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Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Should Recruiters show eagerness to Candidates till the Offer Release Period to negotiate the CTC?

There has been a lot of talk on the importance of engaging Candidates from the immediate point of contact to the on-boarding stage and the challenges that Talent Acquisitionist’s face. We’ve covered a range of topics that address various challenges similar to the one mentioned.

Having, said that we @SourcingAdda are constantly striving to resolve new challenges that Talent Acquisitionists face. We hold discussions every Wednesday which are quite popular and informative thanks to the initiative of our members. the discussion focused on, “Should Recruiters show eagerness towards Candidates after their selection up till the offer release period to negotiate the CTC harder?” upon the suggestion of our Mumbai Group Member Anshul. We’ll be disclosing the chat shortly but before that don’t forget to view the key take away pointers right after so here goes…

The very informative discussion ends here and we’re sure your eagerly waiting for the key take a ways to facilitate learning and retain what you’ve learnt.  Therefore let’s not keep you waiting so here goes…

Who should show Eagerness


In fact a Candidate should show their willingness to join the company

If eagerness is shown by the Recruiter a Candidate is likely to think that they are the only one eligible for the post thus they have a tendency to ask for the maximum hike.


After the selection a Recruiter shouldn’t show eagerness towards Candidates as it gives them leverage

A Recruiter can negotiate better by refraining from showing eagerness towards Candidates

Recruiters shouldn’t push Candidates too hard to join as this enables them to re-negotiate better on aspects like CTC where Candidates are more inclined to join the organisation.

Recruiters should showcase the opportunities that the Candidate gets at the Organisation by highlighting a good salary package and environment to work in.

Eagerness should be there on both sides however as a HR / Recruiter it shouldn’t be shown to the Candidate as that would put them in commanding position

When negotiating; Recruiters should clarify expectations in the beginning when the profile is shared and both parties should be frequently reminded about it.

Recruiters should be neutral when negotiating as it helps to understand the view of the Client or Candidate.

Keep Candidates engaged at every stage right from immediate contact via phone to the interview up to joining and even post joining.

A lot depends entirely on the kind of rapport a Recruiter develops with the Candidate

Its human nature to be eager however, a Recruiter can be sure about the Candidates decision provided the same eagerness is replicated from the Candidates reaction.

The Ans. to the question at hand is No, as it may result in you showing a Candidate that they are more inclined towards the CTC rather than the role offered.

It is essential that Recruiters allow them to set their own expectations and help them to realise that they’re asking for a budget i.e. more than what they deserve.

The negotiation stage is the crucial period because there are two types of negotiations that are held namely; poor and healthy negotiations.

A healthy negotiation should be done according to your company culture and role

A positive employer and employee are the result of a successful salary negotiation

It’s important that the Candidate feels confident that they are joining the right company

It is very important for a Recruiter to be in touch with their Candidates initially so that they can address any issues or challenges a Candidate is facing and help in resolving them which is an added benefit.

Possible Solutions

Follow ups with candidates have to be done without irritating prospective Candidates; too much follow up isn’t good either.

Engagement with the candidate should be done so as to avoid losing them to competitors

Giving extra info about the company, their role & responsibilities helps in establishing good rapport

Offering advice on their career path at this stage may also facilitate rapport building

Get them involved in project calls as this gives them a sense of belongingness

Even posing to ask them information about the subject of their expertise may help to maintain their interest which can result in them continuing to speak with the Recruiter which also builds a good rapport.

Send them Goodies prior to joining and once on-board you can give them goodies

Candidates will definitely be inclined to a Recruiter who they have a better connection with hence; relationship building is the key.

If nothing works; keep an active back up ready, always keep a pipeline of candidates ready, if someone is willing to come on contract to hire; take them, the battle is not over till they are on board.

Accept Certain Facts

Know that even after all you’re efforts; candidates still may not join

You need to know that you can’t trust them since there’s no mechanism that will give you a 100 percent surety that a Candidate will join.

Realise that the Candidates may already have an idea about the general and opportunity salary range

We’ve received an out pour of inputs where several perspectives and aspects were covered right from the obvious Recruiter perspective, a Candidates perspective to solutions that may work, facts that we most often forget or don’t realise. And if you’ve read this far you know what you’re missing out on. So why not join the group; become an active rather than a passive learner as you’ll get inputs covering topics like the Impact to the Naukri Monopoly due to Randstad buying Monster.

