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WhatsApp Group Chat – Should Recruiters show eagerness to Candidates till the Offer Release Period to negotiate the CTC?

There has been a lot of talk on the importance of engaging Candidates from the immediate point of contact to the on-boarding stage and the challenges that Talent Acquisitionist’s face. We’ve covered a range of topics that address various challenges similar to the one mentioned.

Having, said that we @SourcingAdda are constantly striving to resolve new challenges that Talent Acquisitionists face. We hold discussions every Wednesday which are quite popular and informative thanks to the initiative of our members. the discussion focused on, “Should Recruiters show eagerness towards Candidates after their selection up till the offer release period to negotiate the CTC harder?” upon the suggestion of our Mumbai Group Member Anshul. We’ll be disclosing the chat shortly but before that don’t forget to view the key take away pointers right after so here goes…

The very informative discussion ends here and we’re sure your eagerly waiting for the key take a ways to facilitate learning and retain what you’ve learnt.  Therefore let’s not keep you waiting so here goes…

Who should show Eagerness


In fact a Candidate should show their willingness to join the company

If eagerness is shown by the Recruiter a Candidate is likely to think that they are the only one eligible for the post thus they have a tendency to ask for the maximum hike.


After the selection a Recruiter shouldn’t show eagerness towards Candidates as it gives them leverage

A Recruiter can negotiate better by refraining from showing eagerness towards Candidates

Recruiters shouldn’t push Candidates too hard to join as this enables them to re-negotiate better on aspects like CTC where Candidates are more inclined to join the organisation.

Recruiters should showcase the opportunities that the Candidate gets at the Organisation by highlighting a good salary package and environment to work in.

Eagerness should be there on both sides however as a HR / Recruiter it shouldn’t be shown to the Candidate as that would put them in commanding position

When negotiating; Recruiters should clarify expectations in the beginning when the profile is shared and both parties should be frequently reminded about it.

Recruiters should be neutral when negotiating as it helps to understand the view of the Client or Candidate.

Keep Candidates engaged at every stage right from immediate contact via phone to the interview up to joining and even post joining.

A lot depends entirely on the kind of rapport a Recruiter develops with the Candidate

Its human nature to be eager however, a Recruiter can be sure about the Candidates decision provided the same eagerness is replicated from the Candidates reaction.

The Ans. to the question at hand is No, as it may result in you showing a Candidate that they are more inclined towards the CTC rather than the role offered.

It is essential that Recruiters allow them to set their own expectations and help them to realise that they’re asking for a budget i.e. more than what they deserve.

The negotiation stage is the crucial period because there are two types of negotiations that are held namely; poor and healthy negotiations.

A healthy negotiation should be done according to your company culture and role

A positive employer and employee are the result of a successful salary negotiation

It’s important that the Candidate feels confident that they are joining the right company

It is very important for a Recruiter to be in touch with their Candidates initially so that they can address any issues or challenges a Candidate is facing and help in resolving them which is an added benefit.

Possible Solutions

Follow ups with candidates have to be done without irritating prospective Candidates; too much follow up isn’t good either.

Engagement with the candidate should be done so as to avoid losing them to competitors

Giving extra info about the company, their role & responsibilities helps in establishing good rapport

Offering advice on their career path at this stage may also facilitate rapport building

Get them involved in project calls as this gives them a sense of belongingness

Even posing to ask them information about the subject of their expertise may help to maintain their interest which can result in them continuing to speak with the Recruiter which also builds a good rapport.

Send them Goodies prior to joining and once on-board you can give them goodies

Candidates will definitely be inclined to a Recruiter who they have a better connection with hence; relationship building is the key.

If nothing works; keep an active back up ready, always keep a pipeline of candidates ready, if someone is willing to come on contract to hire; take them, the battle is not over till they are on board.

Accept Certain Facts

Know that even after all you’re efforts; candidates still may not join

You need to know that you can’t trust them since there’s no mechanism that will give you a 100 percent surety that a Candidate will join.

Realise that the Candidates may already have an idea about the general and opportunity salary range

We’ve received an out pour of inputs where several perspectives and aspects were covered right from the obvious Recruiter perspective, a Candidates perspective to solutions that may work, facts that we most often forget or don’t realise. And if you’ve read this far you know what you’re missing out on. So why not join the group; become an active rather than a passive learner as you’ll get inputs covering topics like the Impact to the Naukri Monopoly due to Randstad buying Monster.

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5 Effective Social Media Metrics for Business Tracking
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The internet is the perfect source of information about any topic be it Social Media monitoring or simply tracking your business on social channels. The recent developments have caused companies and Talent Acquisition professionals to track any other activity related to a business’ presence on Social Media. For obvious reasons I need not mention.

With that being said most Talent Acquisition professionals especially company owners need to not only monitor but also track the Business activity on Social Media if it is to be a success thus we have 5 effective social media metrics for business tracking.Funnel_diagram


Under this section the aspect you need to watch out for is track you’re Audience Growth Rate. This is essential as it helps you to directly connect Social Media data with the business’ profits. This depicts the Social Media momentum, thus enabling you to get first – hand information about how you are progressing. The other metrics that are related to this is Audience Growth and Total followers.


You need to track the Average Engagement Rate as it helps you to check the results of your efforts and whether you need to make changes or are there any ways that you can improve your efforts to get you the desired results you’re looking for. Similar metrics to this are Reach, Audience Growth Rate and Overall engagement.


Here you need to track the Visitor Frequency Rate with this metric you get a clear idea about the number of return visitors you’re posts’ receive thus enabling you to identify which topics are of interest to the viewers. This knowledge in return gives you an idea of the kind of posts that interest them so you can get them to engage with. The other metrics to monitor are Click – Thru Rate and Impressions from Social Media. You can use tools like Google analytics to get the statistics of referral traffic from Social Media.


There are two kinds of Metrics to track here i.e. is Assisted Social Conversions and Direct Click Conversions. Although the Direct Click Conversions might not show the effect of your efforts but the Assisted Social Conversions very well can. In order to gather the information you’re seeking out you need to define specific conversion goals. You can use this information to compare last click (direct) conversions another Metrics to track.


The metrics that you need to track here is Customer Service Savings. This particular metrics will show you the impact on your business’ growth a result of the activity you receive. The formula to get this data is Avg. Time x Costs Per Hour x Customer Service Inquiries Completed = Savings. The other related metrics to track are Customer Service Costs and Social Media posts.

Well if you’ve taken care of all of this then you should get important date which you can compare to derive newer ways to attract audience to your site and products or services your company offers. So make sure you have all of these aspects covered when implementing them. If you have any views to share do tell.