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Some Interesting Insights into Campus Placements


Some Interesting Insights into Campus Placements

You’ve probably heard about and are aware of Campus Placements but how much do you really know about Campus Placements? Can you honestly say that you have a clear understanding of Campus Placements? Well if you’re looking for more information or are interested in improving your knowledge about the same, then you’ve come to the right place.

Keeping this in mind, here are Some Interesting Insights into Campus Placements. But before we go in to the nitty-gritty of things, it is important that we get a basic understanding of Campus Placements. So let’s begin by asking the basic question, What is meant by Campus Placements?

Meaning of Campus Placements

The term Campus Placements is also known as Campus Interviews. Hiring companies between the ranges of Small to large size usually hold such events, with an effort to meet their requirements and to provide job to fresh candidates who have completed their courses and might be on the lookout for obtaining employment. They select candidates that meet their requirements and that possess the skills, ability to work, capability, focus and aim. It is similar to a Career Fairs and is also known by another name i.e. Campus Recruitment. Campus Placements have various types.

Types of Campus Recruitment

There are various types of Campus placements namely, On – Campus, Off Campus, Online Campus, Pool Campus Recruitment, Project Placement and Student Internships.

On Campus

When we talk about On Campus placements we are referring to the general Campus Recruitment where we have companies making a presence at an Educational Institute.

Off Campus

This type of recruiting is done by applying directly to company job specs and visiting the company websites. A sub – type of this is Pool Campus Recruitment.

Pool Campus Recruitment

This form of recruitment is conducted within a group of colleges and is for students from different institutes. It is mainly conducted at a common institute or at a public place with several students attending that too form different institutes.

Online Campus

This basically refers to conducting interviews and interacting with potential candidates on a virtual platform, in layman’s language using the internet.

Project Placement

This is mainly done by companies with the objective of hiring students who need to conduct a project as part of their course structure in the interiors of the industrial environment.

Student Internships

As the name suggests, it is mainly done as an internship program where the selected students are recruited as interns rather than as an employee.

Objectives of Campus Placements

Based on all the information mentioned so far, you can probably guess what these might be like but even so I’ll mention a few.

  • Company Branding
  • Build a Good Reputation
  • Clarify doubts and rectify rumours spreading around about the company i.e. negative reviews
  • Check out the skills and the kind of candidates in the current market

These are however just a few of the various advantages that companies, employers and recruiters have for conducting such events. You can probably add a few more or check out our other related blogs to learn some more about the various reasons why such events are held. Well you can always mention your views in the comments section.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat a Reasons for Employee Transfers in Organisations
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Organisations constantly expand as is the process of growth and with that come certain challenges that one needs to tackle in the best way possible. They may have several reasons for conducting employee transfers but what are the many reasons for them to make these drastic changes and is there any substance to doing so? Are questions that keep cropping up to those of us who try to understand their standing on the same to better understand the industry we hold dear to us.

With that being said; we at Sourcing ADDA keep trying our level best to bring you relevant information about the latest happenings at the ground level in the recruitment fraternity. We do this to give you a more realistic picture of how the recruitment industry is progressing and evolving. The information thus shared keeps you updated so you are better prepared to deal with the changing trends. And thanks to one of our Mumbai Group members Rajaram’s participation we are able to share insights into topics that matter and one such discussion was conducted on, Reasons for Employee Transfers in an organisation so let’s take  look at the insights shared below for your perusal, we mean you the reader

Whats App Group Chat – Reasons for Employee Transfers in Organisations


Whats App Group Chat – Reasons for Employee Transfers in organisations

The discussion above highlighted many reasons why firms transfer employees to different departments. Some of the commonalities portrayed are to avoid monotony in the work of an employee. They do this by opting for training interventions rather than transferring the employee. Others focus on up-skilling the employee’s skill which boosts the morale. Also, a transfer is applicable when based on an organisation’s requirements which maybe niche. In cases where churning an internal resource poses a huge challenge and investment; organisation’s usually resort to an external resource as an acceptable alternative. Another reason is organisation restructuring and other factors that lead to a transfer depend on the organisation’s dynamics like expansion, processes, projects, services, ageing, new technology etc. All in all, it is safe to assume that so long as the above parameters have been met the option of transfer or job rotation is based on such requirements.

