorrect but rather focusses on equipping them to face challenges head on and thus drive firm success.

The thoughts shared are definitely insightful as we are shown how it will play out giving us a clear and reliable perspective to follow through with and thus help us improve the quality of the profiles we hire. For those of us who have been constantly searching for answers to these problematic questions are all answered through such discussion. And the discussions sure make things absolutely clear to us as it gives us something concrete to work with and see its impact. So we can then analysis and form more effective plans that help us get closer to our organisational goals using the ways to tap passive candidates to accomplish more than we’d hope to achieve as a unit that thrives to grow.

If you’ve found these perspectives informative and handy to implement in your particular organisation and has helped you grow and improve your ROI then we would like you to leave your views in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately.

If you are still not convinced about becoming a part of the community then you should know that the platform provides you with live insights from reputed thought leaders within the recruitment fraternity. They strive to give you workable solutions to common challenges faced by a range or individuals right from the basic level all the way up to senior roles and so much more including building connections. With sole purpose of growing your referral pipeline or up-grading your candidate sourcing skills to capture exceptional and potential talent now at scale.

Recruiting ADDA
Some Interesting, Yet Surprising Facts about Recruitment

Some Interesting, Yet Surprising Facts about Recruitment

Recruitment is a vast field with several branches based on a collection of varied job profiles irrespective of the professional field one choses as a career. No matter which field has a vacancy, you always have the need for a recruiter nonetheless.

It’s no rocket science to realise, after a few interviews that even though there have been changes in the recruitment field, it still has consistency. Well the common knowledge that circulates is that the ways in which companies hire individuals has changed, which doesn’t hold true. Simply because somehow, companies haven’t changed their hiring strategies much, even with the popularity of the internet usage for almost anything is so evident. In view of this here are, Some Interesting, Yet Surprising Facts about Recruitment as a whole that you aren’t aware of.

A glance is all you get

If you’re a job seeker than it is important for you to realise that you need to impress a recruiter, at first glance. This means that, they are going to take just one look at you Curriculum Vitae, more commonly known as C.V. or Resume before they can even get in touch with you and that too, provided they don’t see something that puts them off. Remember that recruiters have a mountain of C.Vs. that they sift through, and they usually contact the ones that they find decent first.

The email address matters

When emailing it is essential that you have a professional one or else you risk losing career opportunities thus hampering your chances to gain employment. To back this up, research has found about 78% of applications were rejected due to unprofessional email address irrespective of the application programs that do not show the candidates email address. And you don’t want your resume to be part of the rejected pile, now do you?

Take into account the cost of replacing staff

Did you know that the cost of replacing staff is phenomenal? Here’s why because to land that perfect candidate for the job isn’t an easy task and it hasn’t ever been either. In addition to the fact that a replacement isn’t easy to come by that will perform the task with the exact efficiency and give you the same results isn’t possible due to individuality. Besides the cost is also different as you will have to pay the person based on their previous package, without the assurance of achieving the same results with that rate of accuracy and efficiency. How can we leave out the cost of training another individual to do the same job?

Job Specification

Jobs that require specialised knowledge are the ones with the experience in it and these individuals are hard to come by. In addition to jobs like security for instance in casinos, you will be surprised to realise the arduous task and the amount of paper work that is involved in a simple and innocent task such as dice checking. All of these aspects together have a bearing on recruiting the right candidate. Well there you go, did you know about these aspects, I for one didn’t. I hope this was as informative for you as it was for me. So, the next time you go job hunting pay attention to these aspects and watch the number of opportunities you receive by simply implementing these trivial, yet important points.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Does believing in the concept of a 9 to 6 workday; is it hated or welcomed?

WhatsApp Group Chat – Does believing in the concept of a 9 to 6 workday; is it hated or welcomed?

There has been a longstanding debate on the subject of having a 9 to 6 workday schedule which has received mixed responses. Some are more tolerant of the idea, while others want work life balance, still others prefer flexible work timings and the current pandemic scenario seems to favour work from home and remote working and some also entertain the 9 to 6 work day schedule. It’s confusing, isn’t it?