To get real time updates to our upcoming events and activities you only need to follow us @SourcingAdda. You can be a part of the group by simply sending us a DM via Twitter @SourcingAdda or you can leave your requests to join the groups along with your views in our comments section.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 day’s Notice Period?

Talent Acquisitions constantly deal with Candidates serving their Notice Period, some Applicants even opt for the buy – out option for better Career prospects. But the question still remains, “Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 days’ notice Period?” even more so with digitalization. Some even wonder whether they can trust 10 days joiner Candidates.

Considering these aspects we @SourcingAdda conducted our popular Wednesday discussions on, “Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 days’ Notice Period?” thanks to the suggestion of our Mumbai Group Member Anshul. We’ll be showcasing the discussion shortly but remember to view the key takeaways thereafter to assist retention. So here’s what was discussed amongst the various groups…

The conversation above indicates the end to another great discussion with a lot of incredible inputs to take back and add to your learning. You’ll agree if you don’t already; after reviewing the key takeaways highlighted under here soon enough; so here goes…

Accept Certain facts

    • You’ll come across genuine candidates with 90 days’ notice period, who aren’t ready to leave their current job without another option in hand.
    • It’s unfair to discriminate between Candidates; you can trust them but you also need to be ready with a backup.
    • In the case of 90 days’ notice period, the Candidates get a larger window period to look for other opportunities.
    • Trusting a Candidate may not depend on the number of days one has to serve in a notice period
    • There have been instances where Recruiters have had many Candidates who served their 90 days’ notice period but have sometimes failed to get Candidates on board who served just 30 days’ notice period.
    • With every other company eyeing the best one, Candidates have a lot of options today
    • Remember that Candidates will always choose the opportunity that best meets their interest and their Career.
    • Know that to some extent you can reduce the rejections by setting a proper employer brand, engaging properly with candidates, regular follow-ups and setting their expectations about the job.
    • A Candidate serving a 3 months’ notice period is mostly applicable in senior positions when you can trust them 80% of the time.

      Possible Solutions

    • There is a belief that there are common grounds between sales and recruitment
    • The USP and value proposition that a recruiter would canvas is of utmost importance
    • Trust depends on performance, company culture and the relationship of candidates established with all staff members
    • The culture sets the tone on how HR and others communicate with Candidates
    • The level of trust one is able to build and whether Candidates aren’t scouting for other offers during the notice.
    • One needs to have a dependable brand name along with the kind of communication one has is the key.
    • HR Representatives need to make sure the Candidates are trustworthy before accepting a resignation with or without a notice period.
    • Recruiters need to cross-check the Candidates seriousness for Job and their reasons for change before handing over the offer letter.
    • Companies need to take any original education certificate till the candidate joins
    • Another way is to be in touch with offered Candidates
    • One can share company inputs or add Candidates to the Company’s Social Network
    • It is important for Recruiters to try and build a relationship where Candidates don’t hide anything from them.
    • Recruiters can trust Candidates serving 90 days’ notice period but they need to engage with the Candidates well throughout their 90 days’ tenure.
    • Ensure that you get the Resignation and Acceptance of Resignation letter copies within 2 weeks of issuing an offer letter.
    • In case of relocation, Recruiters can engage with them by having a casual conversation about the school admission for kids if any, house searching, etc. as it ensures that the want to join your organization.
    • Making signing bonds compulsory may not be ethical; having a Bond that contains, for instance, the statement, “If you decline the offer after accepting it then you are liable to pay the Xyz amount. You can decline the offer initially but post-acceptance you cannot decline” may also be unethical.
    • Know that this is a debatable topic and one which requires one to take inputs from a legal team which is essential but this can be a solution.
    • As a consultant, you can neither trust the Candidate completely nor trust clients but having proper communication with them for e.g. texts, calls, e-mails and ensuring you follow the process that most Recruiters follow which includes –
    • Getting the Resignation copy and Relieving copy,
    • Telling them to get their Full and Final settlement done with proper communication and constantly being in touch with them is the only way to ensure the probability of their joining.
    • When your communication with them is quite transparent, open and good there’s no beating around the bush or any guesswork left to do you’ll know if the Candidate won’t join.
    • Any Resources that have a 90 days’ notice period generally back out but if a Recruiter is able to bridge the gap between expectations and need on both sides then they can definitely close the deal.
    • In India, 90 days’ notice period is getting standardized across IT MNCs to start-up organizations
    • 90 days’ notice period Candidates have to be trusted and time tested for their interest levels.