More importantly as a close knit community we also provide assistance to members in their talent sourcing task as we have a platform where talented folk with the skills companies find hard to place available on our exclusive job posting groups. Where you’ll definitely find the talent you are looking for while obtaining workable alternatives to common challenges faced. You will learn about other tools and techniques Talent Acquisition folks like yourselves use to meet their placement targets. Apart from the not so obvious benefits mentioned you will learn a lot by participating in our regular activities. Therefore be sure to follow us @Sourcingadda and get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. As several of our followers already know we look forward to your comments on the topic discussed so be sure to leave us yours. If you wish to become a part of our growing online community and remain tuned in to the latest happenings in the recruitment fraternity then register yourselves immediately today!

Recruiting ADDA
Difference between Headhunters, Recruiters and Sourcers
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Difference between Headhunters, Recruiters and Sourcers

Being in the recruiting industry you’ve heard these terms a thousand times but how often have you stopped to wonder whether there is a difference between them or are the same. And if they are same why do we have so many different terms for the same reason? Well I’m not sure about you but I for one would like to know if there is any, Difference between Headhunters, Recruiters and Sourcers. Therefore, I’ve taken the liberty to answer these similar questions that most of us are also wondering. So let’s take it step by step and begin with how they are defined.


If you wish to get a clear understanding of these terms it is important for you to understand the terms first.


These are individuals that are hired by a third party corporation or company in order to locate suitable candidates possessing certain skills sets that aren’t easy to come by. These skill sets are harder to find and requires a certain background.


On the other hand a recruiter is an individual that is hired by a corporation or company to fill positions that crop up on regular bases within the organisation. The recruiter may be either employed at the organisation and work solely for that company or a third party recruiting organisation. These individuals may work within their own business or are usually a part of a larger staffing organisation.


These are individuals that are tasked with finding candidate details such as a specific name, title and or contact information of that particular person.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the terms we’ll be able to understand what the tasks these individuals are involved in are and this too might help you get a clear understanding.

How do they work?



For Headhunters, as mentioned earlier, these individuals usually take a proactive and an aggressive role in finding candidates and reach out to the ones directly if they find them suitable for the post. Such candidates are reached out and searched by headhunters. Their task usually consists of actively sourcing candidates and is completed once they get the candidate but these individuals aren’t involved in the recruiting process apart from locating candidates.


Recruiters on the other hand are involved throughout the recruiting process beginning from advertising job specs, scouting the desired talent, recruiting the right talent and introducing the new recruit’s to the company staff. 


Sourcers have a relatively similar role to the ones mentioned earlier but they are tasked to only source candidate details that are forwarded to recruiters to take the recruiting process to the other level. These individuals are present for a brief period of time i.e. they need only source candidates with the requirements and then recruiters handle it from there.

Difference between Headhunters, Recruiters and Sourcers

In a nutshell, a Sourcers role ends after a candidate has been sourced and shows an interest in the job offerings. Similarly a Headhunters role comes to a halt after a particular prospect has been located. While a Recruiters role begins at the application stage and only ends after an offer has been extended and /or accepted.

Hope this information was as useful as it was for me. Well I think it’s safe to say that, the difference between headhunters, recruiters and sourcers is clear now. If you have any suggestions or pointers that you’d like to add, do let us know via the comments sections.

Recruiting ADDA
WhatsApp Group Chat Recruitment: Background Verification (BGV) Process
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WhatsApp Group Chat – Recruitment: Background Verification (BGV) Process

On boarding selected talent requires them to go through a variety of processes before they are officially welcomed in to the new job role and Background Verification (BGV) is one such process that is conducted post joining or pre-boarding as per each firm’s preference. With the era of Biometrics and unique identification number (UID), one might wonder how difficult can it be to establish the credentials of an individual, truth be told; a lot, actually. Verifying credentials is a time consuming and lengthy process requiring accountability that many firms find difficult to in still in its employees.

BGV is a very important process that may have been overlooked due to the volume of workload many recruitment professionals cater too. Nevertheless there are firms that provide such a service to rule out any candidates BGV if missed. There still remains the question that how can this process be effectively implemented and the precautions surrounding it that need to be taken so you on-board reliable Talent, Lucky for you we Sourcing ADDA took it in our stride to bring you the information that will certainly help you with the processes involved that surround a successful Background Verification Process. And one of our Mumbai Group members Rajaram suggested we discuss about, Recruitment: Background Verification (BGV) Processes. As we wanted to get a clearer picture into the inner workings of such a service and shared below is what we uncovered that will be useful to you…

WhatsApp Group Chat – Recruitment: Background Verification (BGV) Process

The insights shared are quite helpful to anyone interested in starting their own start-up firm or wishing to do a thorough background check on the new joinees. The views expressed give excellent guidelines on conducting such checks. It even highlights alternatives to consider if the company finds the task to be not feasible for them to do so and would rather outsource it altogether.