Therefore it is essential for us to peal the onion a little more to get a clear understanding on the subject at hand. And what better way is there then a discussion to arrive at some sort of conclusion on which to follow through with. Having said that, one of our Mumbai group member’s Archana wanted to discuss on, Does believing in the concept of a 9 to 6 workday; is it hated or welcomed? In reference to the shared video link – . To find out what we uncovered you can view the insights mentioned below:

After going through the thoughts expressed in the insightful conversation shared above its pretty clear that at the end of the day what it comes down to is the professionalism that employees showcase when on the work floor and the mind-set they have. If you have and follow accepted standards of professional ethics on an individual level this can very well be applied and thus ensure a work life balance that most of us yearn for.

The minority with good professional ethics in unity follow through it and in the event of the workload increasing are very cooperative and usually resort to staying back to get the workload completed in time. While it is the case it doesn’t mean that such individuals are not productive, also the organisational culture too has a bearing on how this plays out. If the culture determined by the management is one that regards employees leaving on time as not being productive and rather prefer their employees to stay back than that is considered as being productive. Overall the company culture, the mind-set that employees bring with them to the floor and the professional ethics one follows are what determine whether a 9 to 6 work time is feasible and acceptable. If all of these three aspects favour employees leaving on time then a 9 to 6 work time is workable ensuring a work life balance.

Additionally, if you’d like to find out about the Various Talent Acquisition Sourcing Models used in India then it is the perfect read. Or if you are more interested in How Web 2.0 Toolkit helps Organisations to Attract Passive Talent? then it is a great read. Moreover, you can even get some good and practical tips on retaining top performers and similar topics. If you are looking to scale your hiring needs then you ought to join our Whats App group. To reap the various benefits of our community you need to get more involved by participating in our regular activities and by following us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events.

We would like to hear your thoughts on the topic discussed on hand and you are welcome to leave your views in our comments section below. If you wish to be a part of our online community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity then be proactive and register yourselves immediately. If you are still not convinced about becoming a part of the community then you need to know that the platform provides you with live insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere on common challenges faced. These exceptional individuals are here to share their live experiences on several recruitment related topics thus enabling you to fine tune your strategy be it candidate experience of engagement that have a bearing on capturing hard to find talent at scale. As a member you can leverage the opportunity to build connections and grow your referral pipeline or up-grade your candidate sourcing skills to capture exceptional and potential talent at scale.

Recruiting ADDA
What is a Campus Recruitment Strategy?

What is a Campus Recruitment Strategy

There are several techniques that are used to maximise the number of recruits with the right calibre. These techniques can be classified in to two groups, namely Traditional and Modern ways of recruitment. Of these many techniques Campus Recruitment is one such strategy, which falls under the category of the Traditional method of recruiting.

Well now that we have an idea of what campus recruitment is, let’s find out more about campus recruitment as a strategy.

In order to figure this out, we need to distinguish between what a campus recruitment strategy is and what it isn’t? Therefore let’s focus on 1 aspect at a time.

A campus recruitment strategy is not about.

  • A job posting activity or a hiring process
  • Nor is it something that requires your presence only once a year or once in a blue moon.
  • Something that is done exactly the way it has always been done in the past but is done irrespective of the changing trends.
  • Scrambling for time or squeezing in applicants at the last minute for interviews.
  • The feeling that you get when you miss out on gathering best candidates; at the best events or great opportunities to connect with suitable candidates.
  • It’s not about being unorganised or conducting the event with a, I could care less attitude.
  • Nor is it about just engaging in small talk with the institute that allows you to conduct the event or your sponsors who are funding you for the event.
  • It isn’t about just having fun alone without recruiting unless it’s solely an introductory session.

A campus recruitment strategy is about.

  • Marketing or branding your company and its variety of products and getting the word out to potential recruits.
  • Getting the word out about how often you’re going to hold such events, when and where.
  • Having goals wherein you receive more applicants, better quality of candidates, more candidates with certain skills and a better offer acceptance rate.
  • It is about letting potential employs know about the vacancies that you have and what your company looks for in candidates.
  • It is about letting them interact with you and help them resolve their queries or doubts they might have about the job or the interview.
  • It is also about conducting interviews to capture good candidates and interns with the potential to become a full time employee.
  • If all goes well for the employers and the institute then it can be a good platform to develop strong business connections and improves the reputation of both parties in question.
  • It is about planning for all contingencies that may arise and requires a thorough planning that to well in advance and stills needs the organisers to be flexible.
  • It was about recognising everyone’s efforts and working together as a team to ensure that the event was a success.