Challenges faced

  • Candidates at the Junior Level actually play with the offer but that is not the case with a Senior Candidate especially in a domestic market.

    Procedures followed at different Organisations

      1. Some organizations work on a Timeline basis to full fill their requirements where trust does not come into the picture but what matters is a Recruiters Expertise / Past Experiences.

    The highlights of the discussion above clearly portray the amount of value addition you have in your learning and you realize exactly what you are missing out on by not being a part of these informative discussions.

    If you’ve read this far then I’m sure you’re eager to join the Sourcing ADDA WhatsApp groups so here’s what you need to do…

    1. Ensure that you follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real-time updates to our upcoming events and activities.
    2. You are free to choose from the two options below to communicate to us your request to join…
      1. Either leave your request to join along with your views in our ‘comments section’


    1. Send us a DM with your contact and location details to @SourcingAdda and one of our representatives will get back to you and we’ll accordingly to add you.

    In the meantime know that if you’ve read this then you’ve already added to your knowledge and you can know more by reading our post on Leveraging Technology into HR.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat – Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 day’s Notice Period?

Talent Acquisitionists constantly deal with Candidates serving their Notice Period, some Applicants even opt for the buy – out option for better Career prospects. But the question still remains, “Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 days’ notice Period?” even more so with digitalisation. Some even wonder whether they can trust 10 days joiner Candidates.

Considering these aspects we @SourcingAdda conducted our popular Wednesday discussions on, “Can Recruiters trust Candidates serving 90 days’ Notice Period?” thanks to the suggestion of our Mumbai Group Member Anshul. We’ll be showcasing the discussion shortly but remember to view the key take a ways thereafter to assist retention. So here’s what was discussed amongst the various groups…

The conversation above indicates the end to another great discussion with a lot of incredible inputs to take back and add to your learning. You’ll agree, if you don’t already; after reviewing the key take a ways highlighted under here soon enough; so here goes…

Accept Certain facts

  • You’ll come across genuine candidates with 90 days’ notice period, who aren’t ready to leave their current job without another option in hand.
  • It’s unfair to discriminate between Candidates; you can trust them but you also need to be ready with a backup.
  • In the case of 90 days’ notice period, the Candidates get a larger window period to look for other opportunities.
  • Trusting a Candidate may not depend on the number of days one has to serve in a notice period
  • There have been instances where Recruiters have had many Candidates who served their 90 days’ notice period but have sometimes failed to get Candidates on board who served just 30 days’ notice period.
  • With every other company eyeing the best one, Candidates have lot of options today
  • Remember that Candidates will always choose the opportunity that best meets their interest and their Career.
  • Know that to some extent you can reduce the rejections by setting a proper employer brand, engaging properly with candidates, regular follow ups and setting their expectations about the job.
  • A Candidate serving a 3 months’ notice period is mostly applicable in senior positions when you can trust them 80% of the time.