Furthermore it mentions which department the task falls under. It outlines what steps to take to go about achieving the desired results with the least amount of time taken to complete it or whom to approach to get it done at the earliest.

Additionally, while BGV is an essential part of the process of on-boarding you also need to consider other important aspects like Recruitment Metrics. Particularly the ones that matter to the investment department or even a simple matter of changing roles or job rotation impact the overall company growth and the workers development. These are some of the other aspects that new time wannabe start-up entrepreneurs would want to consider in their plans if any at all.

Also, a close knit community such as ours offers you some assistance in the key task of sourcing talented folk with the skills that companies find hard to place. Here you’ll definitely find the talent you are looking for and get workable solutions to common challenges faced or learn about tools or techniques other Talent Acquisition folk use to meet their placement targets. Apart from the benefits mentioned you will also get to learn a lot more by participating in our regular activities. Be sure to follow us @Sourcingadda to get real time updates to our upcoming activities and events. As several of our followers already know we are always looking forward to your comments on the topic discussed so make sure you leave us yours. To become a part of our growing online community and remain tuned in, to the latest happenings in the recruitment fraternity be proactive and register yourselves immediately today!

Recruiting ADDA
3 Things Interviewers and Candidates should think about before an Interview
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3 Things Interviewers and Candidates should think about before an Interview

Preparing for interviews can be nerve wrecking for candidates as well as interviewers alike if either one isn’t prepared. There are certain things that are common knowledge but whether it is the right way to do things is something that doesn’t click either one in question. We all agree that conducting interviews or seeking jobs isn’t something that we enjoy doing.

And research done on 200 candidates suggest that 80% agreed that if a recruiter arrives 10 minutes late it leaves a negative impression on potential candidates and the company the interviewer represents. Likewise interviewers don’t approve of the candidates communication ways. In addition to this 60% of fresh graduates don’t possess the communication skills to be successful. At such times what are the things the concerned individuals need to do well in advance before an interview. So here goes

For Candidates

There are a few things that can help candidates to prepare for a scheduled interview and assist them to get a better chance of being recruited.

Do your Research

This seems to be developing into a trend where candidates are concerned, as many of them generally don’t take time out to research about the company they wish to join or work for. If they take the effort to find out more about what the company is into and involved with this will set the candidate apart from the rest that have also applied for the post.

Prepare Questions 

This again is something that most candidates are afraid to do due to the misunderstanding that questions aren’t welcomed. The reality is that recruiters usually seek out individuals that ask questions because this helps them realise whether or not they have understood what the post calls for. This too helps them to determine the candidate’s problem solving ability.

Remember what your mother taught you

She may have been nagging and at times annoying, even irritating really but little did you know how important these same lessons would be in the near future. Remember her instructions, Sit up straight, Stand up straight, Look at me when I’m talking to you, Don’t interrupt me, when I’m talking to you do these sound familiar? Well you would do well to follow them as these are vital lessons that will definitely come in handy as these aspects are also observed at interviews.

For Interviewers

Well you too need to follow certain aspects and prepare yourself for the same as you are in fact representing the firm that you work for. So what are the aspects that you need to follow.

What kind of Questions to ask

Well you might want to stay away from questions that can lead to job discriminations. Hence questions about religion, marital status and children are a big No, No! You should probably refrain from such questions. These kinds of questions pose a threat to candidates looking for a work and family balance.

Know the Position Thoroughly

As a recruiter it is absolutely essential for you to have proper knowledge about the position you seek to fill.  If you’re not clear about the requirements of the post the candidate isn’t going to like it when they have questions about the post that you can’t answer. This will automatically affect the reputation of the company you work for.

Therefore it is essential that you as a candidate or recruiter to be well prepared for the interview and to pay close attention to the aspects that have been discussed so far. These aspects are important if one wishes to speed up the recruiting process and to get employed fast.