These are but only a few that we could think of and list out, but I’m sure that you can come across a lot more that can be added in to this list of mine. So make sure you mention the points that I haven’t thought about as yet, in our comments section.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Roles of Trainees, Employees and Interns in an Organisation

WhatsApp Group Chat – Roles of Trainees, Employees and Interns in an Organisation

In an evolving industry like Recruitment it comes as no surprise that trainees or interns have become indispensable to most organisations. The reason is that employers give more preference to talent having relevant experience before being graduates vs those without. The recent change in roles being shuffled is another indication for permanent employees to wonder whether the on boarded trainees or interns will become their substitute and is therefore a cause of concern.

Furthermore, focussing on these possible myths can boost uncertainty towards job security across all fields. While it is imperative that we as Talent Acquisitionist’s remain aware of these evolving trends, we are also required to have knowledge of these aspects as it applies to the Talent that is hired. And ensuring that the on-boarded experience matters to employer branding; it once again falls into our jurisdiction and may as well apply to us too. Instead of reacting in a manner that fuels these uncertainties; it is preferable to gain knowledge on these evolving trends so we all can be better prepared for the change that is sure to come in the near future. And what better way is there than to put the topic to a discussion and find out for ourselves the ground reality of things as they stand.

Therefore we @Sourcingadda strive to provide insights on topics that are of concern and that are at the heart of our members interests. We are able to do so thanks to their active participation in these discussions. That being said, one of our Mumbai group member’s Rajaram suggested we discuss about the, Roles of trainees, permanent employees, interns and senior interns in an organisation”.

With that said, let’s help you discover what we have uncovered in the thoughts expressed below:

We’re sure the insights shared above have cleared any misunderstandings or misinterpretations that may have existed. Therefore you all can be rest assured that having trainees or interns on boarded doesn’t mean that they are substitutes for permanent employees. They are strictly meant for hiring managers looking to hire fresh talent with experience and isn’t to be mistaken as replacements and nor should it attract much concern by permanent employees. Apart from these aspects there are even guidelines shared for potential prospecting employers cautioning them that while they do hire trainees and interns they need to ensure they extend the same compensation status as their employees to them. It even mentions that if they refuse to comply on the aspect of a fair compensation they are setting themselves up for a long drawn out wastage of funds on labour cases and law suits. Therefore they should heed these instructions in order to boost the organisations growth and avoid unnecessary losses due to statuary obligations and risk affecting their brand reputation.

Additionally, for those of you who wish to add to their knowledge and get a clear perspective on the WhatsApp Group Chat Product Hiring: Challenges, Solutions & Difference between Product and Services Hiring then it is the perfect read. Or would rather find out more about the WhatsApp Group Chat – Pros & Cons of Job Rotation Programs and its success in India than that too is a great read. Moreover if you wish to get some good and practical advice on how to go about formulating a perfect Talent Acquisition strategy to your hard to get potential prospecting talent then join us on Whats App and hire at scale by getting more involved; how, you ask? than follow us @Sourcingadda for real time updates to our upcoming activities and events

  1. a) Leaving your views or requests to join these groups in our comments section below


b) DM us to @Sourcingadda with your name, WhatsApp. Contact no. and location

Where one of our representatives will get back to you at the earliest or you can be proactive and register yourselves immediately to stay abreast in the latest recruitment trends. Become a part of the #1 recruitment community to remain tuned to the evolving trends within the recruitment fraternity. The platform provides you with live insights from thought leaders within the recruitment sphere. These exceptional individuals share their live experiences thus enabling you to fine tune your hiring strategy and capture hard to find talent at scale. As a member you can leverage the opportunity to build connections and grow your referral pipeline or up-grade your candidate sourcing skills to capture exceptional and potential talent at scale.