    Possible Solutions

  • There is a belief that there are common grounds between sales and recruitment
  • The USP and value proposition that a recruiter would canvas is of utmost importance
  • Trust depends on performance, company culture and the relationship of candidates established with all staff members
  • The culture sets the tone on how HR and others communicate with Candidates
  • The level of trust one is able to build and whether Candidates aren’t scouting for other offers during the notice.
  • One need’s to have a dependable brand name along with the kind of communication one has is the key.
  • HR Representatives need to make sure the Candidates are trust worthy before accepting a resignation with or without a notice period.
  • Recruiters need to cross check the Candidates seriousness for Job and their reasons for change before handing over the offer letter.
  • Companies need to take any original education certificate till the candidate joins
  • Another way is to be in touch with offered Candidates
  • One can share company inputs or add Candidates to the Company’s Social Network
  • It is important for Recruiters to try and build a relationship where Candidate’s don’t hide anything from them.
  • Recruiters can trust Candidates serving 90 days’ notice period but they need to engage with the Candidates well throughout their 90 days’ tenure.
  • Ensure that you get the Resignation and Acceptance of Resignation letter copies within 2 weeks of issuing an offer letter.
  • In case of relocation, Recruiters can engage with them by having a casual conversation about the school admission for kids if any, house searching etc. as it ensures that the wants to join your organisation.
  • Making signing bonds compulsory may not be ethical; having a Bond that contains for instance the statement, “If you decline the offer after accepting it then you are liable to pay the xyz amount. You can decline the offer initially but post acceptance you cannot decline” may also be unethical.
  • Know that this is a debatable topic and one which requires one to take inputs from a legal team which is essential but this can be a solution.
  • As a consultant you can neither trust the Candidate completely nor trust clients but having proper communication with them for e.g. texts, calls, e-mails and ensuring you follow the process that most Recruiters follow which includes –
  • Getting the Resignation copy and Relieving copy,
  • Telling them to get their Full and Final settlement done with proper communication and constantly being in touch with them is the only way to ensure the probability of their joining.
  • When your communication with them is quite transparent, open and good there’s no beating around the bush or any guess work left to do you’ll know if the Candidate won’t join.
  • Any Resources that have a 90 days’ notice period generally back out but if a Recruiter is able to bridge the gap between expectations and need on both sides then they can definitely close the deal.
  • In India, 90 days’ notice period is getting standardised across IT MNCs to start-up organisations
  • 90 days’ notice period Candidates have to be trusted and timely tested for their interest levels.
  • Challenges faced

  • Candidates at the Junior Level actually play with the offer but that is not the case with a Senior Candidate especially in a domestic market.

    Procedures followed at different Organisations

      1. Some organisation work on Time line basis to full fill their requirements where trust does not come in to the picture but what matters is a Recruiters Expertise / Past Experiences.

    The highlights of the discussion above clearly portrays the amount of value addition you have in your learning and you realise exactly what your missing out on by not being a part of these informative discussions.

    If you’ve read this far then I’m sure you’re eager to join the Sourcing ADDA WhatsApp groups so here’s what you need to do…

    1. Ensure that you follow us @SourcingAdda to gain real time updates to our upcoming events and activities.
    2. You are free to choose from the two options below to communicate to us your request to join…
      1. Either leave your request to join along with your views in our ‘comments section’


    1. Send us a DM with your contact and location details to @SourcingAdda and one of our representatives will get back to you and we’ll accordingly to add you.

    In the meantime know that if you’ve read this then you’ve already added to your knowledge and you can know more by reading our post on Leveraging Technology into HR.

Recruiting ADDA
Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17)
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The most awaited and exciting event of the year Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) for Sourcing ADDA is back in action with preparations on and rolling. Having completed, two consecutive years of success with #TASCON15 & #TASCON16 now Sourcing ADDA proudly presents #TASCON17. Then again it seems like only yesterday we had conducted our first ever, one of its kind Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON15) & then #TASCON16. And now we’re in the process of conducting #TASCON17. What an achievement wouldn’t you say?

Although we’re preparing for #TASCON17 we are reminded of the same enthusiasm and excitement we’ve experienced previously while planning such events.  This also brings flashbacks that are still very much engrained in our memories. With that said, isn’t it the perfect time to relive those precious moments that are now part of us and who we are altogether?

The success of both #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  have taught each one of us that were present; something new and we can all proudly say that we’ve added to our knowledge and are now looking for more with anticipation for what is to come.

#TASCON15 was held on 15th April 2015 (Wednesday) at Hotel Hyatt, Pune which helped Sourcing ADDA achieve another milestone. The event comprised of 19 renowned speakers from reputed companies with 150 attendees ranging from Directors, Heads, Managers, Executives, Sourcing, Recruiting and H. R. professionals. Similarly, for #TASCON16 which was held at Hyatt Regency, Pune on 14th April 2016 where we had 250 delegates and 30 renowned speakers and we’re planning to have it on a grand scale with #TASCON17 this time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  Sponsors namely, SourcePRO  a Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program, RippleHire and Gift XOXO for supporting us and making these events a success. So let’s find out more about these events and their success by taking a sneak peak in to what happened at these events.

We had several activities to complement this grand event even the Sponsors joined in wherein the delegates enjoyed them. Some of these activities that we had at #TASCON15 were Tweeting, while we had #TASCON16 styles that were followed by individual & company group delegates.  In both the events the common activities that were held were #SelfieContest and a Standee with the statement, “One thing you learnt today!!!” where they had to write something about what they learnt. This time we also conducted a Survey to understand the challenges faced by Talent Acquisition based on which the Topics for #TASCON17 were selected. Similarly we had activities conducted in the 2 sections i.e. Strategy Hub & Sourcing Lab.

Unlike #TASCON15 where we had the Sourcing Mega Contest with 12 participants this time we hosted 2 Sourcing Premier Leagues (SPL) with 6 winners from both SPL 1 & SPL 2 who gained entry to the Mega Sourcing Premier League competing with each other including 2 surprise Wild Card entries that brings the total to 8 participants for this League.  Similarly we’re having a Pre- contest where 10 winners will be chosen to compete at #TicketToTASCON17.

To get a glimpse and a sense of what we’ve accomplished or achieved so far you’ll have to find out by joining us at Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) now even grander with double the fun. You’ve got to experience it first – hand by catching all the action live and enjoy while you add to your knowledge and bloom into better Talent Acquisitionist’s then you were before.

Recruiting ADDA
Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17)

The most awaited and exciting event of the year Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) for Sourcing ADDA is back in action with preparations on and rolling. Having completed, two consecutive years of success with #TASCON15 & #TASCON16 now Sourcing ADDA proudly presents #TASCON17. Then again it seems like only yesterday we had conducted our first ever, one of its kind Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON15) & then #TASCON16. And now we’re in the process of conducting #TASCON17. What achievement wouldn’t you say?

Although we’re preparing for #TASCON17 we are reminded of the same enthusiasm and excitement we’ve experienced previously while planning such events.  This also brings flashbacks that are still very much ingrained in our memories. With that said, isn’t it the perfect time to relive those precious moments that are now part of us and who we are all together?

The success of both #TASCON15  & #TASCON16 has taught each one of us that were present; something new and we can all proudly say that we’ve added to our knowledge and is now looking for more with anticipation for what is to come.

#TASCON15 was held on 15th April 2015 (Wednesday) at Hotel Hyatt, Pune which helped Sourcing ADDA achieve another milestone. The event comprised 19 renowned speakers from reputed companies with 150 attendees ranging from Directors, Heads, Managers, Executives, Sourcing, Recruiting and H. R. professionals. Similarly, for #TASCON16 which was held at Hyatt Regency, Pune on 14th April 2016 where we had 250 delegates and 30 renowned speakers and we’re planning to have it on a grand scale with #TASCON17 this time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our #TASCON15  & #TASCON16  Sponsors namely, SourcePRO a Talent Sourcing Training & Certification Program, RippleHire and Gift XOXO for supporting us and making these events a success. So let’s find out more about these events and their success by taking a sneak peek into what happened at these events.

We had several activities to complement this grand event even the Sponsors joined in wherein the delegates enjoyed them. Some of these activities that we had at #TASCON15 were Tweeting, while we had #TASCON16 styles that were followed by individual & company group delegates.  In both, the events the common activities that were held were #SelfieContest and a Standee with the statement, “One thing you learned today!!!” where they had to write something about what they learned. This time we also conducted a survey to understand the challenges faced by Talent Acquisition based on which the Topics for #TASCON17 were selected. Similarly, we had activities conducted in the 2 sections i.e. Strategy Hub & Sourcing Lab.

Unlike #TASCON15 where we had the Sourcing Mega Contest with 12 participants this time we hosted 2 Sourcing Premier Leagues (SPL) with 6 winners from both SPL 1 & SPL 2 who gained entry to the Mega Sourcing Premier League competing with each other including 2 surprise Wild Card entries that brings the total to 8 participants for this League.  Similarly, we’re having a Pre-contest where 10 winners will be chosen to compete at #TicketToTASCON17.

To get a glimpse and a sense of what we’ve accomplished or achieved so far you’ll have to find out by joining us at Talent Acquisition and Sourcing Conclave (#TASCON17) now even grander with double the fun. You’ve got to experience it first – hand by catching all the action live and enjoy while you add to your knowledge and bloom into better Talent Acquisitionist’s then you were before.